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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


The second ale goes down as quickly as the first.
"How about yourself, my tasty morsel?"
The third ale, however, never makes it to Mikara's throat,

"Pffffffffffeewwwww!, Achem, Ehem, Eha, ahem!"

Swilled beer goes spewing over the bar and into the shelves of spirits behind. Mikara pounds her chest with the thumb-side of her fist and turns a mockingly apologetic look to Vyrna, "Sorry, went down the wrong tube."

Turning to the bartender, she adds, "Don' worry Blagarm! I'll get it."

Considering she's got two hefty beers in her already, the agile grace with which she leaps the counter is quite surprising. She grabs a rag and, with equal dexterity and speed, proceeds to mop up the beer in less time than it took for her to spit it out. She then hops back over the bar and into her stool.

Five mugs remain in an undisturbed line. Blagarm returns and places another on the counter to replace the one that wasn't swallowed. He leans over to Ryan and explains, "Trus' mih sahn. Ye don' wahn ta see her stay on seven wi'out drinkin' the eeth."

Mikara raises her mug to the bartender, "Cheers Blagarm!" and downs the third (or fourth if you will) mug. Her expression begins to change and lose focus. She casts a groggy smile at the unlikely couple next to her, "Oh neffermind me."

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First Post
CrimsonFlameWielder said:
It was so good to get some attention. And the more the attention was on her, the more likely she was to have the chance at asking her questions and getting some answers. Or if no answers could be given, perhaps she could at least get an idea of what (or who) to do next. Now she had time on her hands. She didn't have to be rash or hasty (at least Vyrna thought not. The Voice might have other ideas, but he wasn't exactly too forthcoming on details as of yet).
CrimsonFlameWielder said:
"When you've got me all alone, you can call me whatever you want, but for now, I suppose Vyrna will suffice. As for where I'm from...well, that's a more difficult answer. I was born in a small coastal town of Allaria, not far from Hzaka. But since the age of about ten, I've been traveling all around. I even spent a long stint in the Laughing Gallows.

Vyrna put emphasis on the name of that deadly place. For most people, who were afraid of those from Bacarte, just the mention of the Laughing Gallows was enough to bring a cold sweat to their brows. Just thinking of that possibility brought an involuntary sinister grin to her lips. Catching herself before she could give herself away, put on a showy smile.

Ryan catches what Vyrna is up to, but is not sure why. He had never heard of the Laughing Gallows and ignorantly shrugs the mention of the name. "
never heard of it lass, but I am guessing it ain't a good tourist place "

CrimsonFlameWielder said:
"How about yourself, my tasty morsel?"

H.M.Gimlord said:
The third ale, however, never makes it to Mikara's throat,
"Pffffffffffeewwwww!, Achem, Ehem, Eha, ahem!"

The warrior is quite amused by Mikara's reaction and in the same time disturbed at the halfling's choice of words. He certainly didn't see himself as tasty and was beginning to feel somewhat intimidated by the petite woman.

He clears his throat with a swig of his ale and begins his tale " I am Ryan and my trusty companion is Randal " and he indicates the zombie head hiding behind the bar. " we are travellers from the Valley of Bone, if that rings any bell ? We were once damned men and regained our freedom not long ago " he says with a hint of regret. " well at least I did. Now we are here at Randal's request and trying to locate his family, The Leichtensteins. "

H.M.Gimlord said:
Five mugs remain in an undisturbed line. Blagarm returns and places another on the counter to replace the one that wasn't swallowed. He leans over to Ryan and explains, "Trus' mih sahn. Ye don' wahn ta see her stay on seven wi'out drinkin' the eeth."

Ryan raises an eyebrow and looks quite impressed " That's pretty good for an elf ! Tell her the eighth mug is on me ! " and his attention again falls at the vampire " do you care for a pious whiskey on the rocks? Back in the day, me and the Bonebreaker dwarfs used to throw one down after a fierce battle with the undeads, reminding ourselfs we were still alive. It's quite tasty " he says with a grin.
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" do you care for a pious whiskey on the rocks? Back in the day, me and the Bonebreaker dwarfs used to throw one down after a fierce battle with the undeads, reminding ourselfs we were still alive. It's quite tasty " he says with a grin.

"I drank quite a few varieties of rot gut while on board, but I've never heard of a 'pious whiskey'. What's in it? I only ask because I'm a girl of...particular taste. Of course, you never know if you'll like something until you taste him---I mean it, right?"

Having caught her slip up, but not entirely covering it up she tries to deflect the conversation elsewhere.

"Speaking of 'on board'... Have you ever heard of a ship called the Night Serpent? How about Captain Blood Lung or his first mate, Carnivore?"



OOC: [MENTION=6683983]Karlowitch[/MENTION], [MENTION=6684473]CrimsonFlameWielder[/MENTION]: If you want to see what happens to Mikara between beers 2 and 7, stick around. If you want to know the history behind Blagarm's warning to Ryan, read here Beer 1 is drunk on post #325 of this thread). The eighth beer is drunk on post #348.


