D&D 5E Tales From The Awning Pothole


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It was a time for desperate measures. ClaW communicated a plan telepathically to Mike. I hope this works was the thought-reply.

Mike dropped his knobbly staff and grabbed Emerald by the ankle by wrapping his arms around it, locking his hands together and hanging on for dear life as she stomped about in a rage. "This is my staff. This is my staff" he repeated to himself over and over again until he started to believe it. Then, on cue, ClaW temporarily dismissed Mike who returned to his own pocket dimension taking his giant staff with him. A few seconds later, after giving Mike time to let go, ClaW summoned him again. A battered Mike, missing his hat and looking considerably knocked about, reappeared, and this is the important thing, without Emerald. He picked up his knobbly staff again, sat down heavily on a piece of stone and gratefully took a drink of lemon juice in a freshly-conjured goblet. "That was close," he wheezed.

Somewhere in a remote land, a shaman performing tribal rites in the ancestral stone circle summoned forth his sacred toad that was named Bartholomew Diaz after an explorer who had magically appeared there some centuries earlier on a boat with great white wings and offered six iron nails worth a king's ransom in exchange for a pound of worthless gold. The shaman was taken aback when, instead of his familiar toad, an eighteen-foot tall she-demon appeared and started tearing up the ancestral stones before snatching up the vat of coffee that was intended for embalming the sacrificial sheep, and drinking it noisily in three gulps. "I'm your replacement familiar," announced Emerald, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Would you like me to make you a nice new stone temple?" she offered. "Stepped pyramids in very in this season."

This left ClaW, Mike and Iggy with just one problem - how to get back up the chute. In her ravings, Emerald had smashed the mechanism of the hoist. Should they try to climb up what was left of the rope? Or should they look for another way out of the cavern? Should they search the cavern for loot? Do stone giants have treasure anyway? And if they found treasure, would they be able to carry it?

Well, to cut a long story short, they did find some treasure but it was in the form of six giant tapestries worth 1000gp each. Sadly, each of them weighed over a ton so there was no way they could take them away. They noticed some ventilation shafts going upwards from the roof, which they couldn't reach, and a drain in the floor, which they could. That seemed to be their best option. ClaW went down first, on the basis that if it was flooded down below he could at least swim and breath underwater, but with Mike and Iggy following close behind.

The drainpipe seemed to go diagonally down and sideways for a long way. Eventually ...

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The drainpipe seemed to go diagonally down and sideways for a long way. Eventually ...

Eventually.....Emmy settled down. She had travelled to many different and interesting places before. When she started to build some stone temples for these new folk in exchange for 12 daily buckets of Latte, they were all in prayer to a god in human form. She took more interest in their god.

The first temple was a small affair. More of an offering room really. In her design plans, Emmy was told to provide a small hole behind the alter. Odd.

The second temple was more of a shrine really and behind this altar were a set of large double doors to nowhere. Odder.

The third and last temple was a gigantic building of leviathan proportions and behind this altar the building was completely open at the back. Oddest still.

Emmy went back to the first temple. She had learned to read common and looked back through the log and the different offerings.

0000000000001: b107H requisition for arctic white snow uniforms

0000000000002: bunk beds and blankets

0000000000003: V22 Superslider Skis (Definitely not the BStaar-Plus skis)

She looked at the depiction of this god: A Human man in military uniform with three stripes down his arms. Curios. Emmy looked at the next offering.

0000000000004: 4 gigantic baskets full of.....................................


Ps Hopeful request.

To all those reading this. We would love some new input, even if it is only one post just to send us in a different direction every now and again. As wacky or continuous as you like. Please feel free. Newbies get stuck in! Oldies c'mon.....what's the worst that could happen....


First Post
Going by the views/posts ratio for this thread, we have around 30 silent readers who are secretly enjoying it. Hey, guys, your turn: what you think is/was/should be/will-be-about-to-have-been, in the four gigantic baskets that Sergeant Jones is about to requisition?

  1. Gold Pieces
  2. Copper Pieces
  3. Potatoes
  4. Rot Grubs
  5. Fireworks
  6. Gigantic Socks
  7. Sausages (for Iggy's breakfast)
  8. Watermelons
  9. Chocolate Dragon Snacks
  10. More baskets, Russian-doll style
  11. None of the above (please specify)
All answers will be rewarded with XP/Laughs as appropriate (we have an unlimited supply)
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First Post
Inannyunot had been triangulating on ClaW's boomerang, using Locate Object spells. "I think they're up there," he finally announced, pointing to the top of a frozen waterfall at the head of a ravine below the fort. "Next to that drainpipe."

"Any way we can signal them, to tell them we are here?" wondered Tippy.

Inannyunot conjured a large brass horn into existence and blew it, not very expertly let it be said, but loud enough for the sound to carry well up into the ravine. A few moments later, ClaW's boomerang came winging towards them and Albert caught it neatly with one hand. It had a message written on it in lemon juice. "Help!" it said, "We're up here ↑↑↑".

