Star Wars Saga: The Dawn of Defiance [OOC Thread]


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I may be overlooking it completely, but I can't find it in the book where they specifically spell out what adjacent means in regard to diagonals. I know that you can do it in 4th edition, but that's all.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
He has a Will of 9. If he's still standing when it comes to his turn, he'll likely run away screaming.
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First Post
I may be overlooking it completely, but I can't find it in the book where they specifically spell out what adjacent means in regard to diagonals. I know that you can do it in 4th edition, but that's all.
Oh my god, you are kidding right? You can also do it in 3.x, and since Saga is a hybrid of both of these games you could deduce the same thing.

If you need a rule book definition, the closest things I can give you is the Reach definition on page 161, then on page 160 under diagram 9-4 shows flanking using diagonals.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
I think the "moving diagonaly requires 2 squares of movement" rule is what may have confused the issue here (diagonal squares are effectively 2 squares of movement away from each other, which muddles the issue if you understand "adjacent" as "one square away"). That 9-4 diagram is pretty clear that diagonal square ARE to be considered adjacent to each other though (good catch, Nebten!), so you have to think of "adjacent" as strictly meaning "touching each other" regardles of the number of movement squares you would have to spend to get from one to the other.

Personnaly, I think 2 squares for diagonal movement is too much. In our face to face games we usualy go 2, 1, 2, 1, etc for diagonal movements made in the same move action (that goes for D&D too). It's closer to the true length of the hypothenuse you're travelling.


Personnaly, I think 2 squares for diagonal movement is too much. In our face to face games we usualy go 2, 1, 2, 1, etc for diagonal movements made in the same move action (that goes for D&D too). It's closer to the true length of the hypothenuse you're travelling.

I agree with this, can it be a house rule?

Of course this all started when I thought TB would have to be in the same SQ as Mack. Thus the need to move. Sorry.:heh:


First Post
Yep... Missed it completely. No MA penalty is necessary. Mack may stand up and kick thug butt at the beginning of his turn.

Thanks, Nebten.


Woo hoo! Unfortunately I am off to bed now and will unlikely be able to post until tomorrow night.

I will try to post before I leave the house in the morning (about 7 hours from now), but no promises.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
One of Ganga's remaining guards turns his blaster pistol on Sloor, hoping to at least slow down the raging Besalisk. The shot hits the four-armed alien but doesn't do that much damage to him.
With the previous discussion on adjacency, I thought I'd make sure: this does take into account the fact that Sloor is adjacent to Thug 3, right? (i.e. the shot had to hit the equivalent of REF 19).


I always took adjacent to mean next too, even at a diagonal. You can attack at such diagonals as well. p157 of the Saga book, in the diagram, Tuskan Raider A can make an AoO on Windu even though he's at the diagonal.

And yes diagonal movement costs double.

So Binder... looking at Crime Lord are ya? :cool:

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