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Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn '08


He orders a drink called a 'Horse's Ass'* and takes a seat.

* Bonus points to any Spider Robinson fans that can ID the drink and/or reference.

ooc: Is that the one that's just tomato juice and, what, seltzer water? ...with a plastic horsefly in it? Er, no, wait, the horsefly wasn't part of the drink, just a garnish of sorts. It's been a while, and those books are on another continent now.

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Knight Otu

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A blond woman in mostly bright, but clearly scholarly, clothes and a dark cloak enters the inn, looking over the patrons with her gray eyes. A few old burn marks are visible on her hands and face. "I am Ashnar, a mage specialized in evocations, and with an interest in abjurations." she says in a serious tone. She pays no mind to the possibility that some people who might have known her as a male wizard had not heard at least rumors of her change after Tenebrynn's revel and the council.

an elf wearing a rusty chain shirt and wielding a sharp scimitar enters the tavern and heads towards Karl and Oskar. she scans the situation and says "so i see the search for a spellcaster goes on".
she looks at the people before her asks with a venomous grin "do we have any potential associates?"


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Eanos, human monk

A woodsy-looking human walks into the tavern, surveying the room as if assessing it for potential threats even as he crosses to the bar. As he waits for his drink, he turns to the room.

"It seems ages since I've done this, so forgive me if I'm rusty," he says, his voice soft but clear. "My name is Eanos, a truthseeker who is still learning to tap the ki powers of the human form."

His drink arrives then, and Eanos takes a large pull from it, as if he's been parched for quite some time.

"Of late those studies took me through a rather harrowing series of encounters with beings from other planes. Most of them devils." He shakes his head slightly, as if to jar visions of devils from his mind, and looks about for a place to sit.

[sblock=OOC]Eanos is still pending approval for level 6, but since the only adventure on the docket that I can see is one he's too high a level for, I figured it was safe to have him lounge about the Inn.[/sblock]


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but how... did I?

Seen through the doorway as the last couple of patrons enter the RDI, an Elven male dressed in studded leather with a shield upon his back, a sword at his hip and a wand in his hand.
He is facing away from the inn, those last few patrons that entered noticed he is completely soaking wet.

Knight Otu

First Post
The woman that had introduced herself as Ashnar had not moved far from the door yet as a voice familiar to her introduces itself. "It's been a while, Eanos." she greets him. "It sounds like you have had your share of hardship despite not accompanying us ..." she stops herself, though still not considering that Eanos might not recognize her as Ashnar, and continues quieter "... back then to that haunted place. But you made the right decision, I'm sure. We barely made it ourselves. I'd rather have taken on Causticus and his mother again."

Noticing the man standing outside, she shortly wonders why he just stands there, and how he got so extremely wet, but decides it isn't really her business.


First Post
The Elf turns, eyes widening, shock evident upon his narrow features.
Wandering into the Inn, he abruptly closes his mouth and composes himself with obvious effort.
"I ... uh,mmm..., I am called Ximix. I... am a sage, and ..., healer.
This is the Red Dragon Inn, in the city of Orussus on the Prime Material is it not?"

He seems a bit embarrassed, but is earnest in his query. Further inspection reveals a small holy symbol upon his chest. He puts his wand away absently and waits for an answer, seemingly not convinced by his own perceptions.


Karl addresses the female elf, "Karl Rutherford, explorer, at you services. We are to catch a lizard. Live and unharmed.

]OOC[ to Heckler: i have no problems with the level difference, though it has been pointed out that it is up to IVV, the dm of course. ]/OOC[

(OOC: I'm not opposed to it. It will change a couple things, but it should be interesting for a higher-level character as well. So, who's looking to join? Lerrin and Babette, it looks like? Anyone else, or should we call it closed, then, and move back to the adventure thread?)

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