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Wizards In Winter - Low-Level Thread (DM: Son of Meepo, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

Son of Meepo

First Post
GM: [MENTION=6682244]Medina[/MENTION]: It's not possible to center the burst where you've indicated without placing it over the heads of the monsters because the top of the cliff is 2 squares up. (The origin square cannot be in a solid object, so you'd have to place it up there.)

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On one hand, a bag full of glue. On the other, a furry creature. What else could the pixie ask for?

But the bag crashes against the wall without hitting anything. The flying little beast hides behind a colum, dissapointed.

OOC: About the tanglefoot bags, I posted when we found them that I was going to take at least 1, or the two of them if nobody said otherwise. Since nobody else objected to that or wanted one of the bags, i was assuming I took both

Start of turn: Make Endurance check against bein pushed, success.
Move action: Fly to K10
Standard: Use tanglefoot bag against yeti (should have specified target in roll, sorry), but fails to hit.
Minor: Fallen needle movement technique to move to current position[/sblock]

[sblock=Statblock]El Chupacabra (or the Horrible Creature in the bird cage) - Pixie monk 1
Initiative: +5, Passive perception: 15, Passive Insight: 10
AC:20 Fort:14 Ref:16 Will:12
HP: 28/28 THP: 0 Bloodied: 14 Surge value: 7 Surges/day: 6/10
Speed: 4 walking, 6 flying (max altitude 1), AP: 1
Melee Basic Attack: +3 vs AC, 1d6+1 or 1d8 (unarmed)

Fallen Needle, Five Storms
Swift River Floods, Pixie dust, Shadow Wrought weapon, Shrink
Steel Avalanche[/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: Heroic!

Caim tries to close with the enemy. While she resists the buffeting winds, the icy terrain is too much, and she wipes out. She stands, blushing furiously and full of rage.

[sblock=Actions]*Athletics vs Wind: Success
Move: ->Q10 via Q14
*Long Jump to clear icy patch DC 10: Failure
*Acrobatics DC 13: Failure
*Caim ends prone in Q13
Move: stand from prone
[sblock=Statblock]Caim - Female Half-Elf Fighter|Battlemind 1
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 10, Passive Insight: 17
AC:19 Fort:15 Ref:13 Will:15 PP: 2
HP: 33/33 Bloodied: 16 Surge value: 8 Surges/day: 5/13
Speed: 5 squares, AP: 1, Second Wind: used, Temporary HP: 0
Melee Basic Attack: +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 (Only use after Eldritch Strike and all PP are expended)
Powers: Brash Strike, Twisted Eye, Battlemind's Demand, Blurred Step, Guardian's Counter, Eldritch Strike, Steel Unity Strike[/sblock]

[sblock=Out-of-Turn Action Conditions]Caim will always use Blurred Step if doing so does not distance her from an enemy which she considers significantly higher priority than the enemy triggering Blurred Step. Caim will use Guardian's Counter at the first opportunity.

If Caim's Combat Challenge is triggered by a melee attack from a credible threat, she will use Eldritch Strike as her Melee Basic Attack, and on a hit she will slide the attacker away from the target to invalidate the triggering attack.

If Caim can make a Melee Basic Attack outside of her turn against a credible threat (if her Combat Challenge is triggered by a shift, for example) and she has Power Points remaining, she will spend 1 to augment Twisted Eye to use in place of her MBA. If she has no Power Points remaining, she will use Eldritch Strike. Note that Blurred Step and Combat Challenge may both activate at the same trigger.

