WotC to Release 1st Edition Premium Core Rulebooks Reprints

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Maybe the 2nd Edition Player's Handbook and Monstrous Manual (especially the MM), but does anyone really think the 2nd Edition Dungeon Master's Guide is worthy of a reprint? It is by far the worst DMG of any edition!
I'd have another take on the 2E MM.
Remember the old notebooks, set it up so its a "Monster Manual of Editions".
Each entry has Edition Stat blocks for each of the editions throughout the years. Would appeal to every single edition lover.

Probably not since WotC says that the covers are revised and special.

A cool thing, WotC are hitting many of the right notes lately (very lately so to speak). I'm more excited about D&D Next, but this is a good and smart move.

Maybe some adventures collected in a slipcase as well? Tomb of Horrors, Village of Hommlet, Against the Giants, White Plume Mountain, stuff like that.


Yes they are hitting many of the right notes lately.

I wouldn't mind reprints of the old adventures either.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Maybe some adventures collected in a slipcase as well? Tomb of Horrors, Village of Hommlet, Against the Giants, White Plume Mountain, stuff like that.
I am very much expecting WotC to announce that previous edition products will again be available in electronic form some time in the not too distant future. They've been punting ebooks lately, and while there is a difference between releasing novels in that format vs. releasing graphics-heavy RPG products, it can only be a matter of time before we see RPG titles also becoming available in some sort of electronic format.


I was excited and then I noticed they weren't going to be available outside the hobby channel (fine) and not outside North America.

Reprinting the 1e books? Great move!
Supporting local gaming stores? Wonderful!
Helping the Gygax Memorial? Even better!
Denying gamers outside the US/Canada the chance to buy these things? Really, really irritating.


First Post
WHAT? Thi... This makes no sense. None. How can the same company responsible for all the idiocy of the last few years (not necessarily calling 4e idiotic, just their management of it as such) do something this... awesome. You know, un-corporate. Thinking like human beings and as fans of the game, not just about what the lawyers and accountants say will be the best thing for the bottom line. Is there someone in charge who finally gets it again?

Or did they just let Monte and/or Mike make a move for the sake of keeping him/them and the community happy, and we'll never see anything like this from the company for another three decades? I actually for once hope my cynical doubt regarding WotC decisions and plans is misplaced, I really and truly do.

This is what they should be doing, finally.

Voidrunner's Codex

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