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[OOC] Return of the Runelords


First Post
Here's what I have so far for Mei:


[sblock=Mei Ying, the Magic Eater]Mei Ying
Neutral Good Human (Tian) Arcanist 1

Str 9 (-1)
Dex 16 (10)
Con 14 (5)
Int 18 (10) +2 racial
Wis 12 (2)
Cha 16 (10)

AC 13
Hit points: 8
Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +3
Init +3
Spd 30

Human subtype
+2 Intelligence
Bonus feat
Bonus skill point
Favored: Arcanist
1 - +1 Skill Point

Arcane Reservoir: 4/4
Arcanist Exploits
- Consume Item (replenish reservoir from scrolls/potions)
- Quick Study (1 AR to swap prepped spell with another of equal or lesser level)
- Flame Arc (1 AR to do 1d6+3 fire dmg in 30' line, Ref save DC 14 for 1/2)
Consume Spells (spend spell slots to regain (spell lvl) Reservoir points as mv action)

- Intrigued by Thassilon (gain Thassilonian language, bonus ranks towards Knowledge: Arcana, History, Linguistics, UMD)
- Spell Duel Prodigy (+2 to ID and counter)

B Extra Exploit: Quick Study
1 Extra Exploit: Flame Arc

Skills 8
Appraise +8 (1 rnk)
Craft ? +8 (1 rnk)
Knowledge: Arcana +8 (1 rnk)
Knowledge: History +9 (2 rnks)
Knowledge: ? +8 (1 rnk)
Linguistics +8 (1 rnk)
Spellcraft +8 (1 rnk)
Use Magic Device +7 (1 rnk)

Languages: Common, Tianese, Thassalonian, Draconic, Elvish, Celestial

Spellcasting Arcanist CL 1 (conc +, vs SR +1), Base DC 14)
1 - 3/3

Spells Prepared
0 - Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Jolt
1 - Mage Armor, Windy Escape

0 - All sorc/wiz
1 - Mage Armor, Comprehend Languages, Burning Disarm, Color Spray, Floating Disk, Monkey Fish, Windy Escape

Cash: 4gp

Light Crossbow, +3 atk, 1d8 dmg, 19-20/x2, 80', 35gp, 4lbs
20 bolts, 2gp, 2lbs
Dagger, -1 atk, 1d4-1, 19-20x2, 10', 2gp, 1lb


Backpack, 2gp, 2lbs
Belt pouch, 1gp, 1/2lb
Scroll case, 1gp, 1/2lb
Journal, 10gp, 1lb
Ink vial, 8gp
Inkpens (5), 5sp
Waterskin, 1gp, 4lbs
Sunrod (2), 4gp, 2lbs
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1), 50gp, 1lb

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Shendra's gear (base 105 gp)
spear 2, dagger 2, light crossbow 35, 10 bolts 1, studded leather 25, spell component pouch 5 (70)
backpack 2, belt pouch 1, bedroll .1, waterskin 1, flint & steel 1, whetstone .02, explorer's outfit 10, small steel mirror 10 (24.12)

That adds up to 94.12 gp, leaving her with 10.88 gp. However, I figure that Lunysh would have found a way to transfer 10gp to her family without arousing suspicion, so I am going to say that after gear she has just 8 sp and 8 cp to her name.

Edit: I forgot how free outfits work so I guess she may actually have 10 gp, 8 sp, 8 cp while having sent away 10 gp.
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
@Deuce Traveller: I can work with that. Did you mean "Roderick Cove" though, or are the both of them really living in Sandpoint now? (Tchell is Teea's Tian ancestor by the way, she who crafter her firearms untold eons in the past :) ("Tchell"'s probably a deformation of her proper Tian name))

@Scott Dewar: Since the wizards couldn't do anything re his paralysis, maybe your PC could have appeared directly above Roderick Cove's market place instead? The sight of him blinking into existence and dropping out of the sky would certainly have had tongues wagging for years after :)
Could he have maybe become the town's chemist/pharmacist/apprentice to same?

@Tailspinner: Cool re gunpowder. How big is Roderick Cove by the way? Does it have a deep sea port? Or a fishing port? (I get the impression that it's located right where the river meets the gulf, but I guess it could be further in?) Does it have inns, bars and/or defensive walls?


Guest 11456

3) Background Skills? For a token?

Yes, if you are referring to Background skills as presented in Pathfinder Unchained. I also changed the Equipment entry. Now everyone gets access to equipment from Core Rulebook and Ultimate Equipment for free.


Guest 11456

How big is Roderick Cove by the way? Does it have a deep sea port? Or a fishing port? (I get the impression that it's located right where the river meets the gulf, but I guess it could be further in?) Does it have inns, bars and/or defensive walls?

I will post additional information about Roderick’s Cove soon.


Sweet, grooming kit, here I come. Looking at numbers again I think if I take out the mirror (the grooming kit has one, and I did not realize the "small" steel mirror is plate sized) and the cost of the explorer's outfit and actually increase the remittance to 20 gp and still have 8 gp, 8 sp, 8 cp left over.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Teea Tell, AKA Teea the Unreasonable

As head of the household I'll let Deuce name our family? What'll it be, Deuce?

