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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The drow rolls his eyes at the simple farmer's request, then sighs a bit. The folios always speak of adventure in grand terms, but they always seem to start simple. But, maybe its best to get out of Daunton for a bit. Let the Watch stew a little. He stands and approaches. Shall we slay us some rats, 'gov? Damen adds sardonically.

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"He owed money, I assume", Dante replies to Papolstaanus, finally waking from a fatigued stupor.

The swordmaster looks around the inn and says in a low voice, "I'd not been in here before, actually, but a fight looked better than the food." It is plain the githzerai is not impressed by the presence of an Aboleth, even if it is only an overcooked organ from one.


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...she casts the goblin a knowing look, "Thank you for your kindness...but a gentleman asks before laying his hands on a woman, even if it is to save her life." her eyes shift over in Artemis' direction.

Mikara looks at the two with indignation, "Hey fellahs, you might want to give the guy a breather. He's been through a lot today..."

Artemis smiles earnestly, "It's good to see you're feeling like yourself, Lady Mikara."

He groans slightly as he pulls himself to his feet. Artemis does a slow circle arond the pub, congratulating his comrades in arms. A private toast for each combatant.

Praise for Owen and his masterful blade, without whose brave attacks, we wouldn't have downed the hobgoblin leader.
Praise for Halcyon and his fortitude and bravery, keeping the enemies from piercing the front line.
For Mercurial, whose dedication and care saved the day, by keeping everyone he could on his feet.
Praise for Dante, his skill with his blade and fearless attacks against multiple attackers put the hobgoblins on their arse.
For Lenard, whose strong magics wore down the attackers and were a key component to winning the day.
Praise for Aeden, who bravely jumped to protect Sound of Stone when he was most vulnerable.
For Sound of Stone, whose fury and attacks and bravery were an honor to behold. It was good there were so many witnesses, so that his clutchmates would have no need to question the tales of his ferocity.
Praise for Gil, who acted as a veteran, with intelligent maneuvering and masterfully placed spells were the key to victory (No, I'm sure this wasn't a training exercise... Yes, they would have killed us... Yes, we were pretty lucky after all... You're mom would be proud...)
Praise for Queen, whose attacks disrupted the hobgoblin and lead to success.

After a long while, Artemis finds his chair near Mikara. He catches the last part of Kauldron's interaction with a smile.

As with all the combatants, Artemis raises his glass to Mikara, "Lady, you are dangerous. And I mean that is all the best ways."


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*Kauldrons ears perk up as he hears the man's tales. Idly yawning in his chair he shrugs to himself. Then Plants the chair back down upon all four of it's legs. Hopping back down upon the ground with a clank as his heavy armor rattles. Wondering over to the man in the top hat. He looks up at him.*

Hmmm...So you folks need a bit O'elp do yee. By the grace of my god I believe I can aid you in this. Though I do have a question for yee. Does your hovel have a tavern and some fine lasses?

*He grins under hsi masked helm as another bellow of smoke surround him.*


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Rolf turns to Mikara, about to shoot off a retort when the farmer comes in. Rolf, hearing mention of coin, restrains himself from replying to the woman to listen in. When the farmer finishes explaining about the disappearing cows, Rolf sighs and mutters "Coulda at least let me get a pint first..." under his breath, then stands and walks over to the farmer.

"A'right, I'm in if you can pay in gold, ale, and wenches. Although ye can leave out the wenches in place o' some good food!"


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"Well, that's right kind of you...uh...what are you?" the man says, staring unabashedly at the divine creature in front of him. After a few seconds, he shakes his head and then says "Well, that be part of the problem we be facin' Nobody's seen the beasts, well we just assume they're beasts. Something seems to just grab'em at night. We put'em in the barns, ain't make a difference, someofus thought maybe to sleep in the barn ta catch it, but ain't none brave or foolish enough among us to try it. We ain't even found the remains of our poor cows, just some blood where they be last left." Shamus says.
"Something's killing your cows?" asks Papolstaanas, who by now has a few cups of wine swimming merrily around in his system with healthy dose of brandy he had earlier. "That's sad, isn't it? There were these cows on the Isle of Opposition and these snake-things came up out of the mud and--" he shudders. "It was horrible! And it was just the zocaltita--zocaltipapa--whatever they were called trying to get rid of us, and that's so unfair, to victimize some poor innocent animals when you're really trying to victimize innocent people... Wait a second, that doesn't sound quite right... Well, anyway, I think it's terrible." He drains his wine cup and pours himself some more, some of which sloshes onto the table. "Do you need any help?" he asks, forgetting that the man has asked for help already.


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"What my friend is saying," Kaeysari says as Papolstaanas again trails off into incoherence, "is that we'd be glad to help. I've been a soldier for years, and Papolstaanas is a dab hand with a blade. Last time we were too late to help some people, and came upon a nasty scene. This time, we'd like to get there before things get worse. As the. . . um" she motions towards Cyr. "As that guy--I think he's a deva, but I've only met a few--said, tell us more, so that we can be prepared."


First Post
Shamus looks at Kauldron, "Why we got a few mighty fine lasses, Desmond's girls are quite easy on the eyes, boy if I were ten years younger you'd bet your fancy armor there that I'd be on them like a hog on slop" he says

As the man faces the shifter and the drow, he retreats a step instinctively at their fearsome appearance.

"Deee-vah you say... hmmm you city folk sure are interestin. Oh, uh yeah, so ok we started having problems about six or so weeks ago, we ain't think much of it at first. We left the cows out at night, think maybe a wolf or coyote, or sumthin' got in and grabbed on. It kept happenin' though, more often too. First it was every few nights, but in the last coupla weeks it's been most nights... we are runnin' out of animals, I'm afraid we might be next if they keep comin' like this. It's about a day and a bit or so ta get there." Shamus says to Kaeysari, then adds "I sure hope its rats, but I'm thinkin' it's gotta be something else ...uh, what was your name?" he asks the drow, apparently missing the mocking tone from Damen


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Kaeysari guffaws.
"I'm no city folk," she says, chuckling. "I grew up in a little bitty place. My father herded sheep. Well, he hunted originally, then after he couldn't do that any more, got a job tending the flock."
She leans a little closer, and in a conspiratorial tone says, "you're right, though, some of these city folk are kinda weird looking. I'm Kaeysari, by the way. Pleased to meet you."

Voidrunner's Codex

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