Beer recommendations

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Youre avoiding the question, and anyways it was like a year ago, last new years, and that was only because the wife bought 2 cases of it, I figured the best way to get rid of it was to drink it, Ive learned from my mistake!

Liar! The worst beers I've had in the last year include Warsteiner Dunkel, Sam Adams Boston Lager and Stella Artois. And yes, thos qualify. They're not as bad as Coors, though. :p

Back in the day I used to drink some terrible crap. Beast Ice, Icehouse, all Bud products, MGD, Killian's, etc. I haven't had any of that crap in at least 10 years, though.

I never lie about beer. And Ive had some Warstiener, that stuff aint too bad, definitely wouldnt call it terrible, And yeah Ive had the Sam Adams Boston Lager as well, not a fan of Sam Adams at all, they keep going on about traditional beer making or whatever, but all their stuff comes off tasting pretty meh. But, the Boston Lager was the best thing they had available at the local baseball game last time i went, and they wont let you bring in your own, so...

This stuff is pretty good


Got a nice robust,full-bodied flavor to it, very balanced, not too hoppy, not too malty, and it has a sweet flavor to it I cant quite put my finger on, sorta fruity or caramely, most likely both. At 11.8% ABV its one of the strongest beers ive ever had, but its very smooth, that alcohol doesnt really seem to stand out on the taste buds. could be a little darker and heartier for a quadrupel ale, but still some damn good stuff, Weyerbacher doesnt disappoint. Giving it 4 (out of 5) drunkards.

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First Post
I never lie about beer. And Ive had some Warstiener, that stuff aint too bad, definitely wouldnt call it terrible, And yeah Ive had the Sam Adams Boston Lager as well, not a fan of Sam Adams at all, they keep going on about traditional beer making or whatever, but all their stuff comes off tasting pretty meh. But, the Boston Lager was the best thing they had available at the local baseball game last time i went, and they wont let you bring in your own, so...

Yeah, I was just disappointed Warsteiner wasn't as good as I remembered. It's not bad, though.

Sam Adams makes me laugh. You seen that commercial where they brag about how long they've been around ... since the '80s? Lollers. I'm always like 'where's the Guinness tap? You know, they've been around for a few years too (since 1759)'. Derp.

Sam Adams makes me laugh. You seen that commercial where they brag about how long they've been around ... since the '80s? Lollers. I'm always like 'where's the Guinness tap? You know, they've been around for a few years too (since 1759)'. Derp.

For realz, a company should be around at least 50 years or so before they can brag about how long theyve been around.

Yup. They do make some decent stuff, though. I like the Winterfest or whatever and White Christmas isn't bad. Their new one - Cold Snap - is pretty awful.
Sam Adams? decent beer? Shirley you jest! Anything ive ever tried from them was pretty, meh, really dishonors the name Sam Adams, but, I havnt tried all of their stuff, so I guess its possible they got one or two right.

IM the type of guy that when I find a beer that I dont like, I tend to stay away from anything else from that brewing company, I mean could be they might have a few good ones, but the way I see it, if they botched this one beer, then how good can the rest of them be? yaknow?

Like Leinekugel, ugh! Ive had some people tell me that they make some good stuff, but i'll never try it, Not since trying their summer shandy, oh god that stuff was awful, beer and lemonade? Whos idea was that!?

Sam Adams? decent beer? Shirley you jest! Anything ive ever tried from them was pretty, meh, really dishonors the name Sam Adams, but, I havnt tried all of their stuff, so I guess its possible they got one or two right.

IM the type of guy that when I find a beer that I dont like, I tend to stay away from anything else from that brewing company, I mean could be they might have a few good ones, but the way I see it, if they botched this one beer, then how good can the rest of them be? yak now?
Sam Adams makes some that are alright. I like their Winterfest beer. They have one or two others that I drink when I go out to a place that has a limited choice.

Like Leinekugel, ugh! Ive had some people tell me that they make some good stuff, but i'll never try it, Not since trying their summer shandy, oh god that stuff was awful, beer and lemonade? Whos idea was that!?
Well that isn't really fair. Shandys are awful, regardless of who makes them. And really, you should punch yourself in the face for having tasted it. Go, I'll wait while you punch yourself in the face.


I already punched myself in the face after I got it. It was a sampler pack, i cant remember what other types of beer it came with, they were all pretty meh, but that summer shandy really stands out, ugh!

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