Beer recommendations

I havnt tried the barrel aged Happing Frog, just the normal one I guess. Havnt seen the barrel aged one around here, not that ive seen anyways.
Does that barrel aging really do anything for the taste? Give it like an oaky flavor? And are these whiskey barrels?

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Naked and living in a barrel
Fun update:
he Hopping Frog was a 22 oz bottle. Watched walking dead and drank it. The first half of the bottle was amazing, but no buzz. The second half of the bottle was even more amazing. Some of the flavors develop as the beer warms up a bit. Excellent beer. Seriously, you have to try it if you haven't. Did pretty well with it until I finished it. That's when I felt a nice buzz going. Then I fed my cats, plus I fed some of the stray kitties that roam around at night. I've given them all names anyway, so I might as well feed them.
Then I started on the Samuel Smith nut brown ale. It's a 550 ml bottle. I'll start on the Samuel Smith chocolate stout when I'm done with this one. I'm pretty sure there will be some SilverSword style posting going on tonight.
You'll post pics of you and Ed Greenwood and R.A. Salvatore?


Naked and living in a barrel
Only Ed. I respect his creation of the FR back in the 80s, even if he is one of my oppressors. Salvatore sucks. Seriously.


First Post
Sam Adams? decent beer? Shirley you jest! Anything ive ever tried from them was pretty, meh, really dishonors the name Sam Adams, but, I havnt tried all of their stuff, so I guess its possible they got one or two right.

IM the type of guy that when I find a beer that I dont like, I tend to stay away from anything else from that brewing company, I mean could be they might have a few good ones, but the way I see it, if they botched this one beer, then how good can the rest of them be? yaknow?

Like Leinekugel, ugh! Ive had some people tell me that they make some good stuff, but i'll never try it, Not since trying their summer shandy, oh god that stuff was awful, beer and lemonade? Whos idea was that!?

Sam Adams has those two I mentioned that are ok and their Oktoberfest isn't terrible either. Not great, just ok.

Leinenkugel just plain sucks. As for who's idea the shandy thing was, well, it was parents. Honest - parents used to mix beer and lemonade so the kids would have something to drink. Great idea, right?

Leinenkugel just plain sucks. As for who's idea the shandy thing was, well, it was parents. Honest - parents used to mix beer and lemonade so the kids would have something to drink. Great idea, right?

I guess thats a good idea if you dont want your kids drinkin beer, somebody offers them some beer at a party or what-have-you, and theyre like no thanks, that stuff made my lemonade taste terrible!


First Post
The last beer I had was Estrella. Not the best but it's a Spanish beer and I was eating in a Spanish/Portuguese joint so I had one. It's kinda fun to do that - when I was in Corfu I drank Mythos which isn't great but, admittedly, much better than the other two 'beers' you can get over there (Amstel and Heineken). And my bad beer over the weekend was absolved by my otherwise high quality choice in spirits: Lagavulin 16, Guinness, Jameson's and The Glenlivet 12.

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