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Insight's "In the Shadow of Giants" [IC] - Prelude to Danger!


First Post
Moving forward with the others, doing his best to keep pace, Gregor moved towards the burning structures, looking for both a sigh of what is causing the inferno.

When Amos mentions the screaming, Gregor picks up his pace, searching for a way in to rescue anyone who may be trapped within. unfortunately, the smoke makes it difficult to make anything out.

Last Round: Move/Standard: move forward with group

This round: Move/Standard: move forward
Minor: look for a safe path through/into the flames: 10[/sblock]

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First Post
The screams sent a chill down Saben's spine as they carried over the smoke laden air in rebuke to his prayer. He paused only momentarily to get his bearings and then, gripping his sword tightly, continued his headlong charge toward the source of this strange circumstance. He didn't know what lie ahead, but knew that his companions were not far behind and took strength from that.


Passive Perception: 19
Move & Standard: Double Move: Run, in the direction of the fire. Stopping only if a threat becomes apparent that obviously is beyond him.
Minor: none



Registered User
Amos pauses only momentarily to inform the others what he and Olcan sensed. Then the big man breaks into a run, headed towards the burning objects. Olcan streams along in the underbrush, ears pricked, tail and hackles raised in wariness.

Standard: Run 40' (Olcan keeps pace)

Minor: If terrain becomes difficult, use Level 10 Utility Undaunted Stride
Minor: If terrain is normal, use Pack Awareness. Amos, 20; Olcan, 23
Move: Move 30' or Run 40' (Olcan keeps pace)
Standard: Held.[/sblock]


Brant grimly presses forward, trying to get close enough to get his bearings and figure out what is happening. His heavy footsteps continue as he drives himself towards the flames.

[sblock=ooc]Passive perception: 17
Move action: move forward
Standard action: move forward[/sblock]


First Post
Seeker will begin to jog towards the location of the screams that Amos pointed out to him, hoping to see anything through the smoke, but also worried that the sight might not be something he wants to see.

Round 3:
Minor: n/a (passive perception is 20)
Move: With group
Standard: with group


OOC: Cross-posted from the
OOC: thread...

[sblock=Handling of Init]
On Initiative:
I have made a decision that I hope will help speed up the game, especially when it comes to the start of combat. At the top of the combat encounter, I will use Invisible Castle to make initiative rolls for everyone (including you guys). I will then post your initiative results along with those of the enemies of which you are aware.

I am doing this to speed up combat, not take something away from the players. The idea here is to avoid having to wait for everyone to roll initiative before people start posting actions. With the advent of this, you will now only need to post actions and not worry about waiting on anyone resolving initiative.

If you have any questions about this, please reply in the OOC thread.


OOC: I am re-posting the positioning at the end of Round Three. To avoid confusion, I am going to ignore anything else you posted since I was only asking to round out the Round Three actions.

Just so that this doesn't become confusing --

Saben: +45ft from Seeker
Amos and Olcan: +40ft from Seeker
Corrin: +30ft from Seeker
Brant and Gregor: +25ft from Seeker
Seeker - 0

Please post actions once I have posted a new Round Four description (forthcoming).


Crossing the Yoirwood
- Round Four -

Saben is the first to come upon the scene of burning wagons, still some distance away. Amos and his trusted wolf, Olcan, are close behind. There are two merchant's wagons, blazing away, in the middle of a modest clearing. From what Saben and Amos can see, the wagons are about half engulfed in flame, and this fire is the source of the smoke that first alerted you to this situation.

The screams you heard appear to be coming from humanoids running around the wagons. These humanoids, like the wagons, are covered in fire!

[sblock=OOC]Please post a single round of actions. Saben, Amos, and Olcan are the closest and are a good 100ft away from the wagons. There are trees and scrub brush preventing you from seeing everything, but you have a decent view of what's going on now.[/sblock]


First Post
Since it doesn't look like there's anyone/anything hostile between him and the fire, and he doesn't actually have any spells that are useful for firefighting, Corrin just runs for the burning wagons.

Move: Run
Standard: Run


Registered User
Ah. Wagons. They're wagons.

Olcan whimpers, hackles still raised. The fire makes the rangy wolf
nervous. The wolf draws closer to Amos and the big man flicks at glance and a thought at the wolf, Be easy.

His heart - hammering since he'd heard the screams - feels squeezed as the burning folk come into view. Amos pours on the speed and is glad that Saben is in the lead. Partly because folk tended to respond better to the kindly halfbreed paladin than to the hulking halfbreed ranger, but mostly because the man's gift would be needed it seems.

He shoulders his bow on the run and hollers at the panicky, scurrying figures ahead, "Lay down! Lay down and roll!"

Still wary, the cagy tracker peers at the surround brush. His and Olcan's senses had often kept their little band on the better side of surprised over the years. But Amos didn't like to think about the times that he'd allowed himself to be distracted. He didn't like to think about it, but he couldn't help it, either.

Amos and Olcan's keen senses scan the woods and the scene.

Minor: Put away bow.
Move: Run 40' (or the remainder of the distance)
Standard: Pack Awareness, Amos 35, Olcan 32[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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