"Shall I Fly up and get them?" offered Inannyunot. "I can probably carry all three, otherwise I can do a few Feather Falls."

"Good man," said Tippy."I'll do a Sending* to tell ClaW what to expect."

A few hours later, the re-united party arrived down in the town to talk to Abbey when they chanced to meet Corporal Glint, the town guard. "Oh, it's you lot," he said in a not very friendly way. "I thought we'd got rid of you. We don't like dragons around here."

Sergeant Jones called him to attention. "Do I need to put you on report, corporal?" he asked sternly. "And what's that you are carrying? Explain your actions!"

Corporal Glint was carrying ...

* The Thirty Silent Watchers looked down and asked themselves why Tippy didn't use a Sending in the first place, instead of all that business with the horn, the boomerang and the lemon juice. But they didn't ask aloud, so they never found out.


Corporal Glint was carrying ...

..... a perfectly mundane looking non-magical ring and a perfectly mundane looking non-magical toasting fork. Indeed the cluster of folks behind Corporal Glint looked like a perfectly mundane group of average townsfolk just trying to make a living. Unfortunately, the living turned out to be just the opposite. They were dead, or rather (just for cliche clarification) the undead.

Tippy made an extraordinarily high Religion check (31). These were not only undead, Oh No! They were worse. Much worse. They were Under-dead.

Tippy called for a huddle....... Everyone huddled. "OK folks what do we know about under-dead?"

Sergeant Jones piped up. "Well according to requisitions report h778j It is poosible they may be suseptable to one of eleven things.....

  1. Gold Pieces
  2. Copper Pieces
  3. Potatoes
  4. Rot Grubs
  5. Fireworks
  6. Gigantic Socks
  7. Sausages (for Iggy's breakfast)
  8. Watermelons
  9. Chocolate Dragon Snacks
  10. More baskets, Russian-doll style
  11. None of the above (please specify)

......I suggest number....................


First Post
......I suggest number...........

......... eleven, None of the above.

Tippy communed with Isis briefly and, on her advice, cast a unique spell, never-before-nor-since-seen-in-print: Summon None. Except there was a small amount of aural confusion between them and what he actually cast was slightly different, although it had sounded right as he said it.

A woman appeared, wearing a black and white habit and a black and white whimple. "I am the Nun of the Above," she declared. "Why have you summoned me, you naughty boy?"

Tippy recognised an aura of holiness and had an uncomfortable flashback to when he was about six years old and had been terrified of a nun called Sister Hannibal, who was a Lector at his school. She had taught him to read and he hadn't enjoyed it. He had an awful feeling that this was the same nun.

He told her about the under-dead towns-people. "We call them The Thirty Silent Watchers," he explained. "They just read and don't say anything. It's a bit creepy. We've tried communicating with them, but they don't answer. I've tried turning them but they just keep straight on."

"And what is wrong with silent reading, boy?" responded the nun acerbically. It was the same nun. "Reading is the way of salvation. You must give them holy texts to read, to dispel the under-death that has gripped their souls."

Tippy felt abashed as non-specific guilt washed over him. He had some religious tracts that he could hand out but not nearly enough. "Sergeant," he called, "Can you requisition, say, four gigantic baskets of holy books, that we can hand out to these townsfolk?"

"Sign here."

And Tippy did.

When Emmy had finished dumping the baskets of books into the hole behind the stone altar, she wondered what to do after the next coffee break. Then she had an idea ...
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Then she had an idea ...

Sergeant Jones froze. His face turned red and his eyes bulged out. He could hear the blood rushing in his ear, He could feel the sweat carving a canyon between his shoulder blades and down his back. He could feel a lot of things but could do nothing about them.

Something was happening. Something was coming. It was imminent. It was wrong. It was frightening. It was obscene.

A Foreign Unauthorised Incoming Transient Stores Delivery Event was about to happen. This can't happen thought Jones. But it was happening. He sensed it from far away. If he could just get a proper feel of it, maybe he could stop it. Force it back. Jones focussed away. Yes. There it was. Now just to get it......AHGH! It was gone.

"Are you all right Sergeant?" Asked Tippy. "I cast Calm Emotions on you as you looked quite disturbed."

He'd lost the thread of control. The spell had broken him out of it. Whatever was coming, well it was coming now. "Stand to! Stand to! Prepare for attack." He shouted.

Everyone was on edge......................Until...............A piece of coffee-stained parchment gently flapped and floated down from a portal above Albert. He deftly skewered it out of the air with his knife. There was writing on the piece of paper. It said................


First Post
There was writing on the piece of paper. It said................

Dear God Of The Three Stripes,

Please could you do a miracle and make the big double doors in the shrine I've made for you go somewhere nice?

Love Emmy

p.s. Hope you liked the books. The people who live here really adore you.

"What's all that about?" wondered Tippy.

