Winged Elves - Where can I find one?


I was reading in the DMG II last night at the bookstore, and it talked about players that like to play the same character type over and over...

...and it showed a picture of a winged elf, and said that it was possibly one of these types...

...and I have fond memories of my very first 2nd Ed AD&D character that I'd like to replicate in 3.5, and yea, he was a winged elf!

So, I pose to you, fair reader, where can I find the stats for a winged elf, in what book? I saw the Raptorians in the Races of the Wild (?), which is the elf book, I think, but not the same--I require an Avariel, I think they were called: Elves with Wings!

Any ideas?


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First Post
Or slap the Winged template (Savage Species) onto a regular elf.

This also opens the door for that most despised aberration, the winged drow! :D

Cam Banks

Klaus said:
Or slap the Winged template (Savage Species) onto a regular elf.

This also opens the door for that most despised aberration, the winged drow! :D

Or the winged half-elf!

"My mommy was an elf with wings. My daddy was really into elves with wings."



Cam Banks said:
Or the winged half-elf!

"My mommy was an elf with wings. My daddy was really into elves with wings."

Why does images of a half-elf with only one wing or two small wings spring to mind?

Thanee said:
Races of Faerûn, p. 31.


And some FR supplement (Races of Faerun maybe?) has stats for playing these guys as PC's.

They are Avriel (sp). A winged race of Elves detailed sprodically through several FR D&D Supplements.

Evermeet: Isle of Elves had some info on them.

I think the Complete Book of Elves might of had them as well. (Both 2nd ed products).

You can also slap a half-demon/celestial/dragon template on it to get wings. (You might have to increase your size to insure wingedness).

Also, look into Illitid Grafts (Lords of Madness?). Just get you some used wings from some previously livin' critter.


If you want to play a winged race and don't really care if it's an elf, try the Raptorans from Races of the Wild. I've never played one but they look really cool. :)


First Post
In Dragon Magazine July 1981 issue # 51 Starting on page 18 is a great artical on the "Winged Folk" aka winged elves. You will probably need to get a copy of the Dragon Magazine Archive to read the artical unfortunatly as I do not think that this issue is readily avaiable for order.

Voidrunner's Codex

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