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The Second K'ril Incursion (SW Saga, KotOR era) [IC]

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Douane said:
Sianni flashes Devan Ijatsi a heart-melting smile while casually settling a lek-tip on his shoulder.

He steps out of the way when she tries, then flips out a comlink and speaks into it.

"Martina? I think it's safe enough to leave the shuttle docked now that the Republic's team is here." He says.

A woman's voice responds. "I wasn't too happy about you charging in there yourself. Who knows what those raiders left? I'll be there in a second."

And so before you had enter the station proper yet another person joined you. This one almost as heavily armored as Theta, though she flipped up her helmet to show red hair interspersed with white, and a face you'd peg as slightly younger than Ijatsi's.

"This is Martina Antilles Ijatsi. She retired from Republic special forces a few years back." That she was his wife hardly needed to be said.


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[sblock=OOC]Has Hawke ever heard of Martina Antilles? I doubt it, but thought I'd ask.[/sblock]"I'm Hawke Reyals, pilot and scout. Pleased to meet you, Devan, Martina." He smiles at both and shakes hands if they will. "Though, circumstances like this aren't the most pleasant to be meeting in.

"I apologize ahead of time for jumping right to business like this, but we are standing on a recently-raided research station about to make an investigation. I assume you're here for reasons similar to our own. I'm not the leader of this little band of misfits,"
he says as he shoots Sianni a wry glance, "but I'd think it might be best for you to wait just a little longer and let us check the place out first. There's probably nothing dangerous, but you never know when raiders might leave nasty little surprises for the survivors to find."


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drothgery said:
"This is Martina Antilles Ijatsi. She retired from Republic special forces a few years back." That she was his wife hardly needed to be said.

"After long and distinguished service, no doubt."
Sianni mutters under her breath as her smile wavers only minimally.

When Martina lifts the lek from her husband's shoulder with two fingers and a look of distaste on her face, Sianni's mood quickly shifts, though, and she hisses "Careful with those fingers, sister. You sure ain't my type."

Hawke's words make her cringe inwardly and she can't help rolling her eyes. Oh, come on, pilot-boy. Grow a spine already!

"Fine, fine, then. I wanted to spare you the embarrassment, handsome, but looks like that went straight out of the airlock. So why don't you come clean about your being here then? We've already heard the "identifying bodies and checking damage" bit, so no need to repeat that. Don't even start with "I'm doing it for the orphans." - I've heard that one just about one million times too often already. A snazzy new story would be really nice, but, hey, I wouldn't say anything against the truth, either."

Almost as an afterthought, she adds with a husky voice (and while looking straight at his wife): "And don't worry - If it's a business secret, you can always tell me in private."
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Zurai said:
[sblock=OOC]Has Hawke ever heard of Martina Antilles? I doubt it, but thought I'd ask.[/sblock]

Well, I figured I'd give you a shot, and you rolled well...

Knowledge (Galactic Lore) check; DC 25 (and that's only because Hawke's a Republic officer) (1d20+11=26)

You vaguely recall seeing her retirement notice on the fleet network not long after you enlisted. It piqued your interest because there was a long section of medals and citations --all of the sort that would go to a combat officer -- and most of the actions she'd won them in were listed as classified.

Sianni said:
"After long and distinguished service, no doubt."

"Twenty years. I would have stayed in longer if not for the industrial magnate here. Who says I was bad for business, chasing around the galaxy stomping out trouble before they'd need squadrons of starfighters to deal with it." She said, ignoring the Twi'lek's obvious sarcasm.
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Theta silently appraises the newcomer and her gear. Looking with a practiced eye to check her setup and weapon choices. "Anything else we need to do, or is everyone ready to move out?" Theta asks


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"Nothing to cry about, I'd think. I mean, it can't have been more than a few years till you would have reached pension age, anyway." Sianni shoots back, leaning slight forward into the "storm".

"And while I do find it cute that you try to cover for handsome here, I want my answers. Now. Good ones, preferably."


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Phoenix8008 said:
Theta silently appraises the newcomer and her gear. Looking with a practiced eye to check her setup and weapon choices.

[sblock=Theta]Everything she's wearing appears to be of extraordinary quality, and built for functionality, not just to look good. You might quibble a bit about what style of weapons and armor were optimal, but it's all the kind of gear a skilled proffesional soldier would wear if money were no object.

Douane said:
"Nothing to cry about, I'd think. I mean, it can't have been more than a few years till you would have reached pension age, anyway." Sianni shoots back, leaning slight forward into the "storm".

"Dear, I thought you said Admiral Aran was competent." Devan said.

"Extremely, the last time I checked." Martina replied.

"So how do you explain her, then?"


Douane said:
"And while I do find it cute that you try to cover for handsome here, I want my answers. Now. Good ones, preferably."

"Ijatsi Systems is the smallest firm of the contractors that build ships for the Republic Navy. We have never had more than three ship types in production at once, and have never been contracted for anything other than space superiority fighters. We are wholly owned by one branch of the Ijatsi family, and my aunt is currently CEO. We are the only firm in this part of the galaxy that builds military spacecraft, and this station is our primary research and development facility.

"Almost all of our staff have worked for the company for decades, and would have to leave the sector to find another comprable position. Most of them have been close friends, if not with me, then with someone else in the family. Is it too much to think we care enoough about our friends and our business to send one of the family to investigate what happened here?"


First Post
"Sianni, that's enough for now," Kacela says. "We're here to investigate, not antagonize visiting dignitaries."

She nods at the two.

"We will need you to stand by while we assess the remains of the station. I assure you, nothing we do will interfere with a legitimate internal investigation by Ijatsi, and we will share any information we are authorized to release with you."

"Any questions...or complaints...you have may be directed to the Republic Legal Annex and the Jedi Council. My name is Kacela."

Voidrunner's Codex

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