[D&D 4E Roll20] Australian Timezone


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This will be an introductory game using new virtual table software called Roll20.

For more information feel free to check the below links:


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-aJLyYUXa0"]Roll 20 Preview Video[/ame]

What will the game be?
The game will be a small dungeon adventure for PC’s of 1st level – it will primarily focus on hack and slash so that we all can familiarise ourselves with the software but there will be roleplaying opportunities – in terms of balance 80% combat and exploration 20% roleplaying is a reasonable indication.

If we end up getting a good group there is definitely scope to turn these “intro” sessions into a full fledged regular campaign.

What time will the game be?
The game will be played once a week for approximately 3-4 hours.

I live in South Australia, Australia (GMT +9.5) – depending on what times people can make I am available from 6:30PM on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights and from 10AM-6PM Saturdays and Sundays.

Preferably I would like to play during weekdays or weekend afternoons.

Next please post in this thread with your interest and availability and PM your Skype username.
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I'm interested. I live in New Zealand. That puts me at GMT +12 I think.

I could be available during the week. I'm more likely to run into espousal resentment during the weekend.

So available Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. 6.30 pm there will be 9 pm here so that suits perfectly.

I have Skype. I'll PM skype user name if things actually kick off.

Hopefully that will be the case! :)


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This sounds lovely! I have been looking for an online game that is willing to accept someone that hasn't played using an online medium. Unfortunately, I am in the United States so I don't think I would fit your timezone haha. :erm:


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EST timezone here, but generally a night-owl and interested in joining in this time frame (really early morning my time). Though I'm not new to Maptools, I am interested if this does kick off into a full fledged campaign, and willing to help if needed.

PMing Skype name.


Ooh, an Aussie game!

I'm east coast so only half an hour time difference. Technically I'm available on any of those days but my roster has me placed pretty randomly so I can't predict when I'll be able to attend or not. I generally have about two weeks notice with my roster though and rarely get shifts either late at night or on weekends.

I'm very familiar with Maptools, Skype and 4e but have no experience with Hamachi and am not sure why it's needed or used as I've never needed it or used it any Maptools games I've been in or run.


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Hamachi is used to connect if people are having too many issues with connecting and port forwarding does not resolve it.

I am also looking at Roll20 - I should have closed beta access to that in the bext couple of days.


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Roll20? Don't think I've even looked at that yet. Watching the video now, and it seems to lack the macro capability of maptools...

Oh, those other features they show make up for it in spades. Combined with the built in voice/video chat, though my own camera is out of commission at the moment. I have to admit, I would be tempted to try that. If it does "connect" easier due to being browser based, it would appear to be Server-based rather then hosted on one PC of the group which would make connecting much easier for all.


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My understanding is that it does have macro support, it just will not have the "frameworks" that MapTool has, but I do not think that is a great loss.

The main reason I like Roll20 is that the creators really seem to "get it", in terms of what a lot of people are looking for in an online tabletop.


The main reason I like Roll20 is that the creators really seem to "get it", in terms of what a lot of people are looking for in an online tabletop.

I see no reason for the inclusion of a webcam. I don't see how that could possibly aid a game, especially when people like myself like to play naked :eek:


First Post
I see no reason for the inclusion of a webcam. I don't see how that could possibly aid a game, especially when people like myself like to play naked :eek:
Webcam isn't needed, you'll just show up as a generic avatar but still allowed to speak.
Much to everyone's relief.

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