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D&D 5E [IC] The New World (Volo Monsters)


OOC: The results of Druidcraft are plain to see. You don't necessarily know what Moon Moon was trying to do with the casting, but you can see the image that actually manifested.

Also, I've plotted your travel so far on the map. If you want to rest, you can do it here on the near side of the river, on the far side of the river after crossing, or after a couple more hours travel at the edge of the mountains at H-5 or I-5. Finally, note that you'll come out of the mountains near the Dwarven mine on the scale of this map, but that doesn't mean you're going to stumble on it, or indeed that it would be that easy to find even if you wanted to. Unless they built the road all the way to the front door, so to speak.


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Karok looked at the strange effect that Moon Moon created. A storm cloud. Sleet and freezing rain. Karok would be comfortable in such an environment. In fact, he would prefer it. But the others...

"We should at least cross the river," Karok said. "Then we can rest. If the weather turns against us, I would rather not be stuck on this side of the river."


Drutha Keldret, Hobgoblin Fighter
Round 0

“Yes, crossing the river would be fine,” Drutha said, giving the kobold’s odd weather display a chary eye. “Then we can look for a place to camp.” She turned to examine the boulder field that constituted the river crossing. “Anything we should be concerned about crossing here?

Perception: 1D20+2 = [5]+2 = 7

AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 13/13 HD: 1/1d10
Saving Face (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Because kobold says so?" Ripnek says with a mocking tone. Sighing dramatically, the bugbear starts walking again towards the river.


As you advance the last short stretch to the river, its sound doubles and redoubles until all you hear is water smashing against rock. It doesn't much sound like a safe place to cross.

But then it comes into view in the dim pre-dawn, and you can see the wisdom in Karok leading you here. The water crashes down from higher in the mountains in the distance, rushing toward you across the more level ground you're on. As it reaches you, it splits. There's perhaps 30 feet you actually have to wade through -- more like a stream than a river, though the water is moving fast, pressing hard on the rocky bed.

Past that, you see the boulder field, almost as if a stupendous giant dumped a bucket of rocks from the sky. The bulk of the river flows through and under the boulders, and that's what's making the noise. But the rock is piled high enough that you can make a dry crossing over the top, once you make it through the small stream on the near side. (Well, dry except for the lightly misting rain, anyway.)

OOC: There are two challenges in boldly striding (or running or jumping) across the creek portion:
  1. With the very limited light, you can't make out the shape of the rocky stream bed. You're likely to take a bad step and twist an ankle or fall in.
  2. The rushing water makes it hard to step where you intended anyway, and will certainly give you a little ride if you slip
There's not much actual danger, except perhaps to your pride -- and to anything on you that needs to stay dry.

There are also a number of things you could do to make the crossing safer, including:
  • Spend a couple minutes scrounging for a walking stick or use a similar prop to steady yourself
  • Use magic to divert the flow of water around you, as @tglassy suggested previously
  • Use a source of light (magic or a torch/lantern, if you have one) so you can better see your footing
  • Have someone go first and string up a rope you can hold on to
  • Go slowly and deliberately
If you do nothing and rush across, make an Athletics check at Disadvantage (DC 10).
If you take one precaution (from the list above or something else you come up with), make a regular Athletics check (DC 10).
If you take two precautions, you make it safely.
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Karok strides confidently over the boulders. When he gets to the water, he uses his innate power to control water to divert the stream around him, causing the water immediately around him to be still, instead of rushing. He also uses his staff as a walking stick, checking his footing before making each step. He quickly makes it to the other side, and looks back at the others.

"If you come over one at a time, I can calm the river around you," he said.


Nert Muchshredder

Nert starts to look for a walking stick then stops to watch as Karok brazenly walks up to the crossing, fully expecting to see him fall at some point. His surprise is evident as he watches Karok manipulate the water to his will.

When Karok offers to do the same for everyone, Nert's eyes narrow in suspicion. Unwilling to trust his fate to Booyagh he continues his own preparations. Undressing, he wraps his clothes around his bowstrings and tinderbox then his cloak around the lot and stuffs everything tightly into his pack. Not completely waterproof, but it'll keep mostly dry for a few minutes should he fall into the water. He ties a short length of rope to the pack and a loop in the other end.

His preparations done he makes his way to the crossing, pack on one shoulder with the rope held tightly in one hand and his staff in the other he scowls at Karok, "No Booyagh!" he hisses then starts to cross carefully prodding each potential footing before committing to standing there.

It takes him a lot longer than Karrok, but once across he looks defiantly at Karok before dressing again and restringing his bow.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
HP: 12/12
Passive perception: 14

Abilities: Fury of the small 1/1 short rest


Moon Moon seems utterly terrified. "This not bridge!" He shivers as any splashing water approaches him. He seems far to cowardly to cross. He starts looking up at the moon and muttering incomprehensibly. He sees something in it, maybe an idea. He starts looking around, as best he can in the darkness. He's looking for any sort of animal... a goat, deer, or bear that might be watching. Something bigger than him at least. He reaches for food in his pack, almost looking to make an offering.

OOC: Active Perception [roll0] looking for a beast of burden he might be able to cast Animal Friendship on to carry him over. Failing that, maybe beg the bugbear or something. Moon Moon can probably use control flames to extend a light source, and the party has at least seen him use this ability if any of them think it's helpful enough.


Moon Moon sees a goat, watching the group from safety in the rocks some 90' away. As soon as it notices him notice it, it shakes its head skittishly.

OOC: Moon Moon can get within 30' to cast the Animal Friendship if he makes either a Stealth check to sneak up to it, or an Animal Handling check to make soothing noises as he approaches (DC 10 either way).

If he makes it and casts the spell, he can convince it to carry him across the creek, though as soon as it lets him down on the far side, it takes one look at Karok and bolts back into the mountains.

Voidrunner's Codex

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