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[Adventure]: A Knight in d'Argent Manor (DM: renau1g, Judge: Luinnar)


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Lilli's mind reels from the psychic feedback as Malakai's flames render those ensorcelled in her illusion to piles of ash and bone.

Feeling the bile rising, she looks away to her left for signs of the Drow; dimly aware that this foe could be out there still, she moves away, glad to put the horror she was just party to out of sight, albeit if only temporarily.

Move action = Lilli moves from V33 to AA33.

Minor action: Percption check to spot the Drow = 18. Nope, nothing to see here.

Standard action = Lilli can't see a target.

No opponent is the Visions of Avarice Secondary attack radius, so she'll cancel the spell.

Potential Immediate actions:
If hit by an attack and the use of the Shield spell will ward it off, Lilli will use:

Shield (Encounter Immediate Interrupt Personal Arcane, Force)
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of your next turn.

If Lilli becomes bloodied during a sequence of attacks and it looks like more attacks are incoming in the same turn, Lilli will use:

Fade Away (Encounter Immediate Reaction Personal Illusion (Racial Ability))
Trigger: You take damage.
Effect: You are invisible until you attack or until the end of your next turn.



Female Gnome Illusionist Wizard, Level 5.
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 18. Senses: Low-light vision.
AC:18, Fort: 13, Reflex: 17, Will: 17.
HP: 38/38, Bloodied: 19, Surge Value: 9, Surges left: 7/7
Speed: 5 squares. Size: Small. Languages: Eladrin, Allarian, Draconic. Dwarven.
Saving Throw Bonuses: +5 Racial bonus against illusions.
Action Points: 0
Fade Away
Second Wind
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Orb of Deception
Use Vulnerability
Illusory Ambush
Nightmare Eruption
Grasping Shadows
Horrid Whispers
Maze of Mirrors
Visions of Avarice (USED) [Visions of Avarice Secondary Attack - (USED)]
Majestic Word
Orb of Far Seeing - Encounter Power
Orb of Far Seeing -Daily Power
Feyleaf Sandals - Daily Power

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First Post
"Quite the show, Malakai." Silently questioning his choice of allies.

Lacking any special senses, Artemis realized he wouldn't be able to force the drow to show itself. In an authoritative as possible voice, Artie shouts, "Show yourself, drow. Surrender now and you suffer no more. Your allies were strong and look upon their fate. Surrender now and live. Attack us again and suffer the sorcerer's fury."

Start: Take 5 damage.

Minor: Perception: 8.

Standard: Intimidate the drow into surrendering: 1d20+12 → [16,12] = (28). Roll.

Save vs. ongoing: nope.

[sblock=mini-stats]Atremis Harks- Male Human Hexblade 5
Status: ongoing 5 fire damage
Initiative: +3, Passive perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16

AC 21 (20): For: 16 Ref: 18 Will: 20
Resist 5 cold

HP: 22/42 Bloodied: 21 Surge value: 10 Surges/day: 4/8 Speed: 5 squares,
Languages: Common, Primordial

Action Point: 0

Second Wind: used

Powers: Resplendent Blade, Eldritch Bolt, Dire Fate
Wield the Warp 1 2, Heroic Effort, Spectral Fade
Confusion of the Cosmos, Shard of Darkness, Inspiring Word, Frostwolf Pelt, Ironscar Rod, Lesser Planar Ally [/sblock]

Son of Meepo

First Post
Though the din of battle, Dina listens for the drow's breathing. She recalls the training of a former lifetime. An Imperium soldier who successfully prevented one hundred assassination attempts against the senator she was tasked to protect. As she recalls this former life, her shortspear glows with power. Its a power that guides her weapon as it transforms into a bolt of lightning and strikes true. A bit of that electricity attempts to reinvigorate artemis, but he cannot shake the arcane power that still envelops him.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Perception (1d20+7=21)
Free: Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes (1d6=5)
Weapon of Evil Undone: Dina gains a bonus to her next attack roll equal to the Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes result.
Standard: Arc Infusion (Drow) (1d20+13+5-5=21, 1d6+7=10)
Free: Save vs Ongoing (Malakai) (1d20+4=7)[/sblock]

OOC: Summary
Dina spots the hidden drow.
I believe Arc Infusion hits the drow due to the drow's defense penalty.
If so, the drow takes 10 lightning damage.
Artemis fails his granted saving throw vs ongoing damage.

