[M&M] Buffyverse game? (OOC) [Recruiting CLOSED]


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Due to some unemployment-induced idle time, I've been rewatching my Buffy and Angel DVDs lately, and about halfway through that I started kicking around ideas for a game in the BtvS universe. Probably in concept more like Angel (i.e. largely adult characters, and more episodic than 'big bad' focused), set here and now in 2009 (i.e. about 5 years after the shows went off the air) and ignoring anything other than the TV shows (i.e. comics, novels, etc.) because I haven't seen it.

Big Questions

1 - System

I've got the Angel RPG, but have never used it (and don't have the Buffy RPG). Also, it's just the core rulebook; I don't have anything else (and I don't know if anything else was ever published). I've got and have played Mutants & Masterminds 2e, which is probably what I'd end up using here; nothing else seems sufficiently flexible (though I'd put a pretty strict limit on how many points could be spent on powers). The only other things I've got that might sort of work are d20 Modern, True20, and a hyper-tweaked SWSE.

UPDATE: It will be M&M 2e. PL8 characters, details down-thread.

2 - Setting

Real (mostly) or fictional (i.e. LA or Sunnydale)? If real, somewhere I sort-of know (which basically means San Diego, Cleveland, or upstate NY) or just wing it?

I'm going to assume that any major characters that didn't die on-screen are alive (with the exception of Gunn, who was both dying and heading into a doomed battle when we last saw him; Angel and Spike were heading into a doomed battle as well, but they don't seem to stay dead).

UPDATE: The game will be set in San Diego, CA, USA.

3 - Characters

Post-season 7 finale there are quite a few active Slayers, but I can't see have more than two as PCs (and that's pushing it). I'm thinking mostly unique characters; you could run someone who had a bit part and wasn't mostly evil. Angel showed a fair number of 'freaks' with some sort of psi powers (one major telekinetic and electro-girl Gwen come to mind) and both shows had well-trained normals that could hold their own in a fight with demonkind (Riley, Robin Wood, Gunn). Probably the ability to at least appear human would be required.

Anyway, would anyone be interested?

Update: Tenative character mechanics guidelines

Base PL8/120 points with the following restrictions

- normal humans cannot have any attributes above 20 (either base or via the Enhanced Ability power), or more than one attribute above 16
- slayers, half-demons, and robots can have physical stats of up to 24

- no special restrictions

- only normal humans can take Fortune feats
- minions are not allowed

- I'm not going to have many hard and fast rules, as even a normal human might want some powers, perhaps bound in a Device (weapon or armor) or to learn some Magic, but try to stay in the range of things that good guys have had on the shows (and Dark Willow is not a good guy, nor is Illyria!); Slayers typically have Regeneration
- However, these are outright banned: boost, duplication, gestalt, mimic, mind control, mind switch, nullify, nemesis, possession, power control, space travel, summon (minion), teleport, transfer, any form of time travel/temporal control (some of these have been used in the shows, granted, but I don't think I want them in any good guy's stock abilities)

- PCs should be able to live like middle-class Americans at minimum. This game is not going to be set in NYC, so it's probably a good idea to have a car. Guns don't kill vampires (and have limitted effects on heavily armored demons) but will probably be more useful in this game than they were on the show
- Unless you're an active member of a military organization, getting military weapons will be difficult. However, with some persistance, adult PCs should have no trouble acquiring standard firearms (non-autofire weapons), even in California.

Character guidelines

For one reason or another, your character has been dragged into the fight against things that go bump in the night, and is doing that in San Diego, California.
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Interested. Especially if it's M&M which is one of my favorite systems.

And yeah, 'slayers' are pretty generic in the aftermath of season 7. And Sunnydale's hellmouth was destroyed (along with Sunnydale), so probably not much reason to set it there. :)

But the setting supports a whole lot of weird concepts. Creatures from other dimensions, lycanthropes, reformed demons, psychics, magicians, robots...and the source material suits most RPG's in that the shows all revolve around "gatherings of freaks," which is what most gaming groups wind up making anyway. :)



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I'm definitely a fan of Buffy-related stuffs, though I haven't played the systems listed (I keep hearing great things about M&M, though). So I guess, conceptually I'm interested; it'd just be a matter of how easy the system you picked was to learn?


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Interested. Especially if it's M&M which is one of my favorite systems.

... which I've run all of one PC in. I've got the coure rulebook and Ultimate Power; but since I don't regularly play the system, that's it. Not sure what supplements (if any) would be useful.

And yeah, 'slayers' are pretty generic in the aftermath of season 7.

Well, they're generic in that there are a lot of them. I mean, no one would confuse Buffy, Kendra, Faith, and Kennedy. On the other hand, the rest of the former potentials (that lived) are pretty much blank slates.

And Sunnydale's hellmouth was destroyed (along with Sunnydale), so probably not much reason to set it there. :)

Well, yeah, but 'generic SoCal exurb/college town' is pretty simple to set up, and can easily be extrapolated by looking out the window (I live a few blocks from the real UCSD).

But the setting supports a whole lot of weird concepts. Creatures from other dimensions, lycanthropes, reformed demons, psychics, magicians, robots...and the source material suits most RPG's in that the shows all revolve around "gatherings of freaks," which is what most gaming groups wind up making anyway. :)

True, though Lorne was the ony signifcant character that couldn't pass as human to a casual observer. Angel and Spike had the classic vampire tell-tales as well, but I think I want to avoid adding to the vampire with a soul count...


Yeah, I know. The other reason I was watching a lot of Buffy and Angel was that I've been too out of it to do decent encounter design for the Star Wars game :).


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Huge fan of the Buffyverse here. I'm seen every Buffy episode multiple times, though I've not ever watch Angel all the way through. I've been looking for a good deal on the DVDs, though.

With that said, I only have d20 Modern. So if you decide to use that system, count me in. If you run with another system, I may be able to pick it up. It would just depend.


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Well, I didn't mean generic character-wise, yeah. More generic in terms of their powers. They all have basically the same abilities.

That's not a bad thing though, and I can definitely see that any group of 'demon hunters' would want a slayer at the nucleus. It is, after all, why they exist.

I concur on the 'souled vamp' thing too. Way overdone. The show already pretty much explored all the permutations of "vampire allies." It'd be good to get back to them being dangerous and implacable foes.


As for system, I'm open, but M&M is basically just a streamlined d20 with some different rules for combat and a point based ability acquisition system to replace classes. If you've played D&D or d20 modern, it's a cinch to pick up.


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Definitely the vampire en-souling is rather played out, though with all the hammering of 'vampires are evil, end of story' in the show, there seems to be a lot of ambiguity about the native evil-ness of demon-blood, oddly enough. Which could provide some interesting RP, since it's also unclear how those relatively benign demon species interact with the 'underworld community.' And the now-large Slayer community, for that matter. ;)



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Definitely the vampire en-souling is rather played out, though with all the hammering of 'vampires are evil, end of story' in the show, there seems to be a lot of ambiguity about the native evil-ness of demon-blood, oddly enough. Which could provide some interesting RP, since it's also unclear how those relatively benign demon species interact with the 'underworld community.' And the now-large Slayer community, for that matter. ;)


I dunno. Spike went 'good' before he ever had a soul. In fact, I found myself getting a bit annoyed with how the show set vampires up to be evil, then started backtracking and showing them as more sympathetic, less menacing (Harmony, anyone?).

I don't mind that a very few vampires either find redemption or at the very least aren't all THAT bad...but I think it undermines the whole premise if that happens a lot. It needs to be established that those incidents are very rare, and often ill-fated.

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