These are my observations while reviewing 4E04 Banquet-ONS.pdf
On pages 63 and 65, the Veteran Ragesian Soldier has some attacks which may casue License problems: Tide of Iron, Thicket of Blades and Unbreakable.
On pages 69 and 77, the Steppengard Commander has Scatter Shout, which is a Minor Action, yet the text says that the allies can shift as an immediate interrupt. Which is kind of rare.
On pages 69, 79 and 92, the Steppengard Soldier's Hold the Line ability grants it's AC bonus to himself. This seems not intended since it means that he would have 2 more AC than a Soldier of it's level and it's not listed as a note to it's AC.
On page 72, Pixis's Swift Attack has a text that confuses me:
"This damage is always the same. Magical enhancements delivering extra damage do not affect this power"
On page 77, the Steppengard Infantry has an Acid Splash attack that says:
"Close Burst 2 in 6", it has the icon of a Ranged attack, so maybe it's a "Range Burst 2 in 6"
On pages 100, 104, 108 and 109, the Steppengard Knight has an odd attack:
Precision Flail, which has a very low damage (2d6), it has a +2 to the attack and is rechargable 5+.
It also has a "Shield Bash" attack, which may casue license problems because of it's name. It's listed as an Immediate Reaction, so the Knight won't be able to use ir on it's own turn.
On pages 101 and 104, the Steppengard Prelaet and Kelkin Thravanosts' Stand Firm ability is an Immediate Reaction. To make it work it should be an Immediate Interrupt, or just a no-action ability, as the dwarven racial power.
On pages 76, 77, 79 and 102, the Sphinx and Nashara's Pounce attack is listed as a basic attack, which seems unbalanced, since it involves movement (and Nahsara can make a basic attack as part of a Flyby Attack)
On page 103, Konigmarshall Malkan's Battle Cry ability is listed as a free action, which seems quite powerful for that ability. I don't know if that is intended or is a typo. He could activate it on a hit, for example, and cancel an attack.
Steppengard Infantry may have the same License problem as the Seppengard Knight with Covering Attack.
On page 110, Blade of the Kingsguard's Stand Still ability is not clear. It's an Immediate Interrupt, yet it replaces an Opportunity attack. Stand Still is activated even by an enemy that shifts, which I'm not sure if it's intended.
On page 112, Lord Dashgoban's Watchful Eye should be an Immediate Interrupt. Although he is not a combatant, so maybe it's not much of an issue. It's also quite powerful since an enemy that moves provoques not only an OA, but it also triggers Watchful Eye as well.
On pages 63 and 65, the Veteran Ragesian Soldier has some attacks which may casue License problems: Tide of Iron, Thicket of Blades and Unbreakable.
On pages 69 and 77, the Steppengard Commander has Scatter Shout, which is a Minor Action, yet the text says that the allies can shift as an immediate interrupt. Which is kind of rare.
On pages 69, 79 and 92, the Steppengard Soldier's Hold the Line ability grants it's AC bonus to himself. This seems not intended since it means that he would have 2 more AC than a Soldier of it's level and it's not listed as a note to it's AC.
On page 72, Pixis's Swift Attack has a text that confuses me:
"This damage is always the same. Magical enhancements delivering extra damage do not affect this power"
On page 77, the Steppengard Infantry has an Acid Splash attack that says:
"Close Burst 2 in 6", it has the icon of a Ranged attack, so maybe it's a "Range Burst 2 in 6"
On pages 100, 104, 108 and 109, the Steppengard Knight has an odd attack:
Precision Flail, which has a very low damage (2d6), it has a +2 to the attack and is rechargable 5+.
It also has a "Shield Bash" attack, which may casue license problems because of it's name. It's listed as an Immediate Reaction, so the Knight won't be able to use ir on it's own turn.
On pages 101 and 104, the Steppengard Prelaet and Kelkin Thravanosts' Stand Firm ability is an Immediate Reaction. To make it work it should be an Immediate Interrupt, or just a no-action ability, as the dwarven racial power.
On pages 76, 77, 79 and 102, the Sphinx and Nashara's Pounce attack is listed as a basic attack, which seems unbalanced, since it involves movement (and Nahsara can make a basic attack as part of a Flyby Attack)
On page 103, Konigmarshall Malkan's Battle Cry ability is listed as a free action, which seems quite powerful for that ability. I don't know if that is intended or is a typo. He could activate it on a hit, for example, and cancel an attack.
Steppengard Infantry may have the same License problem as the Seppengard Knight with Covering Attack.
On page 110, Blade of the Kingsguard's Stand Still ability is not clear. It's an Immediate Interrupt, yet it replaces an Opportunity attack. Stand Still is activated even by an enemy that shifts, which I'm not sure if it's intended.
On page 112, Lord Dashgoban's Watchful Eye should be an Immediate Interrupt. Although he is not a combatant, so maybe it's not much of an issue. It's also quite powerful since an enemy that moves provoques not only an OA, but it also triggers Watchful Eye as well.