D&D 5E Working on a sword & sorcery influenced module for 5E! (The Chronicles of Aeres)


Wanted to start a thread for updates about the sword & sorcery expansion we're working on. If you don't know me, I published a huge high fantasy campaign setting called The Chronicles of Aeres. If you want a setting to dig through influenced by classic, nostalgic fantasy from Tolkien to Dragonlance to the Dark Crystal, check it out. We already had one expansion based on our ratfolk and their world, now we're tackling the next challenge: pulp fantasy/sword & sorcery! AMA about it if you want. The Chronicles of Aeres Setting Handbook - Dueling Dragon Adventures | DriveThruRPG.com

Here's the cover art:

And here's an example of our layout and some of the artwork. This is for our aarokocra replacement, the vicious and imperial Orinvir:

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I gotta hand it to you, Accaris. The art style you chose is so "30s Pulp" I could cry!

I also particularly love that you're using Subotai's line as the name of your birdfolk. The Four Winds, the Everlasting Sky! My heart swells to see this and I wish you all the fortune this world has to offer in your marketing.

I'm glad you picked up on that! It was intentional lol.

Each of these races complements one another with their abilities and personalities, and the adventures we're writing will do well to have 1 of each represented.

Looks neat. It definitely evokes the old pulp covers for Conan and John Carter of Mars.

I hope you don't mind me asking you a bit more about how Dark Crystal inspired the setting, but that inclusion amongst your list piqued my interest and the pulp influence seems to dominate the aesthetic. So how does Dark Crystal inspire your setting?

Looks neat. It definitely evokes the old pulp covers for Conan and John Carter of Mars.

I hope you don't mind me asking you a bit more about how Dark Crystal inspired the setting, but that inclusion amongst your list piqued my interest and the pulp influence seems to dominate the aesthetic. So how does Dark Crystal inspire your setting?

Ah, I was actually referring to our original setting book, the Chronicles of Aeres. This pulp fantasy book, the Doom that Came to Astreas, is an expansion module.

A large portion of modern history in Aeres was dominated by the invasion of a group of creatures called the Vulgraks. Everything about them and their story was heavily influenced by the Dark Crystal. You can see and learn more about them in this video I made:

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