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[M&M2e] Red Sands Chronicles

Relique du Madde

OOC: To make it clear, the corpse that Seif hit with the sword was what was shot at. From Seif's angle it looked like the attack was coming at an angle level to that landing (not from below). So whatever attacked it *must* either be standing on the steps and firing forward or be attached the the ceiling of that passage way at a point level to the corpse.

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Brian Shaughnessy

Brian hugged the wall as the shots rang out.

"Do we know it's people?" he asked. "That angle seems ... high. Are there automated defenses in here?"

Relique du Madde

"Do we know it's people? That angle seems ... high. Are there automated defenses in here?"

"No their isn't. The warlord's men must have put something in there."

Suddenly, you all hear what sounds like a childlike mechanical voice. "Heloooooo? Anyone..... there?"
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Do we know it's people?" Brian asked. "That angle seems ... high. Are there automated defenses in here?"
"Good catch," admitted Seif as he retracted his sword with a jerk. He wasn't sure he would have caught that on his own.

Suddenly, you all hear what sounds like a childlike mechanical voice. "Heloooooo? Anyone..... there?"
Seif was already padding down the steps, quiet as a stalking cat. Three heartbeats later, his back scrapped against the rough concrete wall as he slid himself in place by the corner and lifted up his sinister sword, angling it just so. In the slim, metallic reflection he saw...

[sblock=Actions]Seif uses Stealth down to the corner (I'm going to assume that the concrete is unfinished so his Desert Robes offer their cammo bonus; if not, substract 5 from the total: 1d20+9=15), then uses his sword to peek beyond, angling the blade to where the bullets seem to be coming from.

Feel free to discuss with the thing while he does that. :)[/sblock]

Relique du Madde

Seif quickly makes his way down the steps passed the (dark) gated elevator well, unmolested. Once at the corner he glances at the reflection on his sword's surface...

[sblock=Seif]... and spots what appears to he a medium sized crab-like machine hooked onto the passage way's ceiling.[/sblock]

"I see you. Calling friends..."
OOC: Anyone close by the Beast can hear the more code clicking.

[sblock=Round Initiative]
........Mechanized Crab
Group 2: Group

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First Post
Brian Shaughnessy

Brian reacts quickly, sticking to the shadows in an effort to move into a position where he can actually see the threat and thus make use of his abilities.

OOC: Is stealth movement at half speed in M&M? I don't remember. If so, it'll probably take a double move this round to get into position to do anything.
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Relique du Madde

Brian moves into position to attack.

OOC: Is stealth movement at half speed in M&M? I don't remember. If so, it'll probably take a double move this round to get into position to do anything.

OOC: You can move up to half of your normal movement speed at no penalty. It's a -5 penalty if you move at half to full movement speed. It's impossible to stealth while attacking, moving all out, or charging.

[sblock=Round 1 Initiative]
Group 1: Badguys
........Mechanized Crab
Group 2: PCS

[sblock=Round 1 Status Update]
Brian: Hiding DC 25
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First Post
Deezy glances towards the Beast and says "It's sending a coded message. Not sure where to! I could try to decode it, but I'd have to get back in...and then I couldn't try..."

She plucks a small device off of her left sleeve cuff. A long, thin metal thing with several controls along its length and a gleaming blue light at the end.

"...this. I just have to get close enough, which might be tricky."

With that Deezy started up the stairs and over towards the passage the crab lurked within.

(OOC - Readying the DRUID. It has a 10' range, so she'll have to get right in there.)


First Post
(OOC - Hee...this is probably a good time to go into what the DRUID does. I originally intended it to work like the old Datalink power...in that it could interface with machines and computers and allow Deezy to operate them from a distance. In hindsight, now I realize it might need some kind of "Mind Control: Computers Only" power as well to do that. What do you think?)

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