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[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)


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[sblock=ooc]One more vote to call this fight a victory will be a majority and we'll carry on.

Ixen also has his second wind, and one inspiring word left as well[/sblock]

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OOC: Dang. Slept through the fight as usual. I vote we call it too. I can't bring him down myself, but with Finnean right behind me, he won't last till the next round unless we all roll 1s.


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[sblock=OOC]Sure we can call it even though technically I can shoot on the gnome in the bucket even with total concealment on him with no penalty greater than -2 XD. But in the interest of keeping the campaign moving lets call it[/sblock]


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The party quickly dispatches the remaining archer, loyal to the pirate captain until the end. After scouring the cutter’s wheel deck, the gnome is not found nor appears again. Maybe he was willing to face the Shifting Seas rather than face a guaranteed death on the pirate’s ship. Either way, victory is yours!

After gathering his wits, Rogar descends from the cutter’s wheel deck and walks up to the corpse of the pirate captain, ”Good riddance!”, he says, kicks the corpse then looks around at the blood slicked deck. ”We gave them what they had a comin’! Let them feed the fish.” He walks up to the stern castle and crosses back to the Salty Dog, then turns around to address everyone, glancing at the sky. ”We got a storm brewin’. Wit no extra hands to sail dis cutter home, I’m a sayin’ get to findin’ any valuables, then scuttle her. Move all their supplies to th' Salty Dog. Tis a durned shame about the boat.”

[sblock=Pirate’s Booty]Before consigning the pirates bodies to the sea, all valuable items are collected.

[sblock=Finnean]The (diminutive) elf archer that Finnean struck down is wearing +1 Thought-Eater leather armor.[/sblock]

[sblock=Ixenmalignat]Stowed below deck in the gnome arcanist’s sleeping area is a cloak that catches your eye, a +1 Cloak of the Chirurgeon.[/sblock]

[sblock=Cyrus]The elf archer at the bow of the pirate cutter had a +1 Rhythm blade short sword (A.K.A. Large dagger)[/sblock]

[sblock=Damien]The elf on the wheel deck is wearing Acrobat Boots[/sblock]

[sblock=Ardens]Hidden within the pirate captain’s cabin, under mounds of soiled clothes, an Amulet of Life +1 is found.[/sblock]

[sblock=treex]The motley crew member Jesse struck down with his magic missile is wearing a +1 cloak of resistance.[/sblock]

[sblock=everyone]A chest was found where the captain slept (presumably). It contains 470 gp and a jeweled goblet (estimated worth 250gp). [/sblock]

[sblock=The Math]248 Motley Crew: 8x31/ea
375 Elf Archer: 3x125
150 Gnome Arcanist: 1x150
300 Pirate Captain (Elite): 1x300
1073 Sub-total

2146 Total: 1073x2
358 total/6

Finnean: 358XP
Ixenmalignat: 358 XP
Cyrus: 358 XP
Damien: 358 XP
Ardens: 358 XP
Jesse: 358 XP

[sblock=Time XP]Since we have only been playing for ?5? days so far, I won’t give out Time XP/gp until at least a month passes.[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]I’m trying to get this approved by a judge. I also noticed that there are a few of your PCs that don’t have 2nd Approval yet. Hopefully approving this treasure/xp will help speed that process up.

Overall, good encounter![/sblock]


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Jesse had to use a stick to fish out the cloak in the waters. It was a heap of wet rags to the naked eye, but he could he feel the magical enhancements flowing through it. With a wave of his hand it dried out and he donned it over his back happily.

"To tell you the truth, I almost wet myself when I saw all those swords. Did you see those swords? And bows? Their weapons were so...sharp. And...cutty." Jesse muttered.

"But HEY! We get to keep their stuff, right? And we got their supplies now!" the tieflng cheered.

He walks down the plank in an attempt to help move the supplies but slips and almost crashes into the waves. A helping hand heaved him back up onto the ship.

"Err, I guess I should just sit down and stay out of the way then..."

A rather sad tiefling makes his way to the stairs and slumps down instead.

[sblock=Actions] Prestidigitation on Cloak.
I wonder, can I keep it clean? Or will it soak itself after an hour? o_0[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Gotten one approval from Circio (thanks!) and in the waiting list (38 of 49 or something)[/sblock]


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A gloomy daybreak sees the crew and companions of the Salty Dog, searching the dead pirates and scuttling their cutter, everyone can noticeably see that the storm is beginning to intensify.

