What causes new editions?


Why does a new edition for any game come out?

Is it because errata just won't cut it? Or there are better ways to do what is wanted with the system?

Is it because the companies' profits are dwindling, and they need a reboot to get more money?

Is it to generate buzz and get new people into the hobby?

I'm not picking on any company in particular. I mean recently we've had the WHFRPG announce a new release. We've still got Shadowrun 4e and D&D 4e out. Not to mention HERO is retooling their game.

So why does it happen? And when SHOULD it happen?

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There a two major reasons, IMHO - which one depends on the basic nature of the system.

A list-based system, like D&D, that expands by simply adding new mechanics for each new thing it wants to model eventually falls apart under the weight of it suplements. You need a new edition every 5 or 10 years (depending on your publishing schedule), because if you don't reboot it, it becomes crap and people start to realize that buying each new book makes the game /worse/.

An effects-based system, like Hero System, doesn't have that problem, it's core mechanics cover just about everything, and you can add setting and sourcebooks to it without hurting it. The downside is that nothing but the core rules really sells that well, since that's all you really need to play the game. So, you need a new ed now and then, just to stay in business.

Generating interest in the franchise or the hoby in general is also a fair motive. It really only works for established properties, like D&D. 'Innovative' new games, also tend to energize the hobby and bring in new people. But, an new ed of a minor game, however innovative, really won't make much of an impact that way.

I think from a companies standpoint it´s dwindling sales and shiny new toys.

When should it happen?

I for one can say that i applauded the annoncment of 3e, because DMing 2e was a shore with the necessary rules spread out over dozens of supplements. I know i was really giddy at the prospect of a new core with 3 books, with all relevant rules updated and streamlined in a cohesive whole.

That´s dovetail well with my current dislike of 4e: it´s apparently designed to bloat on it´s own books with it "everything is core" philosophy.

So, i think a new edition should come along when the old becomes to convoluted and unwieldy to play


I think going beyond more company decision type stuff. Another good reason for edition change is to help develop the fanbase and open it up. One edition may cater to a certain group, another edition caters to another group. So by bringing out new editions you can spread the core concept of that game to different crowds of gamers.

1) Economics

2) Really cool ideas in game design that may or may not fit within the boundaries of the current edition's design

3) Accretions of errata and revisions that virtually dictate the release of at least a cleaned up version of the rules.

4) Economics

5) Economics


I would have thought the answer was obvious to everybody.

This. Check out 3.x writer Monte Cook's review of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 for an insiders take on Wizards of the Coast. B-)

A few weeks ago, in an interview at gamingreport.com I said that 3.5 was motivated by financial need rather than by design need -- in short, to make money rather than because the game really needed an update. I said that I had this information from a reliable source.

That source was me. I was there.

See, I'm going to let you in on a little secret, which might make you mad: 3.5 was planned from the beginning.

1) Economics

2) Really cool ideas in game design that may or may not fit within the boundaries of the current edition's design

3) Accretions of errata and revisions that virtually dictate the release of at least a cleaned up version of the rules.

4) Economics

5) Economics

Completely agree

Well, I have to say I like 4E, but never before has the treadmill of supplements been so clear before. WOTC is gonna make them till the game explodes. The main question is when I get off the treadmill.

As for new editions, I think a lot of it is the new thing. #rd edition is better than 2nd and 11th is better than 10th. New editions generate discussion and interest, and that a desire to see what is done. From a human standpoint hte new is usually sen as better than the old, even if it is or is not.

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