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Can Dextyr Keep All These Strikers Alive? (DM: JoeNotCharles, Ozymandias79 Judging)


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The lightning flickers in the distance, and the rumble of thunder is muted. The creature's steps are not muted as it thunders towards the source of the irritating arrows, punts Mikara a couple of feet, and crushes her head. Orange smoke descends and takes the body away.

Orange smoke pours from the acolytes' censers to shroud the sphere, and when it clears it leaves Mikara's mangled body on the floor. One of the acolytes quickly places a black shroud, covered with the symbols of Lauto in silver stitching, over the ruined face. The acolytes carry her to a bed and begin their ministrations, washing the body with a black cloth dipped in pure water from a silver bowl. The elderly priest chants over the body with a deep voice, sprinkling silver dust over the body. He occasionally has to pause to straighten the mangled limbs with sickening cracking noises. But somehow when he takes his hands away, the limbs are whole. Finally he whips the shroud from her face, which is perfectly restored, and bends to kiss her lightly on the lips. A moment later, her breast begins rising and falling.

OOC: read Mikara's block too.

You awake in a shadowy room. Your body feels numb, and you are weak from exhaustion. You are in a hard, uncomfortable bed, looking up at a vaulted stone ceiling overhead. A kindly looking old man with a stubble of grey and white beard leans over you. The holy symbol of Lauto hangs from his neck.

"Welcome back to the living," he says kindly. "Not a pretty way to die, crushed in the mud, but you are whole again now, and hopefully your next time across the threshold will be more pleasant. Alas, we who serve Lauto cannot interfere outside of the crossing of that threshold without special dispensation - which I am trying to obtain right now - so there was no way we could intervene to keep you alive. But as you perished in Lauto's service, we were able to at least spare you some of the tedium of having your body fetched back to town." He seems completely at ease discussing such morbid subjects.

"Some of your friends are already here," he says, waving to your left. You turn your head stiffly to see Tristan and Blade lying on similar beds. "And you can follow the progress of your other friends while you wait to recover." He waves to your right, where two acolytes stand flanking a large 5 foot orb, which looks down on the scene of your battle from above. "I'm afraid you will be very weak for a time. Don't let it disturb you - your strength should return soon, and then you can be on your way. You will have to pay the resurrection fee, unfortunately - Lauto does not permit us to provide service for free, even if you do deserve it in this case. Uh, sorry."

He tucks a slip of paper into your hand.

Mikara Le Mesadh, having arrived in the arms of Lauto in the most dire state of death, and been returned from this state by the intercession of His priests, now owes the Temple of Lauto the sum of 500 gold.

Dextyr moves to I7 and uses Second Wind, regaining 7 HP.

Mikara crawls to D10 and misses the Elemental with Twin Strike.

Tonk misses the Elemental with Deft Strike, moves to O10 and hides with Stealth 16.

Like I said last turn, lightning passes this round. It'll be back next turn.

The Stone Elemental's bear hug does not recharge: Bear Hug recharge (1d6=4). It uses a move + charge to move to D11 and attack Mikara: Slam vs Mikara (w/+1 charge, +2 combat advantage) (1d20+10+1+2=32, 2d8+5=13) Mikara's dying (and pushed to D9). It uses an AP to Coup de Grace: Slam vs Mikara (+2 combat advantage) (1d20+10+2=22, 2d8+5=10) 10 more damage takes her to -12, negative bloodied. Mikara dies.

The tree stumps are difficult terrain, the trees themselves are blocking terrain and block line of sight. Due to the mud, everyone's speed is reduced by 2 - you can run to move at regular speed, but must make a DC 15 Balance check - if you fail, you can't move, if you fail by 5 or more, you fall prone.

Don't forget the elemental's Reach 2 when checking for opportunity attacks.

Your turns! Dextyr, unless I miscounted you still have an AP left - you should probably use it while you still can. Remember, there's an XP reward if you can get it to bloodied.

Blade (-4/29 hp, Oath of Enmity on Stone Elemental, dying)
Mikara (-12/24 hp, prone)
Tonk (3/24 hp, Stealth 16)
Dextyr (9/28 hp, +2 to all defenses until EONT)
Tristan (-24/28 hp, Oath of Enmity on Stone Elemental, if it is more than 3 squares away at start of turn can teleport to within 3 squares with minor action (ends if more than 3 squares away at end of turn), prone, dying)

Stone Elemental (148/275[color], used 1 AP, used Bear Hug, takes 9 radiant if it hits or misses Blade or ends its turn adjacent to him)


Stone Elemental
HP: 275; Bloodied: 137
AC: 20; Fort: 24, Reflex: 18, Will: 20
Melee Basic Attack: Brute Slam Reach 2; +10 vs AC; 2d8+5 damage, and target is pushed 1 square.

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[sblock=JNC,Lord Sessadore, Renau1g]Mikara's eyes tear up as she sees that Tristan and Blade alive once more. She looks up at the priest, obvious worry in her eyes, and manages to ask, "And the others? Tonk, Dextyr? What about them? Will you raise them too?"

She holds the note given to her by the priest above her head (as she is still to tired to do anything but lie on her back). As she reads it her lips split into a sly grin. She reaches into her belt and pulls out a crumpled copy of the reward note. She turns her head and shoots a raised eyebrow at Blade.

