Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

OOC: I stayed up way too late putting it together (couldn't help myself, lol), but I finally got my adventure written up and sent in to the judges. I'll introduce the adventure just as soon as its approved!

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OOC: For all the other new Level 3s, there are only 2 L1 PCs that aren't currently in an adventure (counting Kruor and TCO as being in an adventure), and they are Caim and Shun, both of whom are Defenders. [MENTION=6682244]Medina[/MENTION]'s new L1 PC is a Defender too, unless he decides to roll something else instead. So, roll up some Leaders and Strikers. :)

OOC: Eek! I really hope I can get the SR review for my character done soon so I don't have to miss out.

OOC: [MENTION=78756]Son of Meepo[/MENTION]: Don't worry about missing out. You CAN join an adventure without having both approvals (with DM consent), and it will only really matter once XP/Gold/Treasure is given out. So feel free to join my adventure if you're between lvl 1 and lvl 4. You'll get the approval before the end of the first encounter for sure. :D

OOC: For all the other new Level 3s, there are only 2 L1 PCs that aren't currently in an adventure (counting Kruor and TCO as being in an adventure), and they are Caim and Shun, both of whom are Defenders. @Medina 's new L1 PC is a Defender too, unless he decides to roll something else instead. So, roll up some Leaders and Strikers. :)

OOC: I can take everyone between level 1 and level 4, but I prefer as close to level 3 as possible so that I don't have to radically change the adventure I submitted. I'll take what I can get though, so no complaints here.


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OOC: I can take everyone between level 1 and level 4, but I prefer as close to level 3 as possible so that I don't have to radically change the adventure I submitted. I'll take what I can get though, so no complaints here.
OOC: I didn't have your adventure in mind when I said that about L1 PCs. I was thinking about the next adventure someone runs for L1 folks, in which Caim would be participating. I looked at the Approved/Approval Requested pages and saw that almost all the L1 folks are Defenders, with another L1 Defender in the works. I've since learned that they're all in adventures, so they won't be L1 for long, so when Medina finishes her Dwarven Grappler they're only be 2 L1 Defenders, and as long as most of the other people creating L1 PCs don't make more Defenders, we'll be fine when that hypothetical adventure rolls our way.

Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: Also, when I get Dina approved I'll have 2 level 3 characters, which means I'll qualify to make my third character, so I can fill in a needed role for a future adventure.

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