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Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant Rising OOC (Game has started!)


First Post
Here is Red Impulse's stats thus far. I might tweak a few things, and I might yet go with Spark instead once I work out his stats and see how they turn out.

However, I need to know before making a suitable background etc. for the game: how long have powers been around, or at least how long have our characters had powers?

Red Impulse
Male Human, Age 23, Height 5'-11", Weight 144 lbs.
Speaks, reads, and writes both English and Japanese
Power Level 10, Power Points 150, Spent 150, Hero Points 1
Max Attack/Save Difficulty +2/-2, Max Defense/Toughness -2/+2

Strength 12 (+1), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 14 (+2), Wisdom 10 (+0), Charisma 12 (+1)

Base Attack +3, Melee +8, Ranged +12, Grapple +4
Defense 18 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge), Flat-Footed 11
Initiative +10, Medium Size, Speed 30 ft.

Toughness +1/+12 (+1 Con, +0/+11 Force Field)
Fortitude +6 (+5 Base, +1 Con)
Reflex +10 (+8 Base, +2 Dex)
Will +4 (+4 Base, +0 Wis)

Skills: Acrobatics +5 (3 ranks, +2 Dex), Bluff +15 (14 ranks, +1 Cha), Climb +10 (9 ranks, +1 Str), Computers +10 (8 ranks, +2 Int), Concentration +7 (7 ranks, +0 Wis), Knowledge (Current Events) +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int), Knowledge (History) +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int), Knowledge (Popular Culture) +10 (8 ranks, +2 Int), Knowledge (Streetwise) +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int), Knowledge (Tactics) +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int), Knowledge (Technology) +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int), Language 1 (Japanese), Notice +12 (12 ranks, +0 Wis), Profession (Computer Programmer) +5 (5 ranks, +0 Wis), Search +10 (8 ranks, +2 Int), Sense Motive +10 (10 ranks, +0 Wis), Stealth +10 (8 ranks, +2 Dex), Swim +5 (4 ranks, +1 Str)

Feats: Attack Focus (Melee) 5, Attack Focus (Ranged) 9, Distract (Bluff) 1, Dodge Focus 5, Elusive Target, Equipment 1, Evasion 1, Improved Block 1, Improved Critical (Unarmed Strike) 1, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Throw, Improved Trip, Master Plan, Move-By Action, Precise Shot 2, Takedown Attack 1, Taunt

Equipment: Headquarters (EP 0, Diminutive Structure, Toughness 5, Fire Prevention System, Living Space, his apartment), Cell Phone (EP 1, Diminutive, kept at the apartment while out on vigilante escapades), Commlink (EP 1, Miniscule), Desktop Computer (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment), Binoculars (EP 1, Small), Flashlight (EP 1, Tiny), Superhero Outfit (EP 0, red jumpsuit with blue and white trim, blue goggles, white bandana over his lower face, small blue fannypack for carrying binoculars and flashlight)

Current Load ? lbs.
Light Load 43, Medium Load 86, Heavy Load 130
Maximum Load 260, Push/Drag 500

