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[Pathfinder] Scotley's Kingmaker IC continued.


Pixie's head was swimming; she was barely conscious. She had stirred during the journey back, but only barely aware of what was going on. She thought she was hallucinating the trading post as she faded in an out. Where was she really? The young woman was only vaguely aware of a shadowy figure bending down to her. His touch was so warm, impossibly warm without burning, and she felt it spread throug her whole bod- oh, no, that was the bile rising in her throat.

Pixie struggles weakly to free herself from the bonds she had been secured to the makeshift stretcher and turns over to loose the contents of her stomach. Slowly she wipes her mouth with her wrist and flails her other arm about a bit as she pulls herself loose. She gets to her feet, one wobbly leg at a time, stumbling and nearly falling over before she managed to steady herself.

She squints her eyes one and then looks around, still a little worse for wear despite the magical healing. "We're b-back?" she stammers. "Wh-what happened to Kressle? Where is she?" The last question is posed a little more forcefully as she finds herself again.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Ah, there she is. Welcome back, Pixi," says the shadowy figure. A moment later the face of the druid with a satisfied smile coalesces forth. "Sorry I can't do any further healing right now."
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First Post
"Kressle's dead," says Kyria simply. "Now I'm trying to think of how to convince everyone to fortify a base of operations before we ride after The Stag Lord. Any thoughts on that?"


Pixie gets a bit of a wild look in her eyes at the news Kressle is dead. "Where are her things? Where are her axes? They're mine now. They must be mine," she says rapid fire as she starts over to the horses to rifle through the saddlebags frantically. "And what's this talk of riding after the Stag Lord? Crazy talk! I can't find the Stag Lord without those axes. I don't think I can fight him with them. He'll kill us. Dead. Like Kressle."


First Post
Kyria shrugs and waves a hand towards where the bounty, or booty, from the expedition has been piled.

"Should be over there with the rest of what we took with us."

She focuses then on Liam.

"I don't know if the trade outpost here is the best place for a real fortification...but it's a good place to start for now. We should organize and get some real scouting done. Maybe map the surrounding area with some detail. Once we know the lay of the land, where the water is...all that...we'll have a better idea where to get started."

"That said, since a real keep or something would take ages to finish, we should start with what we have...which is the outpost here. I don't think we can make it able to withstand a real siege, but hopefully we can firm up its defenses enough to hold the Stag Lord off."


First Post
Liam frowns at Rhote's implied suggestion of forcefully questioning the prisoner. He talks softly to his brother so the prisoner can't overhear. "He'll have to answer for his crimes certainly but we need not torture him unduly. See what you can get out of him though. No need for him to know that we will not torture him. I will decide his fate in the morning."

He turns to follow Kyria away from the prisoner so that they can talk more freely. He nods along with her suggestions at the talk of scouting and fortifications. "Wise council. We must be able to strike from a place of strength and this place is the best we can do. It gives us greater cause for victory for if we fail Oleg and his wife will suffer far more than they have already for aiding us.

Perhaps Kesten Garess and his men can aid us with securing the trading post. These walls could be shored up further, along with the gates, and watch towers added for spotting trouble. He may also have more information regarding the area. We should see what he can tell us over dinner."

Deuce Traveler

Rhote frowns, but tells his brother in private. "You're right, brother. Torture is an unreliable instrument, and I know you are trying to build a place for yourself through acts of honor. It is... hard for me to reign in my other nature at times, especially after I've been allowed to let it loose for awhile. But I will continue to try to be a better man for you. The prisoner will not come to harm. You have my word.

By the way, you may want to check on our own little bandit now that she is awake. Seems that she spouted out some words about the Stag Lord. We know little about her, but she is probably the more reliable source."
Properly chastised, he sets out to work.

After ensuring a space where the man can be shackled and locked into a room, Rhote takes the prisoner to one of the buildings inside the trading post and secures him. He then holds his magically heat-filled hand close to the side of the man's face. "Looks like there are some in my group that would like to see you stand trial. I'm actually alright with that. Really, I am. You see, they never said anything about planting upon you a mark of justice. I'm thinking of igniting my hand right now and putting a print of it seared permanently unto that sensitive left side of your face. You see, fire doesn't really hurt me, but it sure as heck going to hurt you. I can get away with it, too, if you keep being quiet about what we want to know. So now your going to tell me everything about your friends that are still out there, starting with this Stag Lord..."

OOC: Bluff Check 7. Looks like Rhote failed it. Despite this, he will not hurt the man.

Voidrunner's Codex

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