Waving the paper, she says, "You know what this means? If Tonk and Dextyr get here, we're rich!"[/sblock]


First Post
As Dextyr hears the sickening sound of the elemental ending Mikaras life, he decides that the safest place to be is far from the creature. He slowly makes his way across the clearing to be able to get the beast into his view. He spots the creature lifting it's foot as a cloud of orange smoke disipates quickly in the rain.

"HEY, Rocks for brains!" Dextyr shouts, "I've seen playground sandboxes that are scarier than you". His word though seem to have been lost on the wind as the beast seems unaffected by his magical attack.

"Well, it appears that I too will soon be joining the others in the cold embrace of death...." Dextyr mutter to himself as he awaits the elementals next move.

Move Action = I7 to F4
Standard Action = Vicious Mockery; vs Will (1d20+4=14, 1d6+4=7)
Action Point (if I do have one) = Vicious Mockery; vs Will (1d20+4=17, 1d6+4=6)
Minor Action = hang head in defeat and wait for the inevitable....
Well I highly doubt that we will get to cash in on the bounty..
[sblock=Really OOC]
..because today it dawned on me what I would do if I was the DM. You see this bounty only requires proof of our death, not for us to actually be dead. Now it is true that those who have fallen (Blade, Tristan & Mikara) have their bills which prove that they were dead. But who else would have a copy - or should I say the original - of that bill? Will we all not end up "in a place beneath the temple where even the bounty hunters cannot find us"? Also explains why they were so kind as to rescue our bodies as to not leave the bounty hunters with any evidence that we were killed. My guess is that the Temple of Lauto will be getting a new wing built sometime in the near future.
That's just what I'd do if I were the DM....


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[sblock=Dextyrs Hit Points]
Joe, you have Dex's hit points at 9, but if he didn't take lightning damage AND he used his second wind I am guessing that his HP should be higher than that.
Of course, it won't really make a whole lot of difference if the elemental is coming after me next, but it may help with the lightning.


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Tonk steps out from behind the trees and wings a shuriken at the elemental. It lodges in the cracks between two of its rocks, and the thing flails wildly in an attempt to dislodge it. It claws some of the rocks that make up its body away, trying to get at the irritant, and finally pulls it out in a shower of gravel. Several more rocks dislodge and tumble to the ground. This seems to anger it, and it whirls about in a mad frenzy, mace-like hands crashing through the air. Finally it subsides, but it has knocked even more pieces of itself loose, and it is moving jerkily. It spasms as it takes a step, pulling its limbs sluggishly along, and then suddenly erupts in a frenzy of action for a few moments before slowing down again.

As Tonk fades back behind the trees, the thing turns to face Dextyr, attracted by his taunts. It lumbers into motion, crushing a small tree stump into splinters as it jogs towards him. Dextyr ducks nimbly aside at the last minute, avoiding both the charge and the lightning with stabs down towards him. He can barely hear the sound of another fork of lightning with strikes Tonk, tossing him to the ground with his limbs convulsing.

Um. Why was Tonk not marked as bloodied? He's the most bloodied of all of you!

Tonk uses Deft Strike to move to O12 and hit the Elemental for 12, bloodying it. It uses Raging Flail (a close burst 2) as an immediate reaction, but nobody is in range. Then he moves back to O10 and hides with Stealth 18.

Dextyr moves to F4 and attacks twice with Vicious Mockery, missing.

Lightning attacks Dextyr once, and Tonk once: Lightning vs Dextyr and Tonk (targets Reflex) (1d20+6=7, 1d10+4=13, 1d20+6=16, 1d10+4=8). Tonk is hit, and misses his save: Save vs Lightning (1d20=5). It hits Tonk for 8, taking him to -5. He's dying.

The Stone Elemental's bear hug recharges: Bear Hug recharge (1d6=6) It moves to E8, then charges to F5 and attacks Dextyr: Brute Slam vs Dextyr (w/+1 charge) (1d20+10+1=15, 2d8+5=14) Miss.

The tree stumps are difficult terrain, the trees themselves are blocking terrain and block line of sight. Due to the mud, everyone's speed is reduced by 2 - you can run to move at regular speed, but must make a DC 15 Balance check - if you fail, you can't move, if you fail by 5 or more, you fall prone.

Don't forget the elemental's Reach 2 when checking for opportunity attacks.

Your turns! To try to get through the grind faster, from now on we'll take our turns 2 at a time. So Dextyr gets two full turns, and Tonk gets two saving throws right away. Then it will get two turns to attack you. (Wouldn't it be amazing if you could actually beat this thing?)

Blade (-4/29 hp, Oath of Enmity on Stone Elemental, dying)
Mikara (-12/24 hp, prone)
Tonk (-5/24 hp, Stealth 18, dying)
Dextyr (21/28 hp, +2 to all defenses until EONT)
Tristan (-24/28 hp, Oath of Enmity on Stone Elemental, if it is more than 3 squares away at start of turn can teleport to within 3 squares with minor action (ends if more than 3 squares away at end of turn), prone, dying)

Stone Elemental (136/275, used 3 AP)


Stone Elemental
HP: 275; Bloodied: 137
AC: 20; Fort: 24, Reflex: 18, Will: 20
Melee Basic Attack: Brute Slam Reach 2; +10 vs AC; 2d8+5 damage, and target is pushed 1 square.


First Post
Excuse me, Mr. DM! Didn't you say you were going to give us a couple of rounds without lightning, and then, the lightning would use a +4 attack bonus? If so, the lightning MISSED MY BOY! YEAH, BABY!

Uh, and is it just me, or do the bare buttocks spattered with blood seem extraordinarily gross?

Voidrunner's Codex

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