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A Clash of Earth and Sea, Part II (El Jefe Judging) [Concluded]


Seeing the ogre mage burned down, Zack goes to recover the club that missed. He glares at the weapon for a moment before returning it to its place.
The warrior then waits to see what will happen to the gem.

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Opale put back her crossbow in her back, now that it is useless and she grab her dagger, just in case and wait where she is. With the Ogre Mage dead, she finally breath and hardly feels her finger who had been frosted by that spell. She makes a mental note to never follow again Planus vision, they are true but too dangerous for her.

Steve Jung

Charlarn of Phyrah: male human cleric 4/ranger 2

Patlin said:
Goruksblain speaks up.

"Let us destroy that magical abomination, and put an end to the Lich's magic."
"Aye. I'm ready. Let's do it."
Patlin said:
The hammer continues to heal its wielder, using the remainder of its 3 cure moderate wounds per day.
The cleric feels the rush of the hammer's healing energy--Goruskblain healing (2d8+10=17). He rushes forward, weapon held high. Once Charlarn reaches the opal, he brings Goruskblain down with all his might. He says, "Lady Phyrah, guide my hand."

AC: 19
HP: 30/38


Charlarn lifts the hammer high overhead, bringing it down on the large, dark gemstone with a thundering roar. Goruksblain's cold iron hammerhead easilly pushes aside the energies warding the stone as Charlarn yells out for guidance from his god, and the impact is massive. Time seems to slow as the gem shatters, and then suddenly you are all once more bathed in a milky white light.

Once more, you see the vision of the sharks leaving the lake and walking across the land, but now you can see more clearly the effect of the shattering gemstone. The sharks still in the lake begin to shrink and the corruption leaves them, they become nothing more than normal lake trout. No further sharks leave the lake to walk on land. Those that have made their way free of the lake, however, remain in their fearsome shape and continue their rampage, spreading chaos.

The Ogre Mage appears in your vision. You see him fall against you in battle, and as he dies you see the metaphorical webbing connecting him to the skeletal hand snap. The stray piece of webbing returns to the Lich's web, but if the web is weaker from this strand's snapping it's not enough to notice.


A flash of images, possible futures, storm through your mind. Dragons burning villages, undead armies on the march, massive enchantments sowing chaos in the cities, strange orbs with many eyes reaking havoc as they throw energies in all direction. An elf lord in some distant prison throws massive forces against the walls that entrap him, and they buckle but do not yet break. Your consciousness receeds until you see all the known lands as if from a great distance, and shadows threaten to swallow the world.


Lights flicker amidst the darkness, and in some few places the shadows do not take hold. Light rises, and pushes back against the darkness. The outcome is very much in doubt.


You see the vision of a garden shrowded in silver mist. In the center of the garden is an apple tree. You see a hand reach out (your hand?) and pluck the apple from the tree, and you sense it contains great power, and that you are invited to eat it. You sense the tree is far away on a strange road, and that whether you walk that road is entirely up to you. There are many ways to fight the darkness, but with the apple you can be a stronger force for the light...

The milky white light draws away from you, forming up into an oval gateway on the north side of the room, and everywhere else your perceptions return to normal.


Previous XP Award

Time XP
1/30/07 to 2/18/07 = 1/2 Month
6th Level: 150 xp
5th Level: 125 xp
4th Level: 100 xp

Ogre Mage Combat XP
6th: 514 * 1.25 difficulty = 643
5th: 643 * 1.25 difficulty = 804
4th: 686 * 1.25 difficulty = 858

Bonus XP: Destroying the Gem, Thwarting the Evil Plot, and Completing the Adventure
750 xp Per Character

Total XP Award
6th: 1543 xp
5th: 1679 xp
4th: 1708 xp


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OOC: Bravo, Patlin! I love a good long-term story arc!

IC: Iggy quickly absorbs and categorizes the vision. Seeing the gateway, he is instantly drawn to it.

"I trust this force. Let's go through that gate."


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC] 46 XP for next level... I think it will be a good time to spend some Xp on magical item creation[/SBLOCK]

As the vision dissapear, Opale is sitting next to the corridor. She is fixing the darkness of the room. Around her neck, Naga seems to try to catch as much heat from her mistress as it can.

After a moment, she see Jack who is standing near her. She smiles at him. "I think Planus have taken us in no easy quest. Eskaron is a kid compare to what await us in the futur... or should I say, Charlarn. He is teh one who has taken Goruksblain. Now teh question which is in fromt of me, it is, what I do?"

She felt silent for a moment. "When Rinaldo, the cousin of my husband, told me that he was contnuing his adventuring because of his kids, I had problem to understand. How staying away from his kids would help them... now I understand. I don't know what that lich is plotting, but it must be stopped..."

She stands up. She feels numbs in her hands and feet, still affected by the blast of cold that almost killed her. She walks up to Charlan. "Rinaldo have spoken to me about you. He has great respect for you. After what happen these last days, I understand why. Your quest, as the bearer of Goruksblain, seems to start only. This world is not perfect, and will never be. I must tell I even like it that, there will always be outlaws, thieves, corruption. It is the very nature of intelligent creatures, but there is some limit that should not be cross. That lich is one example of things that is too much. I would like to help you, but I have doubt how I would be more than a burden. Such fight doesn't seem to suit me much. I think it wouldn't be wise to come with you."


ooc: Just to be clear, anyone stepping through the gate is signing up for a sequel. Other options include heading back to the RDI or hunting for Bullettes... which would cause me to write you in to "Looking For Trouble" which is allready in progress. I'm going to make the long term plotline public after the other judges have a chance to give input, so if you want to take the information back to the RDI to involve more heroes, please do so!


First Post
"Woh! I th-thought visions like that only happ-ppened when you were asleep," Planus says through now chattering teeth. The adrenaline of the fight has receeded and he feels frozen to the bone.

Looking to Jack and Opale, "Sorry to get you into so much trouble guys, but imagine if we hadn't come! This plot would have surely moved forward and we would have missed out on all the excitement!" As he moves a bit, he face spasms from the ache in his limbs, "Ok, granted I would have been happy to have missed out on the freezing to death part and I'm sure the fireballed to death or exploded and burned with acid to death was pretty bad, but at least those merfolk were able to help."

Planus heals himself (1d8+5=10) and heals Opale (1d8+5=8) once more before moving over to examine the gate.
HP: 16/32
Drop Divine Favor and Protection from Evil.
0 (DC 13) 5/day: Detect Magic(x2), Light(x2), Guidance
1 (DC 14) 4/day: Bless, Divine Favor, Protection from Evil (x2)
2 (DC 15) 3/day: Resist Energy, Silence, Spiritual Weapon
3 (DC 16) 2/day: Blindness, Prayer
1 (DC 14): Longstrider
2 (DC 15): Invisibility
3 (DC 16): Fly
Arrows remaining: 20
On an interesting note, Planus is my least favorite of my three enworld characters, which actually makes him ideal for a Good cleric. During the battle, I (the player) was genuinely more concerned about keeping the other PC's alive than Planus so he was able to behave fairly selflessly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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