Tyranny of Dragons


X_M - That sucks man. Hopefully we'll see you around if things change.

Everyone else - Unfortunately, that puts us without a dedicated healer. Druids can heal, but it's hardly an effective druid if she spends all her time healing instead of doing druidy things. Ideas?


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Jimmy Disco T

First Post
No worries X_Mythic, you will always be welcome to leap back in at any point if you have time in the future.

As far as healing goes for the group, some ideas:

  • Someone multiclasses into Cleric
  • Crafting of healing potions via Herbalism kit/proficiency
  • Mildly blatant addition of bonus healing potions into the adventure
  • Liberal use of Short Rests and spending of Hit Dice
  • Recruit another player who takes a class with healing

Or just play it and see how we get on. No idea how feasible it is for 5th edition parties to get by without a pure healer, but there will be five (or six) of you...


From what I've heard in regards to general D&D strategy, preventing damage is more efficient than healing it.

Although, the liberal use of short rests seems like a decent back-up plan.

If that doesn't work out, finding caches of healing potions should do it.

Li Shenron

Everyone else - Unfortunately, that puts us without a dedicated healer. Druids can heal, but it's hardly an effective druid if she spends all her time healing instead of doing druidy things. Ideas?

Or just play it and see how we get on. No idea how feasible it is for 5th edition parties to get by without a pure healer, but there will be five (or six) of you...

I say let's just go without a Cleric. You can keep the OOC thread open for someone else to join and fill the role (or X_Mythic to return). PbP games are always very slow, who knows how long it will take before we actually need magic healing.


I'm going to get just a little needy for a second, so you'll have to forgive me.

JDT, I was wondering if maybe you could edit the first post in the game thread with an sblock containing a cast of characters. It may just be my fragile mind, or all the 16 hour shifts I've been working, but I can't seem to keep up with who is playing who, or what character is what class, or really anything else for that matter. That handy little reference tucked away on the very first post of the very first page would be a lifesaver for me. And I'd be indebted to you forever..

I promise I'll try to stop being so needy in the future. :)


Jimmy Disco T

First Post
I'm going to get just a little needy for a second, so you'll have to forgive me.

JDT, I was wondering if maybe you could edit the first post in the game thread with an sblock containing a cast of characters. It may just be my fragile mind, or all the 16 hour shifts I've been working, but I can't seem to keep up with who is playing who, or what character is what class, or really anything else for that matter. That handy little reference tucked away on the very first post of the very first page would be a lifesaver for me. And I'd be indebted to you forever..

I promise I'll try to stop being so needy in the future. :)


I've added a character list to the first post. Embarrassingly, I don't know what an sblock is, or how to do one. It's been so many years since I've been an active member of a forum (back in the 56k modem era...) that all of these new fanged buttons and things confuse the heck out of me.


You write sblock inside a pair of brackets. After you inserted the contents, you write /sblock inside another pair of brackets.

Optionally, you can open with sblock=(insert text here).
Last edited:


There's a couple that I've found useful. Without spaces, there is [ sblock] [ /sblock], [ spoiler] [ /spoiler], and [ ooc] [ /ooc] at least.

Brother Dave

First Post
Are you still looking for a replacement healer for your ToD campaign?

I've got a CG Wood Elf Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow I've been working up for a HotDQ game. He's a Cleric of the Knowledge domain who has been in seclusion (Hermit background) for the last few decades studying dragon lore (Dragon Scholar alternate background feature), but lately his meditations have been disturbed by strange waking dreams of devastation (bond 3), driving him out of his seclusion to seek out answers.

I know you've already started, but I could have his character sheet up later today and jump into the adventure wherever you like. I'm still working on getting a handle on his personality and mannerisms, but I can make up my mind pretty quickly if I need to.

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