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[RECRUITING! - Old School Mash-Up] The City of the Sleeping Demon OOC

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Update (11/20/13): We're down to two players, and we're looking to reboot the game at a point slightly ahead of the current events. Two or three new players would be great.


The Set-Up
The year: 1994. From out of space comes a runaway planet, hurtling between the Earth and the Moon, unleashing cosmic destruction! Man's civilization is cast in ruin! Two thousand years later, Earth is reborn. A strange new world rises from the old: a world of savagery, super science, and sorcery. But one group of bravehearts burst their bonds to fight for justice!

You and your companions have recently escaped the Slave Pits of the Broodmaster while being transported from the Pens to the Arena. With a combination of luck, ferocity, and desperation, you overwhelmed the Pigmen guards and made your way to the wilderness. You've been on the run for more than two weeks now, hunted by Pigmen and menaced by all manner of monsters. A desperate flight away from a pack of rot dogs forced you into a series of subterranean tunnels. By the time the rot dogs gave up the hunt, you realized you were lost. How long you wandered before you saw a distant spot of sunlight cannot be said. Emerging from the tunnels, you found yourself in the midst of an Ancient Ruin....

The Details
* Number of Players: 4
* Rules: Swords & Wizardry and Mutant Future.
* Ability Scores: 3d6 in order for STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA. You may move points between scores, lowering abilities above 13 and raising abilities below 8 to even out your scores. No such modifications can lower a high score below 13 or raise a low one above 8. You may replace one ability score of your choice with a score of 14 if you so wish.
* Ability Score Modifiers: As per S&W.
* Character Races: S&W dwarf, elf, halfling, human; MF mutant animal, mutant (dwarf/elf/halfling/human).
* Character Classes: S&W cleric, fighter, magic-user, thief. MF races use S&W XP tables, Hit Dice, et cetera, but require an extra (500 XP times [next level minus 1]) to advance a level. For example, a mutant human requires an extra 500 XP to advance to 2nd level, an extra 1000 XP to advance to 3rd level, et cetera.
* Starting Gold: 3d6x10. Use S&W equipment charts. Every PC gets one artifact generated randomly from (1) Primitive Firearms, (2) Gizmos, (3) Drugs and Chemicals, or (4) Foodstuffs and Junk. Roll 1d4 to determine category. Consult MF for random artifact tables.
* Alignments: Lawful or Neutrality only.
* Mutations: Completely random as per MF.

Gods & Goddesses (randomly generated!)
The Lords of Law
Renceth, the God of Prophecy, Friendship, and Keys. Renceth knows the future, but he does not freely share that knowledge. Instead, he puts into the paths of his faithful the people and the resources necessary to open the doors that will be encountered. Those who ignore Renceth's gifts find their paths full of obstacles whereas the observant find their paths full of opportunities.

Taiath, the God of the Underworld. Taiath judges the souls of the dead on the Balance. Those who tip the scales toward Lawful are rewarded with the ineffable joys of the heavenly realms. Those who tip the scales toward Chaos are plunged into the terrors of the hells. Those who do not tip the scales at all wander the purgatorial fields in between.

Veshah, the Goddess of Good, Archery, and Music. Veshah represents the good things in life. She defends her commmunity with her bow and arrows, and she enriches the spirit with her music. Complex exhibitions of orchestral archery are part of Veshah's high rites.

Zazic, the Goddess of Knowledge. Zazic collects and collates everything that can be known. She reveals the patterns within disciplines and the relationships between fields of knowledge.

The Watchers
Alousavn, the God of Inspiration. Alousavn grants flashes of insight and motivation to achieve. He is favored by poets, musicians, artisans, inventors, and those in need of hope.

Droainon, the Goddess of Water and Sorrow. Droainon causes rivers to flow, tides to rise and fall, and rain to fall. She also helps her faithful give testimony to their sorrow through the cleansing wash of their tears. She represents both that which is necessary for life and the pain that life inevitably entails.

Kulloe, the God of Magic. Kulloe taught the first magic-users the secrets of wizardry, and to this day he watches those who delve into such secrets. He seldom interferes with how those secrets are used unless a magic-user brings shame upon the arcane arts.

