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Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Day 2 (Interlude)

Voda Vosa

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"She's sister Beatrix, priestess of Malborka." Interjects the dwarf, looking dead serious, as usual. "What do you want?" his stone hard manners contrast the wavy mannerisms of Antares like a rock upon which the sea waves clash.

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"Sister Wall-Sentry Beatrix Merriburg, honored servant of Malborka, Goddness of strength, protection and feasting." The large priestess explains proudly, correcting the dwarf. "My order has sent to me to your town to assist it in it's moment of need. I am taking you are the council that governs this town?"


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Sister Merriburg," Antares softly corrects to himself, following that with a nod of heartfelt apology to her (and a look of bother Muzdin's way while he's at it: can't the dwarf be even a dram more gracious?). "And a great help she has been," he tries to cover towards the council woman. "Ah, indeed, councilmen and woman, we-"

But then the young elf stops himself just short from tipping into a detailed description of the encounter with the goblins, not really sure why until he looks to left and right and eyes see what the ears had already perceived: that in addition to the councilors, various guards and townspeople have now gathered around them, eager for news <I'm going to assume?>...

And if they hear that goblins attacked one of their own...

Quickly gathering the loose threads of his thoughts as best he can, Antares wets suddenly dry lips and dives in, modulating his voice for all to hear with some effort: "It - ah - It seems traitory is afoot? That a man - perhaps of a magical persuasion? - seeks the death of our good captain of the guards? Worse, perhaps, far from doing the deed himself, he has tricked some of the local goblins into being his fools, that they may take the blame and himself walk free?"

(A small, detached part of him is actually more than a bit impressed: for spur of the moment that was a rather cogent, to-the-heart summary of the situation they find themselves in, if he has to say so himself!)


The human councilman interjects, "Traitors? That's a strong accusation! Perhaps you had best explain yourself." His expression begins to glower.

Glasia turns to him and says, "Rikolai, please. We'll get to the bottom of this. But perhaps we should go somewhere... quieter. The council chambers?"

Rikolai keeps glaring at Antares, no real reason for it that the elf can think of. In the meantime, the unnamed dwarf tosses a wink at Muzdin, who knows the man as an uncle's cousin twice removed by the name of Mokin. He fights to maintain the rights of the dwarves at least in town, and therefore usually throws in his lot with Glasia.

OOC: If the group follows.

A short walk, but everywhere in Ascadar is a short walk, leads to an otherwise nondescript wooden house with perhaps a somewhat neater roof than most. It's off the main 'street' with the shops, so tends to be a bit quieter. The townsfolk who had come out to listen appear frustrated but no one voices an immediate complaint. Inside is a simple, well made wooden table in a side room, and it's there that the three council members sit with the party invited to sit or stand as they choose.

Glasia then says, "Now, what happened? We should know as quickly as possible because I'm sure rumors will be flying. I saw one of the guards already talking to a few of the shop owners on our way in. Goblins being manipulated, and Gregof implicated? This sounds like something more than what we usually handle in our town."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Rikolai keeps glaring at Antares, no real reason for it that the elf can think of.
Has he offended the man in some unknown way? Perhaps speaking out of turn?

The young elf therefore keeps uncomfortably quiet during the trip over, idly wondering how he keeps getting into these situations (first lady Mirelle yesterday and now this!)... And if, in this particular one, they - all of them - should not perhaps be more stressed towards resolutions? What with poisonous murderer free to roam and readjust -- and, potentially more dire, more unpredictable, goblin survivor even now running back towards tented village...?

It's an... uncomfortable thought, one that makes him fret about.