Human (Tian-Varisian) Gunslinger 1 1 Token


Diminutive and slight of build, 4'4 inches in height
Long brunette hair hanging down to her thighs
17 years old
Mastered this expression

[sblock=Ban family history]
  • Long ago, Ban Tchell (probably a deformation of her true name) crafts her guns in faraway Tian. A prolific craftswoman, some say she made them to slay a dragon; some say she was mad with grief, or possibly possessed, or maybe both. Others say the 'dragon' was really the Warmaster of some great country of the time... Which might explain why they no longer live there
  • Tian expats, washed up on Vasirian shores, are one of the founding families of Roderick’s Cove (branch off Ameiko’s family (from Jade Regent) who settled in Sandpoint?)
  • Many generations later: Teea’s family are wheat farmers (rotation crop?) on the best land in Roderick’s Cove: between the river and the hills, where yearly flooding render the earth rich and dark.
  • Father marries mother, giving her the name Tell (and inheriting the farmlands of both families?)
  • Teea is born, child of a harsh winter
  • Two years shy of maturity, during a great rain, Teea gets bored and decides to go exploring. She finds the family’s ancestral cache, half-buried under the house (the ground has shifted for some reason). The cache includes strips of moldy lamellar armor, rotten bolts of silk, ripped and faded scrolls (with secret family histories and –drum roll - the Secret to Dragonpowder!tm), battered oil lamps, mud-filled barrels, and a few broken firearms! (a single one of which only she can (eventually) make work)
  • As she's down there, the ground rumbles and the hill slides; the lives of father, mother, brother and two sister are swept away, along with most of the house; buried in Audrahni’s cemetery (although little James' body was never found); Teea regularly goes to offer little tokens and burn offerings
  • Meanwhile Aunt Mirh, who never approved of her brother's wedding ("Too foreign-looking!"), now wants to take care of her, and Teea's inheritance just possibly might have something to do with it (the best farmland in the Cove, not "those foreign contraptions!")
  • Teea shows up with all her kit at uncle Michael's stool in Creekside Tavern, with a stubborn expression on her face -- he's father's youngest brother, a scarred ex-soldier
  • Now. One year shy of maturity.
[/sblock]1 Token - 36 points
Diminutive and slight of build, she's still a bit unsure of herself but has the grace of her grand ancestor
Str 8 (-2)
Dex 20 (17) +2 Racial
Con 9 (-1)
Int 12 (2)
Wis 16 (10)
Cha 16 (10)

Init +5
BAB +1
Hit points: 10/10
AC 17 (5 dex + 2 leather armor) Touch 15, FF 12
Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +3/+5 changing her mind (+1 adjacent with Michael)
Spd 35'

- Utility knife, 10' range, +0 atk, 1d4-1, 19-20/X2[sblock=- Battered musket, 40' range, +6 atk (vs touch at close range), 1d12 dmg, 20/x4, Misfire 1-3]Mv action to reload with paper cartridges, 1-3 Misfire (otherwise Standard action and 1-2 misfire)
10/10 paper cartridges

Broken (-2 tohit and damage, max 20/X2 on crit)

c6e2c8b60e9a90d15d73071bdb0e631f.jpg[/sblock][sblock=- Song short sword, +0 atk, 1d6-1, 19-20/x2]chinese_song_sword.jpg[/sblock]Feats & Powers
Simple weapons, Martial weapons and Firearms
Light armor
Favored class: Gunslinger (+1 HP)
HUMAN: Fleet (+5' movement)
1st: Rapid Reload (reload firearms or crossbows one step quicker)
GUNSLINGER: Grit (Regain grit though I. Critical hits, II. Killing blows, III. Daring act)
GUNSLINGER: Gunsmithing (Make bullets and mix black powder 1/10 cost, alchemical bullets 1/2 cost, firearms 1/2 cost, 1 day/1000gp. Repair broken firearm 1h, 1/day)

Grit Deeds 3/3 Grit
- Deadeye: 1 grit/extra range increment where she can use touch AC
- Gunslinger's Dodge: 1 grit to move 5' and gain +2 AC as a reaction (Or drop prone, +4 AC)
- Quick Clear: Has at least 1 grit = Standard action removes the broken condition (1 grit = Mv action)

- Neutral good
- Close Ally: Uncle Michael (+1 all saves if adjacent. 1/adventure = grant Michael +1d6 to a d20 roll)
- Passionate Inertia (+2 Will saves to resist having to change her mind. -1 vs compulsions/temptations to do what she's already inclined to do)

1 Token - Background Skills
Skills 6 (4 + 1 human + 1 Int)
Acrobatics +9 (1 rk, class) Lithe
Alchemy 2 (1 rk) Learned from Scott's character? very useful for crafting dragon powder
Bluff 7 (1 rk, class) Hard to read
Diplomacy 4 (1 rk) Very Good Listener
Local knowledge 5 (1 rk, class) From being a native and from the Tian founder scrolls
Swim 3 (1 rk, class) Uncle Michael taught her
- Perform singing 4 (1 rk, background)
- Profession, (farmer's) wife to be 7 (1 rk, class, background)
- Speaks Common, Tianese (horribl-y cute accent ;)) and Celestial for church and ceremonies

Equipment for market
Purse: 4 gp 16 sp spending money
Loose dress, cinched at the waist, slits on the side for mobility
  1. Leggings beneath
  2. Small holy symbols of Erastil (bow + sheaf of wheat) and Shizuru (golden dragon) hanging from a red chord at her waist (20gp, 0#) Iron from a plow, golden tin with jade eyes
Short utility knife on left hip (2gp, 1#)
Basket (4sp, 1#) For shopping
  • 10 Paper cartridge, her first batch (60gp, -) to show either Brogan or Scott's character
168 gp, in uncle Michael's keeping?
Pieces of leather armor being worked on (10gp, 15#) and,
Lamellar fauld skirt (Kusazuri) over, from cache (part of the leather armor)
Snake-skin scabbard, to be on her left hip
  • Song short sword, from cache (10gp, 2#)
To be held or slung on her back: Short-barreled ornate musket, from cache (9#)
Battered gunsmithing kit, partially from cache (15gp, 2#)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2#)
Powder horn (3gp, 1#)
  • 4 dose of dragon powder (4gp, -) AKA gun powder
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Voidrunner's Codex

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