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For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

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That's okay, Memnus. Since you weren't here, I figured Fleck would just continue holding back to conserve his spells, and he just communicated a bit through the Message spell. Cast another one for Argus, so he'd be included in the group's communications. Last week, the group went into the hole and fought a few dark elven rogues, an ankheg, two summoned shadow mastiffs, and a dark elven priest of Kithra, who cast a few Flame Strikes and fought in melee before dying. Fleck cast Polymorph on Valdir to make him a dark elf, so Valdir could see in the tunnels without light. Argus just tagged along in the back with a Light spell on his shirt, covering it with his arms when more stealth was needed.

This week, the party searched more of the tunnel, fighting a patrol of dark elves that the priest had called out to earlier for reinforcements. This group included an umber hulk, which Valdir shot a few times, Argus punched a few times, and Kralic stabbed a few times until it died. The elves dropped easily. At the end of that tunnel, the group reached a small underground tributary of the river above, and were sprung upon by four merrows. Those died in about two rounds, despite surprising half the group. Now Valdir's jumped into the river to see if the merrow had any treasure....

Hey guys. Sorry, but I won't be able to make it to the game tonight. My family's throwing a big party for my mom's birthday, so we'll be out all night. I can give Arkhandus my updated character sheet right now, if he's willing to get onto OpenRPG...


First Post
Such short notice doesn't do me any good. -_-

I'm assuming you've already left by now or something, but whatever.

I'll be on OpenRPG around 6:30 PST, give or take. Assuming most of the group shows up, the game's still on. I didn't need to get any blood drawn this time at the doctor's, so my arm's not a bother and I'm not irritable (as I would be if I had needed to get a needle in the arm today...).


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Hey all. I'm considering both for the good of the party and my own sanity, sending Valdir up north and playing a fighter-type melee character for a while. I'm considering dredging up the NPC Szitha, Zerash's brother for this. Either that or a Paludosian Cleric with a Fighter cohort. I'm scanning the Paludosus Gazetteer for ideas. I need a change since I've been playing Valdir for nearly 5 years now straight.

What do you think? Ark, is that workable after this thread?

Let me know.
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First Post
Hey, sorry for not being there last game.....my internet is messed up....I had to borrow from my roommate, and he took it back just before the session started.....seems they still haven't fixed my internet since last semester


First Post
Ack, hadn't checked the T13K forums in a few days, so didn't notice this sooner.

Sorry to hear about that Crazy-San.... Let us know if you'll be here on Sunday or Monday, if you can. Hope your internet problem gets fixed soon.

Firehorse, go ahead and make an alternate for Valdir if you feel like you need the change of pace. The group will be moving to Lorlynia or somewhere else shortly, whenever they decide to leave Ceomyr, since this side-trek is only supposed to be a brief diversion before the next plot line or whatever. Depends on what the party chooses to do next and where to go next.


First Post
Thanks Ark. I've been fleshing it out a little more and I've decided on a 9th/4th level Fighter/Dracon Boyaris (PrCl from the Gazetteer and the new T13K guide that didn't get finished) Lizardfolk (ECL +1) character with a Lizardfolk Cleric cohort who follows the Knowledge and War aspects of Naeron.

I'm thinking Valdir can go to Lorlynia by himself and the new character can step in.

Still working on why he would join the party, especially with a half-dragon follower of Trandim on board.

Has anybody ever found any statistics about chariots and their use?

Ark, DM ruling: DMG has 150,000gp worth of equipment for 14th level. What should I start him at? Also, the cleric will have some item creation feats. Do I count the full value or creation cost for this.


First Post
I don't think your new PCs would know Fahlias is a follower of Trandim, unless he wears Trandim's holy symbol openly....though his half-silver-dragon nature will be obvious and probably offensive/aggression-provoking to the lizardfolk....

Unfortunately, I don't think there's any reason for a Dracon Boyaris to be adventuring outside Paludosus, unless he were just on a mission in an enemy country to destroy something or someone there. I don't think there's any reason he could really be hanging out with a bunch of humans, their gnome, and their half-dragon traipsing about in the North and Middle lands doing random stuff.

The setting guide says to determine starting wealth by actual level, not ECL, though the DMG handles it otherwise. So your lizardman would start with the gold of a 13th-level character, 110,000 gp, by T13K rules. Also note that his actual level (13) would be what factors into his Leadership score and the maximum level of his cohort

Item creation costs would be used instead of market prices for any magic items your character may have crafted before joining the group, but note that that includes XP costs as well. Depending on how soon the new PC joins, I may or may not just start him at the minimum XP needed for ECL 14, but otherwise the XP costs would make him start a little ways short of that level.

Chariots and double chariots (two-person chariots) are in the Arms & Equipment Guide. If you're thinking of one for your new PC and his cohort, you'd need a double.

"Double Chariot: Large Vehicle, Handle Animal +2 (for controlling the vehicle, which gives +2 on the Handle Animal checks for that purpose), Speed: drawn (poor) (speed of the horses or whatever draws it along, with poor maneuverability), Overall HP 80 (hardness 5), Overall AC 4, Ram 4d6 (damage dealt if it rams into something at full speed), Face 10 ft. by 5 ft. (probably just a 10x10 ft. space in 3.5; it's roughly 10 feet long and 5 feet wide), Height 5 ft., Crew 1 (plus 1 passenger), Weight 600 lbs., Cost 400 gp

Occupants of a double chariot gain one-half cover (in 3.5 that's just cover I think) behind 2 inches of wood (hp 20, hardness 5). Two light warhorses harnessed abreast can pull the chariot at a speed of 60 feet. By swerving the chariot, the driver can have it follow behind either horse (this choice doesn't count as movement)."

Note that the cost of the horses is not factored into the chariot's cost (since different animals or different kinds of horses could be used, light warhorses are just the norm for a double chariot).
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First Post
Hey look I have advance warning this time!

I can't make it tomorrow; work is feeding me dinner. In exchange I actually have to talk to customers. Boo.

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