Enemies are not credible threats if I am aware that their ability to move and act freely is far less harmful to the party than is that of other monsters on the board. Caim would not use Eldritch Strike on a Minion when she also has a Skirmisher marked, for example.[/sblock]
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Wife Of Meepo

First Post
[sblock=Start of Turn Checks]
Ilex's Check = FAIL - Fall to O18
SoT Endurance Check wind direction check if needed (1d20+2=11, 1d8,=[5],)
Save vs. Falling off cliff. . . (1d20=6)
Fall Damage (1d10=6)
Noctua's Check = PASS - Move to L10
SoT Strength Check Wind direction Check if needed. (1d20+5, 1d8=[8, 5], [1])
Noctua Acrobatics to walk over ice (1d20+1=14)

OOC: GM said I can assume there is a rope from someone's adv. kit still on the ledge to climb back up with in the center of the ledge

After directing Noctua to move Ilex tries to get a bit closer to the "action" and loses her footing against the wind. She slides unceremoniously off the ledge landing with a thud. Groaning, Ilex stands, looks at the rope in the center of the ledge and decides to set a rope in the corner.

[sblock=actions]Move - Stand up
Minor - retreive rope
Standard - set rope[/sblock]
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First Post
Somewhat more stable in her four-footed form, Lenyara was able to avoid the worst effects of the wind, at least initially. She raced across the icy, broken ground with uncanny ease, not even breaking stride as she shifted back into her human form. In the blink of an eye, she stood beside the young dragon- and with a spinning blur of her weapons she knocked the wyrmling to the cavern floor.

[sblock= OOC]
>Start of turn: Athletics or Endurance (both +7) check DC 13= 19 (pass); roll http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3346563/

>Move: To N 15/O 14/P 13/Q 12/Q 11; Athletics for running long jump across Q 12, 1d20+7= 19 (pass); roll http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3346571/

>Minor: Body of the lioness, shift to human form

>Standard: Charge P 10/P 9/P 8/P 7; Athletics for running long jump across P 8; 1d20+7= 15 (pass); roll http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3346581/ . Net MBA at white dragon, 1d20+10= 30 (crit; deals 11 base +4 magic weapon/uses power strike roll for simplicity, and white dragon is slowed until end of Lenyara's next turn); roll http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3346582/ . Follow up with Dual Weapon attack at white dragon, 1d20+11= 15 (hit for 6 damage +2 from power strike/replaced initial PS roll used for weapon crit damage previously= 8 more damage and white dragon is knocked prone); roll http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3346585/

>Total: 15+8= 23 damage, white dragon is slowed until end of Lenyara's next turn and is prone
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First Post
Excitement pulses from Merri as she stands against the wind. Her small form then makes a running leap to ensure she stands inside the cave completely. She prepares to dodge any incoming attacks as she drops the sunrod and pulls out the Alchemist Fire she stored after the last battle.


Start of Turn: Endurance: 1d20+6 → [16,6] = (22) Roll Lookup

Movement: Move O-16, N-15, M-14 running jump to K-12:
1d20-1 → [10,-1] = (9) Roll Lookup Then move to J-13.

Standard: Total Defense: +2 defenses TSNT

Free: Drop unlit sunrod.

Minor: Draw Alchemist's Fire.

[sblock=Merri's Stats]Merri - Human Hybrid: Ardent / Vampire 1

Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 11

AC 15, Fort 13, Reflex 14, Will 16

HP 24/24 Bloodied 12, Surge Value 6, Surges 3/2
Vulneribility: 5 radiant

Conditions: total defense (+2 defense TENT)

Speed 6, Initiative +3

Action Points: 2

Power Points: 1

At-Will Powers: Energizing Strike, Ire Strike, Taste of Life
Encounter Powers: Second Wind, Surefooted Stride, Ardent Surge
Daily Powers: Lingering Fury

*Allies within 5 squares get +1 to OA damage rolls and +2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.
*Target of Ardent Surge gains +1 to attack rolls TENT
*Merri has regeneration 4 while bloodied.
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First Post
Eladrin were not a race known for their stalwart and impressive builds. And, even for an eladrin, Nalkyr did not have an imposing cut. The Tempest technique called for a kind of litheness, a lightness of step and quickness of foot. It was, Nalkyr supposed, a double edged sword.