1. Psychokinetic Bolt (Blast 8, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Attack, Action: Standard, Range: Ranged, Duration: Instant, Cost: 20, Saving Throw: Toughness, Power Feat: Affects Insubstantial 1, Power Feat: Alternate Power 2, Power Feat: Split Attack 1, ranged energy attack dealing damage of +8)
--->1a. Focused Psychokinetic Bolt (Blast 8, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Attack, Action: Full, Range: Ranged, Duration: Instant, Equivalent Cost: 18, Saving Throw: Toughness, Extra: Penetrating, Flaw: Action, Power Feat: Affects Insubstantial 2, ranged energy attack dealing damage of +8)
--->1b. Psychokinetic Barrage (Blast 8, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Attack, Action: Full, Range: Ranged, Duration: Instant, Equivalent Cost: 17, Saving Throw: Toughness, Extra: Autofire 2/Interval, Flaw: Action, Flaw: Distracting, Power Feat: Affects Insubstantial 1, ranged energy attack dealing damage of +8)
2. Psychokinetic Push (Leaping 3, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Movement, Action: Move, Range: Personal, Duration: Instant, Cost: 3, jumps 10 times normal distance with a sudden push by his psychokinetic field, no damage from landing after any jump within his maximum jumping distance)
3. Psychokinetic Dive (Swimming 1, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Movement, Action: Move, Range: Personal, Duration: Sustained, Cost: 1, swims at 2.5 MPH or 25 ft. with a directed pulse from his psychokinetic field)
4. Psychokinetic Shield (Force Field 11, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Defense, Action: Free, Range: Personal, Duration: Sustained, Cost: 22, crackling red energy field protects him from harm with +11 to Toughness saves, Extra: Impervious)
5. Psychokinetic Strike (Strike 4, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Attack, Action: Standard, Range: Touch, Duration: Instant, Cost: 7, Saving Throw: Toughness, Power Feat: Affects Insubstantial 1, Power Feat: Extended Reach 1, Power Feat: Mighty, deals an extra +4 damage with a melee attack by launching himself psychokinetically and maintaining the psychokinetic field around him for a moment)
6. Psychokinetic Surge (Speed 1, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Movement, Action: Move, Range: Personal, Duration: Sustained, Cost: 1, moves at 10 MPH with a burst of psychokinetic propulsion)

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Hope it's not too late for a character submission? My Eberron game died the quiet death of DM non-response-itis so I suddenly find myself free... :»(

Anyway, I'm proposing NightShift, a white-haired security guard who suddenly found himself gifted with new vigor... and teleportation powers. Strictly a begining "put things right again" vigilanty with a code against killing (Yes, I do see him with a costume :)). Can teleport himself (Direction and Velocity change) as well as teleport marked items to his hand (weapons, costume, etc). I'm thinking his main weapon would be his service revolver (Blast and TK trick shots (shoot their hat off, Disarm, Trip "flesh wounds", "Freeze!" and "Up against the wall!" TK grabs)), a WWII combat knife (Strike and "Pin clothing to the wall" Entangles) and, maybe, a couple of blocks of plastic explosives (Tunnelling in addition to the obvious). Not sure about that last one (where did he get the stuff?) but that's the general concept.

EDIT: Or how about The Hand of Justice, AJ for short? A young fellow who can manifest huge hands of crackling purple energy which mimic the moves of his own arm/hands. TK with a Stretching alternate for action/reaction? Flight by pushing down and walking on his hands, area effect "swat" attacks and forcewall-type handblocks.

What do you think?

Binder Fred, saying a big "hello again" to Shayuri and Renau1g.
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First Post
lol...Ark, did you actually buy ranks in -every skill-? :)

Anyway, here's a worksheet for my as yet unnamed omnimental controller. Still fiddling a bit. The current build is a bit weak on offense, though strong on defense and strong on utility.

Comments welcome.

Concept/Archetype: Elemental
Power Level: 10
Power Points: 150
Experience Points: 0
Hero Points: 1

STR 10 +0 (0 PP)
DEX 14 +2 (4 PP)
CON 12 +1 (2 PP)
INT 16 +3 (6 PP)
WIS 14 +2 (4 PP)
CHA 16 +3 (6 PP)

SAVES (20)
TOUG +1 (+1 Con + 0 Feat + 0 Power + 0 Equipment)
FORT +7 (+6 Base + 1 Con) (6 PP)
REF +8 (+6 Base + 2 Dex) (6 PP)
WILL +10 (+8 Base + 2 Wis) (8 PP)

BASE DEF +3 (6 PP)
DEF 20 (10 + 3 Base + 0 Feat + 7 Power)
BASE ATT +3 (6 PP)

Ignite, Perception, DC 19 Fire
Air Control (Trip), Perception, DC 20 Trip

SKILLS 40 SP (40 PP)
Bluff +9 (6 ranks + 3 cha)
Computers +5 (2 ranks + 3 int)
Diplomacy +5 (2 ranks + 3 cha)
Drive +4 (2 ranks + 2 Dex)
Gather Information +10 (7 ranks + 3 cha)
Investigate +10 (7 ranks + 3 Int)
Knowledge (Current Events) +5 (2 ranks + 3 Int)
Notice +5 (3 ranks + 2 Wis)
Profession (Journalist) +5 (3 ranks + 2 Wis)
Search +5 (2 ranks + 3 Int)
Sense Motive +5 (3 ranks +2 Wis)