[sblock=Dina's Stats]Dina - Deva Artificer-Warlord 7
Passive Perception 17, Passive Insight 17
AC 21, Fort 15, Reflex 19, Will 22
HP 30/54, Bloodied 27, Surge Value 13, Surges 6/7
Speed 6, Initiative +11
Action Points: 1, Second Wind []
At-Will Powers: Magic Weapon,
Commander's Strike
Encounter Powers: Provocative Order [x],
Shocking Feedback [],
Arc Infusion [],
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [x],
Use Vulnerability [x],
Curative Admixture [x],
Inspiring Word [x],
Adaptive Stratagem [x],
Animate Helper [x],
Bold Victory Armor [x]
Daily Powers: Punishing Eye [],
Destructive Surprise [],
Philosopher's Crown [],
Power Jewel [][/sblock]


First Post
OOC: I'll give WD until noon EST tomorrow. If someone has an idea for his actions, please post them by then as I want to get something posted before the weekend

Walking Dad

First Post
Nathantiel Xiloscient (Protector Druid 7)

Nate's sharp senses easily point him at the drow, and even invisible, he will have a hard time dodging a hail of thorns...


sorry for the slow posting.

Passive perception is high enough to find the drow.

But I don't remeber the square. Please move Nate in a position to hit the Drow but no ally with his close blast 5 attack. Thanks.
If he hits (I assume with a 30), the drow has -5 on all defenses until Nate's next turn.

[sblock=Quick Sheet]
Nathantiel Xiloscient
Perception: 27 Insight: 18 Low-light Vision
AC 23 Fortitude 17 Reflex 21 Will 21
Initiative: +17 (sense threat)
Hit Points: 49 / 61 Bloodied: 30
Temporary Hit Points: -
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0.0
Healing Surge: 15 Surges per day: 9 / 9
At-Will Powers: Fire Hawk, Magic Stone
Encounter Powers: Nature's Growth, Thorn Spray, Wind Wall, Charm Beast, Camouflage Cloak, Amulet of Life
Daily Powers: Summon Natural Ally 2/2, Seed of Healing (seed), (Summoner's Staff - not in hand)


[sblock=Berry Sheet]
Perception: 29 Low-light Vision
AC 23 Fortitude 19 Reflex 21 Will 21
Initiative: +7
Hit Points: 0 / 30 Bloodied: 15
Temporary Hit Points: -

Conditions: faded away
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First Post
OOC: Just a quick FYI, I'm trying to work on an update. RL work just got busy, 2 people out of my 6 person team left in the last week and a half or so so it's a bit harder than before. :eek:


First Post
GM: Again, sorry all for the delay, I didn't realize you'd totally wiped them out.

"Grrr...... I'll be back for you" you hear a disembodied voice say and Nathantiel hears footsteps retreating around the eastern hedgerow.

Unfortunately, the heavy wounds leave behind an easy to spot trail.

[sblock=Perception DC 16]
stealth (1d20+11+2=16)

She's in L32

Malakai kills lots of enemies. Drow begins to retreat.


Map - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At2zf_98Ne5JdGw0QVRLcDBrLVJSSEpZckVyTmt5UVE#gid=0

Drow - standard - maintain invisibility and moves.

Please include your mini-stats in your combat posts.

Artemis: 22/42, 4/8 surges, used SW, ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
Malakai: 11/46, bloodied, regen 2, 7/10 surges, ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
Dina: 30/54 - 6/7 surges
Lerrick: 38/57 - 7/8 surges
Nathantiel: 49/61 - marked (dwarf)
Berry: -6/30, disappeared

D: 22/93 - AC: 24 - F/R/W: 22/19/19 - dead
DB: 12/69 - AC: 20 - F/R/W: 18/21/20 - dead
Elf: 4/55, used Elven Accuracy - dead
Drow: 12/71 - AC: 22 - F/R/W: 19/19/21 - used arcane escape, -5 defenses TENT.
Human:-3 /105 - AC: 24 - F/R/W: 22/21/19 - dead
5 x X (scrubs): 1/1 - AC: 21 - F/R/W: 19/20/18

x on map denotes scrub
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First Post
OOC: Sorry, I forgot to mention that as I'm sure the drow will be defeated this round, if you want to also complete any post-combat healing go for it. Saves time after

Voidrunner's Codex

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