The fourth mug of ale joins its brothers in the pit of Mikara's stomach, while her head clouds over from the confusion being cause by the family reunion.
"I drank quite a few varieties of rot gut while on board, but I've never heard of a 'pious whiskey'.
Mikara doesn't let Vyrna get off the subject just yet. She turns glazed eyes upon the porcelain marbles the vampire's skull. She then places an unwelcome arm around the vampire in much the way that sailors place their arms around each other when they are too drunk to stand, "Yew scheee....Itsch a drunk, wer yew mixch rum, whischky, an' *hic* holeywadder, purrin' easch won offer a cube o' schugger." She gives Vyrna a friendly elbow and a wink, "Underschdand?" Then she gives the struggling succubus an overly jovial slap on the back with a guffaw, returning to her seat, "Blagarm!"

"No' 'ntill ye've 'ad the eeth Mik!"

"No! Nofferme! Fer her!"
Mikara lifts an inebriated finger toward Vyrna, "Won Pie-ous Wischkey o'th'rocks!"

The fifth ale goes down.
OOC: [MENTION=6684473]CrimsonFlameWielder[/MENTION]: Let me know if this is getting on your nerves. It's hard to tell, in print, where some attempts at humor can go. So far though you and Karlowitch have made this thread extremely enjoyable for me and Mik.
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She then places an unwelcome arm around the vampire in much the way that sailors place their arms around each other when they are too drunk to stand, "Yew scheee....Itsch a drunk, wer yew mixch rum, whischky, an' *hic* holeywadder, purrin' easch won offer a cube o' schugger."

Vyrna's face screws up into a look of revulsion. "Why would I want to drink something that contains water that some priest stuck his fingers into? I don't know where that guy's hands have been. Thanks for the offer, honey, but I think I'll pass."

She then narrows her eyes at the bartender and gives him a look to let him know that he should under no circumstance actually concoct such a drink for her.


First Post
Tarkus, overhearing the contents of the "pious whiskey", looks shocked at the blasphemy, but decides not to say anything. Juna wishes him to be more tolerant.


First Post
Hi guys

Sadly, my computer died for no reason. So I am not sure if I can post later today, if I can't fix it that is, will update later on the matter. Keep up the good work ;).
Sent from my HTC Legend using Tapatalk


First Post
H.M.Gimlord said:
"Yew scheee....Itsch a drunk, wer yew mixch rum, whischky, an' *hic* holeywadder, purrin' easch won offer a cube o' schugger."

Ryan is about to enlighten the vampire but Mikara cut's him off just before he has the chance to " explain " what a pious whiskey is; Too bad he thought, he would have left some minor detail's about the contents of the drink out but still, he couldn't help not to be impressed by the elf.

CrimsonFlameWielder said:
Vyrna's face screws up into a look of revulsion. "Why would I want to drink something that contains water that some priest stuck his fingers into? I don't know where that guy's hands have been. Thanks for the offer, honey, but I think I'll pass.".
Vyrna's reaction comes at no surprise to Ryan, he was now beginning to confirm his suspicion about the pretty halfling but none the less, he would play along " I'll take my chances, besides its a good way to pi## off the god's. Blagram, hit me! " he says with a wicked smile.

From his hiding place, Randal comes humping into sight " I'll have one too buddy " while trying to avoid the vampire's gaze.

Ryan picks the undead head up and places it on the table. Then he grabs the drinks from Blagarm and tosses him a coin. " Well Randal, buttoms up ! " and they both pour the contents down their throat with a swig.

At first Randal's screams " IT BURNS... ! " but shortly after he adds " ...worth it every time " and Ryan nods in agreement.

" Blagarm, give these ladies a shot of dragon's blood from me " and sends Vyrna a reassuring smile " Don't worry lass, no foul priest has touched that drink with his finger nor anything else. Where were we? Ahh, yes, you asked me about the Night Serpent and its crew. Hmm... "

Ryan ponders on the name for awhile, he had after all just reached Daunton by ship. " I am sorry lass, never heard of them. They sound like a suspicious bunch though. So, the question is, why does a fair girl like you seek the likes of them? "

Got my computer fixed :cool: !

To H.M Gimlord : No worries, its great Mikara entered the bar and by the way, great picture of Mikara. Did you make it yourself ?

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OOC: To H.M Gimlord : No worries, its great Mikara entered the bar and by the way, great picture of Mikara. Did you make it yourself ?
OOC: No. The original photo is from somewhere on the internet. I wish I knew who the original artist is. It shows up practically undoctored in Kalidrev's character sheet for a character who is (you guessed it) also named Mikara. A player usernamed "Fragsie" doctored the original under my direction to come up with the picture for Mik. Fragsie is absolutely amazing with Photoshop! Haven't heard from him in a while though.
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