Ground 30/60/120
Swimming 5mph
Burrowing 10mph (1mph through stone)

Attractive 1
Contacts 1
Distract 1
Equipment 4
Evasion 1
Taunt 1
Uncanny Dodge 1
Well Informed 1

Elemental Control
Air Control +10, 21pp
AP Wind (Windstorm) +5, 1pp

Earth Control +10, 21pp
AP Shape Matter (Earth/Stone only -1, Continuous +1) +5, 1pp
AP Force Field (Impervious) +10, 1pp

Fire Control +6, 13pp
AP Ignite +4, 1pp

Water Control +1, 2pp

Movement Powers
Slow Fall +1, 2pp
Water Walking +1, 2pp
Swimming +2, 2pp
Burrowing +4, 4pp

Shield +7, 7pp


Abilities [22]
Combat [12]
Saves [20]
Skills [10]
Feats [11]
Powers [75]
Drawbacks [0]
Total [150]
Unspent [0][/sblock]


First Post
Is it too late to jump into the pool?

I'm thinking normal slightly geeky, perhaps not too bright 16 year old who woke up with superpowers and lept into the superhero role without a second thought. Or a first thought. Actually the second thoughts are starting to happen.

Finding crime in the first place is harder than he thought, and wandering randomly around the city for hours in longjohns with a towel tied around his neck is not as much fun as he thought.

And the costume thing is harder than it looks. He still hasn't figured out the mask bit. The skimask got him in trouble with the cops. Halloween masks slip and he can't see out of them. Right now he's making do with a bandana with holes cut in it. Internet research is about to introduce him to spiritgum. His first experiment will probably not go well.
The cape was easy, but it never drapes right. And tights that don't look stupid are harder to come by than he thought. Right now he's getting by with black jeans, a gold (painted) belt, and a superman t-shirt from the comic store.

Powerswise he has (he thinks) the superman suite. The flight is fun enough to make up for the disappointing heat vision. (He can shoot red beams from his eyes. They are exactly as effective as a laser pointer. The GM is invited to give them some secret effect he hasn't figured out yet. ;) ) He is strong (although nowhere close to superman strong, duh.) He is bullet-proof, although he isn't nearly as tough as he thinks. (He has a field that drains KE from fast moving objects. Bullets don't hurt, but the first 2 by 4 to the head is going to come as a real surprise.) He tried the super-cold-breath thing but he just got dizzy from hyperventilating. That's all he's thought to try so far.

Oh, and he calls himself "Kid Super". :)

Edit: Would it be allright for me to leave aside a pool of points when making him? Both to spend on feats/skill/alternate powers as he come to grips with his new powers and learns how to use them, and the GM to spend on 'surprise' powers he didn't realize he had.
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First Post
This is a WIP for The Crystal's Background

Gordon Masterson was an average high-school science teacher, trying to find a way to teach basic concepts of science to teenagers more interested in playing with bunsen burners than learning. A varsity athlete in high school, Gordon wanted to try and recapture some of that magic of those glory days.
He never managed to find what he was looking for, and became bitter at the inability to regain that feeling. Gordon turned to his friend Jack for advice, every morning he'd "top up" his coffee to help him through the day. He was a consumate bully to his students as Gordon was jealous of them, even if he wouldn't admit it to himself. Soon he would visit his friend Jack after lunch, then during self-study time, and finally Gordon would leave the room during a lecture to have a little chat. As his drinking problem began to spirol out of control, it began to affect his marriage and job performance. Gordon and his high school sweetheart split up when he couldn't overcome his demons and he lost his job once management caught wind of his drinking problem. Being tossed out onto the street was the low point in Gordon's life and it took this for him to realize that he needed help. He contacted a former high school friend of his (insert PC whom he has a connection to here) and asked for help. That person convinced Gordon that he needed professional help.

