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[adventure]:The Search for Vlastoes (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)


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Kamotz looks into the sky after Sharpe, then does a head count of the party, So... he's just scouting ahead, but aren't we missing more than just the one who flew ahead? the shifter's head tilts slightly, How is he scouting the crypt and flying away at the same time?

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Voda Vosa

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"I meant the other fool, the dragon monk. Sharpe apparently put his hands on some mind controlling helmet. Whatever happened to his mind and body is not of my concern, I didn't order him to put that thing on. He will learn curiosity is not always the best of allies."


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The stairs lead downward into darkness. After the 30 steps, they still descend downward, but it is now pitch black. You'll need a light source to continue. The smell of death becomes more noticeable as you descend.


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OOC: Sorry everyone, ENworld has been down for most of the week, at least when I was on, I can't get on until the evening.

As you see the bard fly off you can hear the bard sing. (think MacArthur Park)

Daunton is burning, in the dark. On fire people running down the streeeeeet.

Someone let the dragon out, in the rain.

Oh I don't know how they'll take it, it took so long to make it, I don't think they have the build plans, anymore.

Oh noooooo! Oooooooh nooooo!

What now for Sharpe?

Drew returns, shrugging.
"Too dark to see, clear for around two floors down. Smells bad."

He turns and starts back.
"If someone would be so kind to light something, I can go first again. Follow me."


Prime lights a sunrod.

+++Not this time+++

+++Whatever is down there it's going to see the light coming, so they'll be prepared.+++

+++You're wearing a shirt for all protection; it's better if you attack after I've engaged the enemies+++


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With a shrug, Kamotz responds to Vermitrax Where should we be? asks the shifter, while scratching behind his ear.
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GM: Is everyone heading down the steps? If so, marching order and people with light sources please? Or, is there going to be another scouting team, this time with a light source? What's it going to be?

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