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Stop Combining Words in RPGs! - Let English prevail

Is EN World a Website, a Web site, or a website?

I think it should be Web site, with the big W, because "World Wide Web" is a proper noun.

BTW, as the husband of a non-native English speaker, I've seen that sometimes compound words are confusing as heck.

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Staff member
Umm, no?

Obeying the rules of "real English", you ALWAYS split syllables between consonants and never afterwards. That word splits to either war MAGE or WAR mage, but never WARM age. You simply cannot start a syllable with a vowel sound in English.
And there are any number of words in English that have syllables that start with a vowel.

What really screws me up is in Japanese <snip> On the plus side, they never liase their words together.
(emphasis mine)
Oddly enough...
ˈlē-ə-ˌzän, lē-ˈā-, ÷ˈlā-ə-


Merriam-Webster said:
Main Entry: tou·ché
Pronunciation: tü-ˈshā
Function: interjection
Etymology: French, from past participle of toucher to touch, from Old French tuchier
Date: 1904
—used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point/

There you go, then. :)


That's actually incorrect. It's not warm/er - it's war/mer. Same with war/ming, and war/mest.

Not according to the rules I'm familiar with! Consonant blends aren't split between syllables.

And as long as we're referencing dictionary.com:
warm·er, warm·est
warm'er, warm'ish

Yup, totally agree. car/nage. Just like War/mage.

Btw, how does fin/nish start with a vowel? But, the point is, when you put a word that starts with a vowel in a spoken sentence, you run it together with the consonant ending word behind it. If the two words have vowels, then you actually add a consonant sound in between to break them up.

Here's the thing - that's not the point at all! If "carnage" is split into syllables at the R, and is still pronounced KAH-nij, then "warmage", even split at the R, can be naturally read as WAWR-mij, rather than wawr-MEYJ.

Which was rounser's original point. And your response didn't actually address what he was saying at all, since the point at which the syllables are split doesn't affect the pronunciation.

Dannyalcatraz said:
Oddly enough...


Hussar's going to rewrite that as "li·yai·son" any moment now.



The combined words don't really bother me. The naming conventions on the other hand...

If someone tells you that 4e has no word silliness in it, ask them to name the different types of armor and see how far they get.

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