The buffeting winds carried Nalkyr forward, and had it not been for a quick and inelegant scrabble to his right, the young warrior would have crashed right into Caim. The footing beneath him was far from stable, and Nalkyr threw his stance out wide as he skittered forward. He dropped his center of gravity, arcing both feyblades to either side as guides, carving shallow lines into the cold surface.

There is no correct way to move, only that which is effective and that which is ineffective. Remember this, even through all your practice.

Nalkyr suppressed a grin. His uncle had been a veritable goldmine of wisdom. The young eladrin dug both feyblade points in the ice, using them as traction to throw himself forward into a roll. He came up at a dead sprint. Ahead and to the left, a white dragon.

Nalkyr had always wanted to fight a dragon. His enthusiasm for the adventuring life was quick to return, it seemed.

The young warrior launched himself forward with a practiced twitch of his legs, vaulting another patch of icy terrain. He landed in a roll, again, though the sheer cliffside loomed in front of him. Nalkyr jumped again coming out of the roll, planting one booted foot against the cliffside and shoving off to his right. He paused, feeling the grips of his weapons and the snow beneath his boots.

Before him, the dragon. Nalkyr grinned.

Start of Turn: Wind slides to R-13
Move: to R-8
Move: to S-6

Keeping Nalkyr out of range so he can charge or somesuch next turn.
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Son of Meepo

First Post
The pool of water begins to bubble as if brought to a boil by an unseen flame. Shards of ice begin to crystallize and then are carries aloft by the wind. Icicles tear through Lenyara's soft skin before it flies away before she can counterattack.

Icicle Swarm

[sblock=actions]Icicle Swarm appears in O4.
Move: Flies to Q8. (avoids OAs by flying above, out of reach)
Standard: Icicle Stab (Shift to S10 Elevation 2)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 3d6 + 4 cold damage. On a critical hit, the target is immobilized (save ends).
Effect: Before or after the attack, the swarm can shift up to 2 squares.

Damage;Attack (Lenyara) (3d6+4=17, 1d20+11+2=29) (HIT)[/sblock]

The furry beast circles around the cave. It howls in the direction of the little winged creature, but it is not intimidated by the beast's roar.


[sblock=Actions]Move: H6
Standard: Battle Howl
Attack: Ranged 7 (one creature); +8 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + 4 psychic damage, and the rampager charges the target.

Damage;Attack (Chupacabra) (1d6+4=8, 1d20+8=9) (MISS)[/sblock]

The wind picks up in the cave. Dust starts to swirl until it forms a funnel that spins through the cavern. The winds pick up flaying everyone nearby with dust that gets in your eyes.

Dust Devil

[sblock=Actions]Appears in L12.
Standard: Stinging Sands
Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in the burst); +4 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 10 damage, and the target is blinded until the end of the sprite’s next turn.

Attacks (Chupacabra, Noctua, Merri, Marrgash) (1d20+4=17, 1d20+4=17, 1d20+4=24, 1d20+4=19) (HIT, HIT, CRIT, HIT)[/sblock]

White Dragon Wyrmling

The White Dragon stands up and howls at Lenyara, trying to tear into her with its claws. Lenyara is able to parry the claws with ease, but is unprepared for the suddenly blast of cold that catches her and Nalkyr. Nalkyr is barely able to avoid the blast.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Stand
Standard: Dragon's Fury
The wyrmling makes two claw attacks. If it hits a single target with both claws, it makes a bite attack against the same target.

+4 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage.

Damage;Attack (Lenyara) (1d8+4=5, 1d20+4=12, 1d8+4=9, 1d20+4=17) (MISS, MISS)

Action Point: Breath Weapon
Close blast 4; +2 vs Reflex; 3d6+4 cold damage, and the target is slowed and weakened (save ends both).

Damage;Attacks (Nalkyr, Lenyara) (3d6+4=11, 1d20+2=14, 1d20+2=19) (MISS, HIT)

End of Turn: 5 fire damage.[/sblock]

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