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airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords (IC)


"Ye mean does he work at all?" Bellswoth chimes in between a large gulp of wine. Pitree elbows him in the stomach, causing him to spit some of his wine onto the bar.

"Bugger you, Belly! You know I ain't been able to work proper since me leg went bum. Anyway, I do hand out playbills at the Sandpoint Theater, do a bit o' town-cryin' and such. Cydrak gives me a few coppers fer that and a seat in the commons whenever I want. I become what some like to say a fishyman of such works as a results."

"Aficionado," Bellswoth corrects him.

"Whatever," Pitree shrugs and swigs down more wine. "Anyways, I also happen to fancies meself a bit of a singer. Have you ever heard the Maiden of Riddleport? Oh, it's a gem. Perhaps, I'll sing it for the crowd after a few more cups."

"You've had enough already," complains Bellswoth. "And you still owe me for the last five."

"Yer welcome to come collectin' at me mansion in Magnimar once I become a right proper singer and gain the patronage of some wealthy lord," the drunkard chides back.

The two banter like this back and forth endlessly until they are so deep in their cups they are about to fall off the bar. Eventually, Pitree make good on his promise. He gets up on the stage and offers his rendition of Maiden of Riddleport, but he is so drunk and his words so slurred it might as well be Storval's Bastard Brother. The audience laughs along with Pitree at the baudy verses nonetheless as they all seem to know them well, and everyone has a good time of it.

About halfway through the final verse, Vandalin and Marcas hear a wizened voice call out to them from below, "Excuse me, but did I hear you two say something outside about books?".

You look down to see an aged, but spry gnome, a cup of mead in one hand and a playbill from "The Pixie's Fancy" in the other. "Veznutt Parooh's the name," he says cheerily, setting the playbill down and shaking your hands. "I happen to own the finest library in Sandpoint, The Way North. It's on Cliff Street right by the Northgate. I'd be delighted to show you my collection sometime, travelers. Always good to meet a fellow scholar. I happen to have a first edition copy of Karzoug the Destroyer, thrilling reading about an ancient Thassilionian wizard, and a cruel one at that. If it's a lesson you want to learn, that tome can teach you quite a bit. These plays are an idle fancy and they entertain the masses, but many are not to be taken too seriously... well, not the comedies anyway."
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Marcas looks down at the bespectacled Gnome, taking his measure briefly before replying. "Now that sounds like a shop I'd like to see, eh Vandalin? And I've never read Karzoug the Destroyer, though the Abbot spoke fondly of it and often wished aloud he could get his hands on a copy. When will you next be open?"
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Marcas Vanator
Initiative: +03
AC: 14 (14 Touch, 11 Flat-Footed)
HP: 09/09
Senses: Perception +7
CMB: +02 CMD: 16
Fort: +03 Reflex: +05 Will: +04



"Well with the Festival preparations and all I've only been keeping the Way open a few hours in the morning and a few hours in the evening. But I live there as well. You fine folks would be welcome to call on me at any time during the day. Assuming I am there, and not out on some errand or flight of fancy such as this, I'll happily show you my collection."
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First Post
Talashia scoots her stool over to Vandalin and Marcus, and their short friend. She's survived Pitree's assault by focusing entirely on the contents of her mug; an amber fluid that smells of apples. She seems almost pathetically eager for something more interesting to distract her.

"Did you mention Thassilon?" she asks, worming her way into the conversation with all the subtle grace of a nail being driven into wood with a mallet. "Have there been any new discoveries around Sandpoint in the past few years? I mean to look at the Old Light again before I go..."



"Well I can tell you a good bit about Thassilon. I keep good company with both professional and amateur historians on the subject here in town," the gnome explains.

When Talashia mentions the Old Light, the gnome gives a disapproving look, "Ah, so you are one of them then. I don't put much stock in such things, but fellows like Brodert Quint believe it was once more than just a lighthouse. Tis an ancient structure to be sure, but I've never seen any signs that it was ever anything more than what it appears to have been. Nevertheless Quint and like-minded individuals have been coming to Sandpoint recently to investigate the Old Light. To no surprise, they've turned up nothing. The ruins have stood there for centuries, nothing fantastic to do with them, and there is no magic about them. This is, by and large, a quiet town. Ruins of Thassilon are simply that: ruins. They might carry academic value, however, in my expert opinion there is little to be learned from those which remain here. But if you really want to know more about the Old Light, I suggest you speak with Quint. He lives on the west end of Tower Street near the Old Light. He's a bit... obsessive about the matter."
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Realizing that Pitree and Bellsworth are unlikely to provide more that drunken banter, Vandalin is quite pleased with the arrival of the Gnomish Bibliophile. He nods at Marcas' comments and is clearly pleased to see that his companions share his interests. "Well, the Old Light has a reputation beyond Sandpoint, so I guess that's why we are curious, but really I don't know enough to have an opinion on the matter. Now books, that is something we can get excited about. I and I suspect several of my companions would be most eager to have a look at your collection. Let me stand you a round, Mead is it? Tell me why is your shop called, 'The Way North'?"