It was on this road to recovery that Gordon's powers manifested themselves. During one of the times he "fell off the wagon", Gordon was tossed out of a bar after failing to pay for his tab. On the way home, he wandered through the Central Park, stumbling more than walking. It seems that the predators were out this evening as a group of young hoodlums tried to jump Gordon. It was during this assault that he felt an itching sensation along his arms, even over the punches and kicks of the gang. With a shout of pain, red crystals punched out of every pore in his body and totally encapsulated him. Gordon didn't know what to do at first, the world he now saw through a red tinge. Somehow he had control over this new form and it moved more easily than he could have expected. The gang was frozen in front of the now 8 foot tall giant crystal, and Gordon felt better than he had before. He took out all his anger and bitterness on these poor saps, the massive fists breaking bone as easily as twigs. They tried to run, but Gordon stomped the ground, sending a shockwave that bowled over the cowards. They begged for their lives, but Gordon paid no heed, they were criminals and had tried to kill him. He brokered no mercy for them. After the adrenaline of the fight left him, the crystals retracted into his body, leaving Gordon alone with the sounds of sirens approaching. He did what anyone would do and ran. Over time he has learned to control his powers, able to manifest this new form as required.

Currently, the former high-school teacher is attending night school to become an EMT and AA meetings regularly. He has a small bachelor pad in Metro.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Walking Dad - I'm gonna need a bit more info on your shapeshift ability. Your original description of "Transforms his body in chemical elements or compounds. Limited elasticity and basic form change. Able to disguise into objects, but not persons." Had me thinking something else, but your shapeshift ability "Shapeshift 6 (limited to elemental states) (basically the powers you can get with alternate form: Particle, Solid, Liquid, gas)" is confusing me a little.

Secondly, is he super strong and super tough when he's not in an alternate form?
First, any better idea for modeling the original description with M&M powers?

Second, if not in normal identity, his body is composed of an amalgam of different elements, enhancing both str and con.

Also, sorry about springing new things on you guys, but..

ANY abilities that were enhanced and aren't your 'natural state' (IE what you were like BEFORE gaining your powers) should be bought through powers.
So for instance if you're playing a super-strong character with a 40 str, you would have to take the enhanced strength power to make up the difference between the 40 and whatever your character's base was. (18 if he were a body builder, more likely 12 for an avg person)
Ok, even if it is a bit redundant with the identity drawback.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
First, any better idea for modeling the original description with M&M powers?

Hello Walking Dad. Maybe examples of the different powers your Variable pool can take would clear things up? The most common ones maybe (form of water, acid, toxic gas, what have you).

Binder Fred, for a better tomorrow.


Guest 11456

Robert Paul Marshall (R.P.M.)

PL: 10 (150pp)

Abilities: STR: 16 (+3) DEX: 18 (+4) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 10 (+0) CHA: 10 (+0)

Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+12), Escape Artist 8 (+12), Sleight of Hand 8 (+12), Stealth 8 (+12)

Feats: Elusive Target, Evasion (2), Fast Overrun, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Uncanny Dodge

Powers: Super-Speed 10 (Air Control, Rapid Attack, Wall Run, Water Run; PP: 53), Quickness 10 (10,000 mph or 88,000 feet per melee round), Speed 10 (perform routine tasks a 2500 times normal)

Combat: Attack +8, Defense +15, Initiative +44

Saves: Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Reflex +14, Will +3

Abilities 18 + Skills 8 (32 ranks) + Feats 7 + Powers 53 + Combat 46 + Saves 18 = 150

Background: Coming soon...
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it is not too late to jump in, Andor. Feel free to stat up kid super.

OK, I'll look over the characters soon and see what needs fixin (if anything). For now, I just wanted to post a character list and see if I missed anybody.

Tailspinner - RPM
Andor - Kid Super
Renau1g - Crystal
Walking Dad - Chemico
Shayuri - Omnielemental
Binder Fred - Nightshift
Arkhandus - Red Impulse
Rellique du Madde - Dusk
Hafrogman - Unnamed Emotion controller

Allright I think I'll cut recruitment here and start going over the characters.

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