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Half-dragon as a class


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Basically I'm trying to create class that incorporates the essence and style of the half-dragon but expands it into a full 3.5 class that can cover a large number of character concepts.

This is a proto-type version which I'm hoping to improve.

HD: D10
Good saves: Fort, Will,
Poor saves: Ref
BaB: Good (as fighter)
Skill Points at first level: (4+int mod)*4
Skill Points per level after first: 4+int mod
Class Skills: Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, and Use Magic Device

Level Special
1 Breath weapon 1d8, Dragon Spawn, Gliding, Form of the Least Wyrm
2 Energy Resistance 10, Predator's Presence (10 ft.)
3 Breath weapon 2d8, Natural Armor +1
4 Rampage, Form of the Lesser Wyrm
5 Limited Flight, Territorial
6 Breath weapon 3d8
7 Energy Resistance 20, Natural armor +2
8 Predator's Presence (20 ft.), Form of the True Wyrm
9 Breath weapon 4d8
10 Flight,
11 Doom Breath, Natural armor +3
12 Breath weapon 5d8, Energy Resistance 30, Form of the Dread Wyrm
13 Tremble Before Me!,
14 Predator's Presence (30 ft.)
15 Breath weapon 6d8, Natural armor +4
16 Form of the Elder Wyrm,
17 Energy Immunity
18 Breath weapon 7d8
19 Natural Armor +5
20 Predator's Presence (40 ft.), Form of the Great Wyrm

Weapons and Armor: A half-dragon is proficient with simple weapons, light armor, and bucklers.

Dragon Spawn: You gain the dragon type, you are Immune to sleep and paralysis effects, you gain darkvision 60 ft. (or you may choose to increase your darkvision by 30ft. if you already have darkvision), you also gain lowlight vision if you do not already possess it. Levels in this class count as racial dragon HD for the purposes of feat, and prestige class requirements and effects. Choose a type of true dragon (we'll stick to chromatics for now) this is the dragon type from which you are descended, this choice determines the shape and damage type of your breath weapon, your energy resistance and adds three class skills to your list.

Dragon Type Damage Type Breath Shape Skills
Black Acid 60 ft by 5 ft line Hide, Move Silently, and Swim
Blue Lightning 60 ft by 5 ft line Bluff, Hide, and Spellcraft
Green Acid 30 ft cone Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently
Red Fire 30 ft cone Appraise, Bluff, and Intimidate
White Cold 30 ft cone Hide, Move Silently, and Swim

Breath Weapon (su): You gain a breath weapon, it deals the listed damage in an area defined by your choice of Dragon Blood, and originating with you. Using your breath weapon is a standard action. If someone in the area succeeds on a reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 your HD + your con mod) they take half damage. After you use your breath weapon you must 5 rounds before it recharges. You may acquire and use meta breath feats, the turn cost of the feat is added to the number of turns you must wait.

Gliding (Ex): You have wings that you can use to glide, negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing 15 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent. You glide at a speed of 30 feet (average maneuverability). Even if your maneuverability improves, you can't hover while gliding. You can't glide while carrying a medium or heavy load.

Form of the Least Wyrm (ex): Upon taking your first level of half-dragon you gain a natural weapon chosen from the options below:

Claws of the Least Wyrm: You gain two claw attacks, your claws deal 1d8 base damage and threaten for a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.

Fang of the Least Wyrm: You gain a bite attack, your bite deals 1d10 base damage and deal triple damage on a crit.

Tail of the Least Wyrm: You gain a tail attack, your tail deals 1d10 base damage and has a reach of 10 ft, unlike manufactured weapons with the reach ability your tail may still be used to attack adjacent targets.

Energy Resistance (Ex): You have resistance to an energy type defined by your choice of Dragon Blood equal to the listed value. At level 17 this becomes an immunity to that energy type.

Predator's Presence (su): At level two you can project an aura of fear out to 10 ft as a move action. Any non-ally within this aura must make a will save (DC 10+ 1/2 your HD + cha mod) or be shaken for 1 round. At level 8 the aura's radius increases to 20 ft, at level 14 the radius increases to 30 ft, and to 40 ft at level 20.

Natural Armor: You gain a natural armor bonus of +1 at level 3. This bonus increases by +1 every four levels afterwards, +2 at level 7, +3 at level 11, etc.

Rampage (su): At level 4 anytime you score a critical hit you may project your Predator's presence as a free action.

Form of the Lesser Wyrm (ex): The natural weapon you gained from Form of the Least Wyrm determines the benefit of this feature.

Claws of the Lesser Wyrm: Whenever you charge or make an attack of opportunity you may attack with both claws instead of just one.

Fang of the Lesser Wyrm: Creatures bitten by you take damage equal to 1+1/3 your HD at the start of each of their turns, this damage is the same type as your breath weapon. At the end of each of the creature's turns it may attempt a reflex save (DC 10 + your constitution modifier + 1/2 your hit dice) to end this effect, until you bite them again. Alternatively another creature can attempt a heal check at the same DC to end the effect.

Tail of the Lesser Wyrm: In the event of failing a trip or disarm attempt you cannot be tripped or disarmed in return. In addition your Tail grants a +2 bonus to trip and disarm attempts made with it.

Limited Flight (Ex): When you reach level 5, you become able to fly at a speed of 30 feet (average maneuverability). You can't fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted. You can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). You can exert yourself to fly for up to twice as long, but then you're fatigued at the end of the flight. You are likewise fatigued after spending a total of more than 10 minutes per day flying. Because you can glide before, after, and between rounds of actual flight, you can remain aloft for extended periods (even if you can only use flight for 1 round at a time without becoming fatigued).