First Post
"I'm not treasure hunting, Veznutt," Talashia informed him. "I used to love hiding out in the Old Light. It's just revisiting old memories. As for the rest...Thassilon was a very magical culture. I'm sure there are still fragments of their knowledge out there somewhere. If not in the ruins, maybe with the people who came after them."


Realizing that Pitree and Bellsworth are unlikely to provide more that drunken banter, Vandalin is quite pleased with the arrival of the Gnomish Bibliophile. He nods at Marcas' comments and is clearly pleased to see that his companions share his interests. "Well, the Old Light has a reputation beyond Sandpoint, so I guess that's why we are curious, but really I don't know enough to have an opinion on the matter. Now books, that is something we can get excited about. I and I suspect several of my companions would be most eager to have a look at your collection. Let me stand you a round, Mead is it? Tell me why is your shop called, 'The Way North'?"

At the offering of a mead the gnome perks up, "Ah, most obliged Mister... I am sorry, but I did not catch your name."

One of Cracktooth's fellow barkeeps, a young man with a scruffy but uneven beard, pours the mead from a cask and hands it to the gnome across a short part of the bar designed for halflings, gnomes and dwarves. "Ah, wonderful. Now as to your question, in truth, I may be a great scholar of history and cartography, but alas I'm not incredibly creative. My library happens to be located on the north side of town near the Lost Coast Road which heads north up the coast to Riddleport. So you see, it's not an incredibly clever name, but at least it is descriptive, and prevents my library from being readily confused with the others in town."

"I'm not treasure hunting, Veznutt," Talashia informed him. "I used to love hiding out in the Old Light. It's just revisiting old memories. As for the rest...Thassilon was a very magical culture. I'm sure there are still fragments of their knowledge out there somewhere. If not in the ruins, maybe with the people who came after them."

"You know, I remember your face now, though I have always had difficulty with names. I recall you scampering about as a youngling. Weren't you a farmer's daughter or somesuch? Oh yes, I remember you now. Your father was always scolding you for running off on your own when he brought his harvest goods into town.

"And yes, Thassilon was quite magical. There are many magical remnants remaining all about. But from what I have heard, which I confess is probably not as much as some, no one has ever found anything of interest in the Old Light. But don't let this old gnome stop you. Gods know I haven't dissuaded anyone else. Near as I can tell it was simply some old Thassilonian light house though. It might have been powered by magic, but that magic is lost. But I suppose you can never know for certain. Perhaps you will find something others have not."

It is late in the afternoon now. Things have begun to die down at Cracktooth's. Only the drunkards and barflies linger now. Most of the usual townsfolk have returned to making preparations for the festival. Perhaps now is a good time to go and investigate the Old Light.

OOC: If that is all, Veznutt will depart, thanking you for the intellectual conversation and once again inviting you to visit his library. I will move things along to the Old Light next tomorrow or the day after unless you wish to visit one more location. After that, this in-character day will be essentially over. I will assume after visiting the Old Light your character's have supper at a tavern (perhaps the Rusty Dragon) and retire for the night. Tomorrow in-character will be the day before the festival and the townsfolk will be very busy, but you'll have time to visit another 2-3 locations if you wish before the festival begins. I know Talashia has mentioned shopping (perhaps the Feathered Serpent to window-shop) and Vhir is interested in visiting more taverns. If there are other locations you are interested in, feel free to notify me in advance and I'll prepare for those encounters.

We'll have some action the day of the festival so be sure to prepare for that.
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First Post
Laughing uproariously at the limericks, Vhir downs cup after cup of ales and meads as he strives to sample everything the bar has to offer. As Pitree finishes his show the lumbering barbarian pushes his way forward to the stage. With a mug in one hand sloshing mead back and forth like a conductors wand he bellows out a familiar song called the Jolly Butcher. It is a song of a man who pays with a gold coin for a night with a fair maiden. In the morning he asks her for his change before going on his way. A year later he stops by and the maid plops a baby on his lap.
When he saw the baby, he began to curse and swear
And he said unto that fair young maid, "Why did you bring him here?!"
"Well he is your own, kind sir", she said, "Do not think me strange,
Well that sovereign that you gave to me, I gives you back your change!!"

With his comrades sitting around a table mucking about with books of all things, he calls for a drink for each hand so that he can properly sing the "Keyhole in the Door". He eggs the patrons along to shout the chorus along with him.

Just for giggles to see how well he can sing!
Vhir Perform(Sing) at the tavern (1d20+1=19)

Voidrunner's Codex

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