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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 4 - 5 (thread 3)

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William Ronald


My red go rating is 0. I gave any blood metal that I collected from blasting pools of goo to Alzem for safe keeping.

OOC: Everyone wanted to give bonedagger a chance with Vecna in Turns 1 and 2. Also, I believe he was in a dimensional pocket created by 10th level magic.

Hazen appears with the people who were at the grove. Ambassador Gwilym Raonul, Fand Dyvyr, druidess of Beory, Lord William Ronald, Guillaum Dolanor, gnome ambassador in service to the Kevellond League, Imhotep Chou of Suhfang, sage of medical knowledge and botany, and an ancient gold dragon.

"Wanderer, I greet you in respect. I would like the innocents of this world to journey to Hope Island. Oerth is in peril."

"As for Vecna, he was in a pocket dimension created by 10th level magic for most of his stay. At the same time, I believed that all of the Underdark Alliance was going to move against the Kevellond League. Perhaps I should have spoke with them, as some of my evidence was wrong. In light of the situation, I could not fight Vecna at the same time. Also, he had arranged a truce with the Baklunish which bought them time. If I could not have moved my armies to fight Vecna, then if the Baklunish struck, they would have died."

"In the end, the Kevellond League and its allies led the fight against both Vecna and the Shade. We paid a high price. However, if we had not aided the United Commonwealth of Toril even more people would have died."

"People have a right to shape their destiny. I like the seasons and rhythms of nature. But now nature is imperiled."

"I will mourn the death of your people from the barrage of the City of the Gods. As a friend from a devastated world has said, it was not the tools that were foolish and evil, but the hearts of his world's people."

"I was willing to send my people and the animals in my lands to Hope Island. However, many others would not. Perhaps the Angels can only help us if we are willing. I have asked you to join my embassy to Hope Isle."

"Many people have told me they are willing to fight for Oerth. However, the danger is great. There are those who believe the death of Oerth is a great good. There are those who believe that releasing the Elder Ones would be a great good. They are wrong."

"The Black Brotherhood seems to deny others the right that they claim for themselves: the right to shape one's own destiny. I would suggest that since they believe the world is evil, they leave it. Of course, they are arrogant enough to believe they are right and anyone who disagrees must die."

"Indeed, it is perhaps appropriate that they have allied with Acerak. Both believe the world is evil, and that the destruction of bodies and souls is a public service."

"I am willing to talk to people whom I may disagree with. I ask if you will go to Hope Island. Maybe you can convince the Angels to let the people of Oerth to go there. However, many leaders view their people as property who must stay where they are told."

"I will respect the decision of any who seek to go to Hope Island. I will also respect the decision of those who chose to stay to fight for Oerth. In such an hour as this, both decisions are courageous and filled with some wisdom. For there are those who may not find peace in another world."

"Is not life also about change and growth? I have sought to preserve the beauty of the Kevellond League while bringing the benefits of technology to its people. It is not technology that is a peril, it is ourselves and how we chose to use it. I fear there are those who will use technology as foolishly as those who started the Twin Cataclysms."

"The Oerth Alliance has sworn to find a way to cure the Blood Wastes. I have listened to the planet and heard it scream in agony. However, I fear many others will not act. Still others," Hazen says while glaring at the Black Brotherhood representative. "believe we should all die. I have heard this philosophy before and have not found that it has yielded any practical good for the world. Of course, some define good differently than I do."

"Wanderer, some may see you as an enemy. However, I do not. Will you accompany my embassy to Hope Island?"

"I will likely make an enemy of the Union of Oerth by asking the Angels to help the people of this world. If I do, then I am willing to accept the consequences."

"Also, what do you say of the message of my friend Arthur MacKeppoch of the Guardians of Earth?"

"Wanderer, how may I help your people in this hour of need? Do they need food, healing, or anything else? I offer my aid to them."

(OOC: I would like some reaction to the Gamma World Sending.)

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William Ronald

"Lord Kalanyr, greetings. May my civilians journey with you to this pocket dimension?"

"We will work with you on finding a way to heal Oerth of the Blood Wastes. My armies must stand ready for the threats that are to come. For the Church of Shade is regrouping. I will oppose them to my last breath."

Mr. Draco

First Post
Kas appears at the scene with the wanderer.

"Alas, you have returned wanderer. I have heard all you have said through my magical scrying. Now hear the verdict of the Union of Oerth. And indeed it is the Union of Oerth. We cast off the shell of darkness quite some time ago, and have, since then made as many efforts, indeed if not more, than any other nation on Oerth. Know this wanderer, as yet another effort towards peace, the Union of Oerth will allow, and even facilitate the evacuation of your people, up to a number no greater than (insert Oerth equivalent of 3PL). We, despite what you and many others think, really are working for peace and a better world. Whether you believe us or not, we will continue trying to achieve peace. We will also acknowledge the privacy of the other nations. They can rule as they wish, and unless they commit grevious crimes against their civilians, they can continue ruling as they wish. Those that commit crimes must indeed be punished. Those that have not should be allowed their peace. So wanderer, your people may go, up to the number i specified. The rest will be required to stay and continue their lives in the Union of Oerth. After all, how can we achieve the peace and high standard of living we wish for our people, if they are allowed to leave now because of mistakes we've made in the past, and are now so desperately trying to make up for?"


"Hazen, If your people wish it and can fit with in your civilians are welcome. I will not allow the innocent to suffer more than is necessary"


"Hail Kas, Mighty Swordsman and Ally in Tharzidun's Death."

To the Black Brotherhood representative
"Since neither you nor your brotherhood nor your dead god has any use for your life..." (Alytres uses 10th level magic to capture the representative in a stasis field) "..We will put your knowledge to use saving those you would damn."


First Post
"Ahh," mutters the woman. "Treachery to an emissary! Such good behavior. But then again, as long as it serves you, it's justified."

She smiles.

"I am not of the Black Brotherhood. My group is affiliated with that great august (now defunct, alas) order, but only lightly. I know nothing of their plans. Nor will I tell you anything. Release me, false messanger. There is a price for treachery to a neutral party--a price even those with great magic must pay..."


Alytres scans the woman;s mind if she tells the truth she is released.

"I care not one whit for codes of conduct and chivalry as long as the greater good is served. I was of the Darkness and I know how it would take advantage of such weakness, do not think you can fool me with clever lies and codes. I serve the Good and it requires sacrifice it will be made it is a mere fraction of the price we paid in Darkness. If you tell the truth then you will go free I will still not pointless hold an innocent as uninnocent as you are. I am not a messenger to you nor are you an emissary to me so that also bothers me little. I can play word games too."


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The woman laughs.

"Well, that's a conveniant place to stand..."

She sighs.

"And they wonder why we say corruption is omnipresant...?"


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Iuz is amused

Iuz watches from his throne room.. thoroughly amused by the antics of the Watcher and those present... wondering just how sincere those present claim to be... and just how many calamities will befall this world... for no good can come of this...

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