By midmorning, shrieking winds force Rogar to shore up the sails for fear of the sails snapping a mast. Great greybeards loom across the ocean, starting to increase in size and begin to toss the Salty Dog around as if it were a toy boat in a tub of water. At midday, Rogar orders all crew below deck, while only Jack and Whiggans remain on deck, safety lines securing them to the ship. By early evening, the storm sweeps in full force. No one escapes the wrath of mother nature and soon even the strongest stomach rebels with retching. The storm begins to abate early the following morning, brave Jack still lashed to the wheel, kept the ship on course.

By mid morning, the seas calmed. After the storm passes, life on deck begins to returns to normal. Settling back into a normal watch, the Salty Dog continues on its search for the mysterious island. A few days pass, and during the second shift that night, the mysterious glowing light appears in the eastern night sky. Ixen and Jesse alert Jack and a new course is set.

The following morning, Rogar is informed that there is some type of anomaly to the north. Whiggans says some type of land mass lies ahead (although no one on board has ever heard Whiggans talk except Rogar and Jack). The surrounding ocean, once deep blue, is now starting to take on a sickly seafoam green color. The navigator Azzim orders a plumb line and it reports sufficient depth, but the weeds are beginning to thicken, threatening to snag the Salty Dog.

[sblock=Nature Check: (DC 12) - Trained only]This seaweed is of a type you are unfamiliar with, almost caustic to the touch. Little berries are attached under the fronds.
[sblock=Nature Result: 15+]You can discern that this particular strain of seaweed is indigenous only to this area.[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana Check: (DC 12) - Trained only]You can sense magical energies. With your magesight, waves of sickly slow magic energies ebb and flow, swirling counter-clockwise as if it were a giant whirlpool of mystic force.
[sblock=Arcana Result: 15+]You are able to identify the magical source as aberrant[/sblock][/sblock]

At the rail, Rogar mutters, ” ‘Tis an evil quag. Seems the further we sail, the thicker the weed. ‘Afore long, I reckon the Salty Dog’d be mired.”.

That afternoon, Rogar approaches and bids everyone follow him towards the cargo hold, the booby hatch raised. ”We’ve got a problem. Not sure if ya’ve seen the weeds growin’ in the water, but there growin’ so thick, I’m afraid they’ll snag me ship. We canna go no further. The Salty Dog’d be a sittin’ duck.” He points down in the hold at a bizarre-looking dinghy stowed there. ”By now, I’m sure ye have noticed the Loose Lady. She’s of me own design. She’s made o’ silver-plated mahogany, scales not boards so as ta be more flexible. She distributes her weight better ‘n most boats here size. She rides atop the water, not displacin’ it. I made her when I was a lad, fer skating underground rivers for a lark. I’m thinkin’ she’d be able ta continue where the Salty Dog couldn’t.”

[sblock=Loose Lady]Description:
[FONT=&quot]Well caulked, shingle patterned outer hull, silver-plated mahogany scales, flat keelboard. She has a stowed mast, with silken sails. One set of row-locks rest midship on the gunwales. Able to seat up to 6 people, two abreast, with an area for supplies.[/FONT][/sblock][FONT=&quot]

[/FONT] He turns back to the group. ”Now lads, ye did right-fine against them pirates, impressin’ an ol’ seadog like meself. I’m needin’ ya to take the Loose Lady here and continue on fer the island. Them mages in Duanton be payin’ and I always honor me contracts. But with a skeleton crew, I canna spare a soul. Now take it as faith, that I’ll be awaitin’ fer ya to return. We have stores enough fer some to head with y’all, and ta keep us fer 2 weeks afore we’d need to restock. You have me word as a dwarf, I won’t be strandin’ ya here. What say you?


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[sblock=Arcana Check]1d20+10=12
Natural 2, are you serious. I have like...a 75% chance to pass the DC15 and I just barely passed DC12 (95% btw)[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC] jsb, slow down bro. lol
How are we gonna split the gold? The goblet is est worth at 250. The gold split between 5 members would be 94...
I had a thought to use my Suggestion to sell it overpriced then split the profit :D
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[sblock=Nature Check]1d20+7=27
Woo another nat 20[/sblock]

Damien looks to the sea and examines the seaweed. Hmmm interesting plant, must be native... he ponders.

He explains the foreign plant as best he can to his comrades pointing out the distinct location of the algae and the dangers it could pose.

After Rogar finishes proposing his intentions to the group Damien speaks "If there is something on that island, it has probably been isolated for a while with this environment." he breathes deep and continues "Probably best if we keep the group small anyways, less chance to be seen and will allow better tracking once on the island." With that he dons his belongings (including his spiffy new boots) and heads up to the deck of the ship.

[sblock=OOC]jsb can we switch my icons color and Finn's icon color? You have me as blue and him as green while our conversation colors are opposite. Just makes it confusing sometimes when looking at the map. Thanks![/sblock]

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