"The stone giant we found under the castle cellars called herself Emmy," suggested ClaW, "and she was obsessed with coffee. That would account for the stains."

"Didn't you trap her inside Mike's pocket dimension?"

"She must have got out somehow. Maybe another wizard finded her."

"So who is this striped god she is writing to?"

"Means nothing to me."

Inannyunot produced his AD&D Deities and Demigods manual (he had the rare first printing, before the Lovecraft chapter was taken out) and consulted it. "Here we are," he said after a while, "There's a demigod who usually appears in human form in a military uniform with three chevrons on one arm. His true name is J*N*S, but he is generally spoken of in hushed tones as "The Celestial Quartermaster". He is the chief deity of a cargo cult practiced by certain tribes in the jungles of Chult. His followers believe that he will one day appear to them and distribute material possessions beyond their wildest dreams that will allow them to achieve immortality or, failing that, at least immorality."

Everyone looked at Jones. "Have you ever been to Chult?" asked Tippy.

"Er .. yes, actually," confessed Jones, "We all had to go on a jungle survival course."

"And did you happen to meet any of the local tribes?"

"Well, yes, a bit. Just a few of them. Once or twice. They had this recipe for roast dinosaur ..."

"I get the picture."

Tasha had been putting two and two together. "We have a stone giant in Chult who has built a shrine to Sergeant Jones and there is a doorway that doesn't go anywhere yet but she would like it to. Does that about sum it up?"

"Sounds about right. Question is, what are we going to do about it?"

"I'm supposed to be escorting you back to Southborough," objected Jones, "I can't just go AWOL."

"Good point. But if we decide to go swanning off to Chult, say, would your duty oblige you to escort us from there?"

Jones considered this, and reluctantly agreed that it would. "You'll have to explain it to the Duke, though."

"Of course. Goes without saying."

At this point, Ha!, who hadn't said much lately, surprised everyone by shyly asking Jones if she could be his acolyte. "I've always wanted to have a background," she said. "I'll be no trouble, really." Jones took this in his stride and graciously agreed; he gave her one of his regimental buttons as a holy symbol and she promised to treasure it always.

"So, is it off to Chult, then?"

"If we are going to meet dinosaurs, I vote we level up first,"

"Good thinking. Let's do that."

  • Tippy (Cleric-7; 59hp; Hammer, Oyster Shell, The Fortin of Athax {+2 Mace of Rulership}, 17 g.p.) Inspiring Leader.
  • Inannyunot (true name ₼₼₼₼₼₼₼₼, aka Goat) (Wizard-7 Conjurer; 37hp; 3x/day headbutt attack; books, clay tablet, Oyster Shell)
  • Albert (Sinister Thief-7; 45hp; 3 daggers, +2 Club of Bluntness, 26 g.p., TotM pole, funny bone) Dungeon Delver
  • Tasha (Half-Orc/Half-Orc Fighter-6 Battlemaster; 70hp; Versatile Double Halberd +1 of Dragon Summoning, Sling, 17 g.p.) Alert, Heavy Armor Master
  • ClaW (Lobster; Tippy's ex-familiar; Boomerang) Magic Initiate
  • Micromanage (aka Mike; ClaW's familiar; Miniature Human Wizard-½; Knobbly Staff)
  • Igitur (aka Iggy; Baby Beholder)
  • Jones (The Celestial Quartermaster; Quartermaster Sergeant; Demigod) Stores and Requisitions
  • Ha! Fling! (Hobbit of The Planes; Acolyte of Jones; three stones, griffon feather hat, holy symbol, 17 g.p.)
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"Really?!?" Replied the DM, just starting to loosen up into their long rant.

"First. Not only are you are now a party size of nine. NINE!
Second. But now one of you is now a Demi-God?
Third. You hit me with an intimidating AD&D Deities and Demigods manual when you know I only have the Legends and Lore manual. You know, the one with Odin on the cover.
Fourth. You also know I haven't got my Tomb of Annihilation book yet, yet you still want to go to Chult. Oh yes.

Well you've done it now haven't you? You've had your chance. You've had your fun and your freedom. SANDBOX IS OVER folks. Do you know why? Because one of you is now going to DM for the foreseeable future. I'm going to play. I've done my bit, but it's your turn. I'm fed up with having to do the work and all I get in reply is whinging and whining. Petty complaints, and ridiculous rule-skirting:

I parkour up the wall using acrobatics - Nope. Athletics
I run up the beast's back and hang on while stabbing it in the eye repeatedly with my dagger - Action, action, action, action.
I cast hold person and then cutting words their save..........Nope
I cast fireball and crit - ...........Dear lord!

Next week I'm coming back as a player. Which one of you is going to DM.............See?...........Not so eager now are you all?"

The next week
Not surprisingly, only five players turn up and one of them is the DM with their new PC

1 Ex-DM reviving and playing their favourite NPC: Footnote (Bard-College of sonic feet-Level 7)

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