Territorial (ex): You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your constitution modifier.

Form of the True Wyrm (ex): The natural weapon you gained from Form of the Least Wyrm determines the benefit of this feature.

Claws of the True Wyrm: You gain the Rapid strike feat for your claws, regardless of prerequisites.

Fang of the True Wyrm: Whenever an opponent who you threaten misses you may make an attack of opportunity against them.

Tail of the True Wyrm: Whenever an enemy moves into a space you threaten, and gives them flanking against you, you may make an Attack of Opportunity with your tail against that enemy. Attacks of opportunity made with this ability don't count against the normal limit of attacks of opportunity you may make in a round.

Flight (Ex): When you reach level 10, you have enough stamina and prowess to fly for longer periods. You can fly at a speed of 60 feet (average maneuverability), and flying requires no more exertion than walking or running. You can make a dive attack. A dive attack works like a charge, but you must move a minimum of 30 feet and descend at least 10 feet. You can make a dive attack only when wielding a piercing weapon; if the attack hits, it deals double damage. You can use the run action while flying, provided you fly in a straight line.

Doom Breath (su): Starting at level 11 any creature within the area of your breath weapon takes a penalty to saves against fear equal to 1/5 your HD, until the end of your next turn.

Form of the Dread Wyrm (ex): The natural weapon you gained from Form of the Least Wyrm determines the benefit of this feature.

Claws of the Dread Wyrm: You gain the pounce ability, you can make a full attack action at the end of a charge.

Fang of the Dread Wyrm:

Tail of the Dread Wyrm: You gain the Improved Disarm or Improved Trip feat, and the bonus to disarm and trip attempts made with your tail increases to +4.

Tremble Before Me! (su): Starting at level 13, creatures with five HD less than you or fewer are frightened if they fail a save against your predator's presence, instead of shaken.

Form of the Elder Wyrm (ex): The natural weapon you gained from Form of the Least Wyrm determines the benefit of this feature.

Claws of the Elder Wyrm: You gain the Improved Rapid strike feat for your claws, regardless of prerequisites.

Fang of the Elder Wyrm:

Tail of the Elder Wyrm: You gain the Improved Disarm or Improved Trip feat, and the bonus to disarm and trip attempts made with your tail increases to +6.

Form of the Great Wyrm (ex): The natural weapon you gained from Form of the Least Wyrm determines the benefit of this feature.

Claws of the Great Wyrm: Your claw attacks deal x3 damage on a critical hit and threaten on a roll of 18-20.

Fang of the Great Wyrm:

Tail of the Great Wyrm: The reach of your tail increases to 15 ft. Creatures are treated as one size smaller when you attempt to grapple, trip, or disarm them with your tail.

Some things I'd like to include:

a nicer table for the dragon blood section

special abilities for the natural weapons (things like elemental damage for the bite attack, reach for the tail), but I'm not sure how to implement them, should they be feats? built into the feature? or an improvement gained later?
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@ irdegg: The idea is to go beyond just the template here, that's why I included wings and a customization system for the natural armor and attacks.

@ Dandu: The D-fire adept demonstrates one of my primary issues, note it gains the dragon-blooded subtype, I'm not sure how to handle that with this class. Should they be dragon touched? full type dragons?


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I have nothing against your idea per se - however the plethora of dragon-themed classes and prestige classes already out there makes your class look kinda generic in comparison. "I wanna be a dragon themed guy" has been done to death. Now of course there's nothing wrong with doing it again, but do you really think it's worth the effort? Couldn't you just take what's already there and run with that? Both Dragonfire Adept and Dragon Shaman are quite well balanced on their own, and both can also work nicely in a heavy multiclassing build. What's more, both cover about 90% each of what you're doing here, AND offer unique mechanics on top of that (invocations and auras, respectively). Not to mention the PrC options available.


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One of my favorite things about classes like the fighter, ranger, rogue, wizard, etc. is the customization. Fighter A is an archer, while B is a mounted lancer, and C dual wields axes.

I don't get that feeling of limitless possibilities when rolling up an adept of a D-Shammie.

My goal here is to build a class that can support several builds, preferably with varying levels of magicalness (but that's a secondary priority at best).

Furthermore neither one really supports natural weapon use, much less advanced versions like what I'd like to try implementing here.

Now if you really think the existing classes are still better options, you'd probably have better luck suggesting I make PrCs for those classes in order to cover the wider array of options.

Zesty Gordita

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Wouldn't the Gliding, Limited Flight, and Flight abilities all be useless if the player didn't choose Wings as a Natural Armament bonus? Or am I missing somewhere on there that says you automatically get wings and that bonus just allows you to use them as an attack?


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Well it looks like all your doing is a level progression for an adult dragon with a few more HD.

You say you want it to be versatile but what can your dragon template do well as it stands? I'm not seeing a whole lot. It doesn't look like an up front fighter type as it won't have the armor or won't have the attacks to do much. It might have one but not the other. It's not going to be a spellcaster unless you give it a lot of spells like a main spellcaster progression and then its too much so it can't really be a good spellcaster either. Its not much of a utility character as it can't really buff the party in any way or debuff monsters. Its not going to pick locks for find traps. The only really good thing I see is it can use a breath weapon every other round when it tops out but other classes can do similar things (warlock 9d6 every round, rogue sneak attack, fighter critical hits, skirmish attack, ect). So what's this guy supposed to do? He's not even big and scary, he's medium sized and just dragonish.

You say you want to cover a lot of character concepts but therin lies the problem. You don't do any one thing well like all the other character concepts already created do achieve. I hate to be so negative as I love creativity but in this instance I'd just use the template. You still get almost all of the same stuff without having to devote 20 levels to it.

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