Tourr, the Goddess of Abundance and Fate. Tourr chooses who prospers and who doesn't. She rewards her faithful as she sees fit. It is the faithful one's task to grapple with and to accept the consequences of Tourr's decisions.

The Havoc
Cro, the God of Truth, Chaos, and Opposites. Cro always speaks the truth. Cro always lies. Cro stands firm against what is evil. Cro revels in evil, his hands stained with innocent blood. Cro is all things, and all things are Cro.

Moannah, the Goddess of Desire. Moannah gently kindles the embers of desire, nurturing the warmth of wanting. She adds fuel to the fire, stoking it with jealousy, greed, and obsession. She turns desire into an all-consuming fire.

Seskoe, the Goddess of Winter, Witches, and Creation. Seskoe turns water to ice, rain to snow, and sorrow to callousness. She is served by witches who seek to swallow life's warmth. At the same time, Seskoe represents creation, but devoid of the light of inspiration. She creates without originality or love for her creations.

Tronsos, the God of Thieves and Beauty. Tronsos doesn't reward his faithful. Instead, his faithful take their rewards from those unable to keep them from being taken. Of all rewards, beauty is the most prized, and beauty must be possessed and hidden away, safe from covetous eyes.
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Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Bumping a bit so that I'm closer to mega-list of sticky threads. Also, I added brief descriptions to each of the gods and goddess in the OP.


Out of curiosity I decided to roll up a character and see what it looked like. The idea of a mutant animal appealed, and I decided to make it a cleric to provide some healing (although at first level they get no spells as far as I understand the rules). After some thought, I decided to wait until I had made all the rolls before choosing the animal type.

STR: 07 +1 08
DEX: 14 -- 14
CON: 03 -> 14
INT: 15 -1 14
WIS: 12 -- 12
CHA: 10 -- 10

[15] Echolocation
[58] Albinism
[18] Control Light Waves
[09] Ancestral Form
[82] Temp Control (heat)
[04] Accumulated Resistance

[4] Foodstuff and Junk [09] Canned Foods (???)

Originally I was thinking along the lines of something large and slow, like a water buffalo or rhinoceros. But the STR doesn't really suit that. I considered the more conventional 'hunting animals' like mountain lion or wolf, but it seemed a bit tame. The most appealing idea is a Giant Ant or Spider, although the character doesn't have the Giantism mutation. Not sure if that would be a problem or if the Giantism is assumed in the type.

The more I think about it, the more the latter two ideas appeal. I have this image in my head of the giant albino Ant or Spider constantly seeking out muddy areas in which they can roll around in in order to protect their sensitive skin from the sun. I also like the idea of using natural weapons (assuming that they are applicable). I don't think that the character would be much of a tool user at all. Perhaps it can use the canned food as a blunt throwing weapon. It is also easier to imagine these creatures (as opposed to a rhino or wolf) with some for of basic manipulation ability with the need for additional or modified limbs. Would some form of basic speech ability be assumed?

As for their God, thats a tough call. I like Cro. I think that he is the sort of deity the character could really grow into. Alousavn, Droainon, Tourr also seem interesting, the latter two especially for an Ant character. However, at this stage I think that I am leaning towards a giant spider character (even though spiders creep me out), something like a Tarantula. While Cro seems to suit the 'alien' nature of a spiders mind, service to Alousavn probably would provide more useful plot drivers.

Well, that done, I suppose I ought to formally express my interest in playing this game. If OSR is still a little too deadly with just two players, perhaps start at second level. Then my character could have a heal spell. Yay!

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Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Hello, and welcome!

MF suggests generosity regarding mutant animals, permitting "free" mutations permitting "some form of manipulators, like hands" and speech. We can include something approximating normal race size as well, say something between halfling and human. You'll also need to pick what accumulated resistance applies against. Your mutant also has a case of 2d4+10 canned food meals. Re: deities, those of the Havoc tend to have a decidedly nasty side to them. I'm not going to restrict player choices, but throw that out as a caveat. :)


Yay! 17 canned food meals! Duck!

What are the Accumulated resistance options? Is it stuff like radiation and poison, or regular damage?

I will probably go Alousavn as a deity. A spider on a journey in search of inspiration.


PS: Do the cans come with a can opener? Or are they ring pull opening?

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