Glasia then says, "Now, what happened? We should know as quickly as possible because I'm sure rumors will be flying. I saw one of the guards already talking to a few of the shop owners on our way in. Goblins being manipulated, and Gregof implicated? This sounds like something more than what we usually handle in our town."
"Time is -ah- likely of the essence," hesitantly agrees the young mage, pushed into talking by that same burning concern (though he keeps darting nervous glances Rikolai's way all through his improvised speech). "We were -ah- all drawn from our tasks by much noise over by the edge of fair Askadar, by old man Corls farm? Investigating, we here found three goblins shouting and taunting, perhaps in would-be distraction from the attack on the good captain? For it soon became clear that another three were indeed attacking the captain even then, their arrows dipped in poison foul! But that grizzled battler had managed to escape their snare and was even then seeking help over the hill where we gathered, his attackers still in hot pursuit, shouting 'Die, stealer of goblins, Die'! Battle was joined! Luckily three of the green ones succumbed to slumber magical," a small nod to himself by way of explanation, "Two were captured or slain by Askadar's stalwart defenders," a sweeping hand towards Beatrix, Stellan, Muzdin. "One... escaped back into the bushes." He briefly looks down to the floor at that last, guilty admission... then struggles to re-start: "Then- Then the Behenian Company brought the ailing and poisoned captain Gregof back to Pelor's temple with all due haste -- where, all be reassured, he even now rests and recuperates under the watchful care of Brother Carlog...?" He looks towards the armored priestess, "Meanwhile, mind quick and sharp, sister Merriburg stayed behind to question the lone goblin both captured and conscious at the time?"

OOC: Mystery roll: 1d20=3. I must say, a system where rolling low is good suits my luck extremely fine. ;) Feel free to adjust it up for Antares' general naiveté if you want though Gambler.


First Post
The armoured priestess nods in agreement. "The goblin told me his kin had been disappearing." Beatrix explains. "Then one day mysterious cloaked figure appeared before goblins and told them it was the captain's fault. Said he took goblins in the night and did horrible things to them. Then figure gives them poison so they can kill captain."

"Who ever this person was being, they are likely skill alchemist, knows enough goblin tongue to fool tribe into attacking town and has grudge against the captain, or at least wants a lack of law and order in this town."

The fat knight thinks for a moment. "Tell me, who would benefit the most if captain died and town and goblins went to war?"

Voda Vosa

First Post
Muzidim sends a half smile and another wink and a nod at Mokin. It was good to have an ally within the council. For the time being, the dwarf remained silent, listening and observing.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Who ever this person was being, they are likely skill alchemist, knows enough goblin tongue to fool tribe into attacking town and has grudge against the captain, or at least wants a lack of law and order in this town."

"In truth," softly agrees Antares from his side. After some hesitation, with darting looks to the three council members, he adds to the list, heart somewhat hammering at his daring: "As well, we can perhaps say that this is a man who both knew goblins were being kidnapped... and where the good captain would be this morn? For in truth he gave his pawns this very map here -- drawn, you may note, with finest ink and sharpest quill?" He unfolds and then present said map to Lady Glasia, respectfully laying it on the table before her.

(These are the thoughts he was about to communicate just prior to the councilors arrival, sparked as they were by comments Stellan made (as is, in truth, often the case between them)).


OOC: Sorry guys. Hugely busy week at work and at home!

Rikolai fidgets as the conversation continues. He appears from time to time to be about to say something, and by his body language it would be in anger, but he glances back at Mikon and remains silent.

Mikon for his part merely sits back and looks between the two other council members and the party relating their story, until the end. And in spite of him not appearing to jump in, he gets his comment in before the councilwoman who doesn't seem to mind any feeling of being interrupted. It does earn a glare from Rikolai though.

"A good point, priestess. I will say that you cut to the point almost as fast as a dwarf. There are a number of council members who would like to see our guards raised to full militia level. And to some extent, most of us have agreed that expansion is necessary now that Eliaesel is gone. Others have suggested that stronger leadership is needed, with someone at the head of the council. After all, they point out, Eliaesel was the head. They ignore that she very rarely overruled anything the council agreed on but point out that by her very presence she probably kept away most dangers. Gregof himself was competent and a good man, but maybe not as ambitious as some. And perhaps, with him out of the way, someone else's agenda might be able to be enforced." A sideways glance at Rikolai as he adds, "And there are some of us. The minorities in this town. That fear what a strong militia might be used to enforce."

At this, Rikolai bursts out, "Your slander is what we need to fear dwarf! Not a stronger militia." The councilwoman sighs... "Please. Not this endless bickering. First the incident yesterday at the well, and now this.."

As Glasia mentions the well, something tickles the back of Antares' mind:

[sblock=For Antares]
A flash of one of the creatures crawling through the darkness comes to you. Small body. Large, wide head with sharp teeth. What would it look like in daylight? And not so pale...

Voidrunner's Codex

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