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D&D 5E hafrogman's Hoard of the Dragon Queen (full)

Forged Fury

First Post
I do gotta ask though...

What are you hoping to gain from Valorbard that Fighter can't already do 'better'? I'm more curious than judging.
Yeah, I'm not really building for optimization. The main choice for Valor Bard is Combat Inspiration. She was a line officer of her former mercenary company, so I like the idea of providing boosts from her classes. The limited spellcasting also helps for additional boosts and healing.

Also, with 6 players, xp will be slower and advancement will be equally slower. Also also, we start at level 3. :)
It depends on how XP is handled. I've found that most PbPs do milestone leveling (sometimes even real life milestones). I built her to Level 3, so it'll be some time before she picks up Valor.

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First Post
Name:       Venndur "Venn" Elkezerai
 Class:      Warlock 3 Of the Great Old Ones (Unknown entity)
 Race:       Half-Elf
 Background: Mad Hermit
 Size:       Medium (5'7", 130 lbs)
 Gender:     Male
 Alignment:  Chaotic. Just chaotic.
 STR: 08 (-1)     HP: 27 (8+3, +8(5+3), +8(5+3))
 DEX: 08 (-1)             AC: 10 (Leather(11) + Dex (-1))
 CON: 16 (+3)               Speed:   30
 INT: 10 (+0)             Initiative -1
 WIS: 15 (+2) Save: +4          Passive Perception: 12  
 CHA: 17 (+3) Save: +5           

 Skills:                  Abilities:
 Acrobatics         -1    Darkvision
 Animal Handling    +2    Fey Ancestry
 *Arcana             +2    Telepath communication up to 30ft
 Athletics         -1    Incantation: Eyes of the Rune Keeper: can read all writing
 Deception          +3    Incantation: Agonizing Blast (+CHAMOD to eldritch blast damage)
 *History           +2    
 *Insight           +4    
 Intimidation      +3    
 *Investigation      +2
 *Medicine           +4
 Nature             +0
 Perception        +2
 Performance        +3    
 Persuasion        +3
 *Religion           +2
 Sleight of Hand    -1
 Stealth            -1
 Survival           +2
 Armor: Light Armor
 Weapons: Simple Weapons
 Tools: Herbalist Kit
 Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic
 Spell Attack Modifier: +5 (Cha+3 prof+2)
 Spell Save DC: 13 (8+2+3)
 Cantrips Known: Eldritch Blast, Poison Spray, *Prestidigitation, *Light, and *Blade Ward. (* spells from Tome Pact)
 Spells Known: Witch Bolt, Crown of Madness, Hold person, Hellish Rebuke
Spell Slots: -/2/-/-/-/-/-/-
 Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type  Range
 Quarterstaff             +1     1d8-1        B
 Eldritch Blast           +5     1d8+3       Force  (120)
 Dagger                 +1     1d4-1           P    (20/60)
 Poison Spray DC13 Con Save 1d12      Poison (10)
 Hellish rebuke DC13 Dex save 3d10     Fire    (60) Half damage on fail (Reaction to attack)
 Witch Bolt            +5     2d12          Lightning (120) 1d12 each turn if concentrated/sustained
 Leather tatters
 Arcane Focus
 Dagger (2)
 Common Clothes
Winter cloak
 - Bottle of ink and pen
 - Book of lore
 - Tome of ancient warlock gone mad
 - Herbs
 - Herbalist Kit
 - Bedroll
 - small knife
 - bag of sand
 - Torch (2)
 - One Day's Rations (10)
 - Waterskin
 - Scrolls of various indecipherable notes
 Money: 65 GP
 Personality Trait: I've been isolated so long I've forgotten common niceties and speech. Very confusing and cryptic.
 Personality Trait: I connect everything that happens to a grand cosmic plan
 Ideal: Inquiry and Curiosity are the pillars of progress.
 Bond: My isolation and research brought be closer to knowledge of a great evil. It seems only I know of the great folds in the plan.
 Flaw: I like wine. Like a lot.
  Flaw: I'd risk everything for more knowledge.

Venn is a strange man. Born of mixed racial background and sort of left to his own devices he was soon enthralled with magic. He fled his childhood home and began to search for answers. Of course, oftentimes its what you search for that reaches back. As Venn began to learn more of the ancient magicks in the world he was "contacted" by a strange being. Afterwards he had no memory of the encounter other than a simple task. To search for more. More what? He assumed magic, but he does not know. Within his mind he carries a burning sensation for more knowledge and not just any knowledge but the most secret, ancient and forgotten texts.

He soon found his new powers inherently. Bestowed upon him by the being he uses them to further his research and go where he was once too afraid to go. The burning thirst eventually led him to a tome. Locked away in a deep dungeon that held magicks lost to mortals. Although unable to decipher all the texts he had begun to gleam various spells and incantations. Moving on his adventures he continued his practice while searching and eventually came into the hands of The Black Tide. With knowledge of herbal lore and a clever knack for the arcane he was soon a sort of strange addition to the company. He helped tend to the wounded on the road, and often told strange tales when inebriated at night. They liked Venn, strange as he was. He spoke funny, and cryptic messages were his forte. However they knew not to cross him, for the searing bolts of ethereal power he used to cauterize his enemies were more than enough to do the job. There were even strange tales of the things he may have done to get his powers.

Nonetheless the company had a spellcaster, he aided in retrieving items, solving riddles, and healing the sick. Occasionally he would join in the fray, warding blows and dueling other spellcasters. During the dragon attack he fled with Morgan Cavendish, whom he trusted simply because he could remember her name. Together they sought refuge in the nearby town of Scornubel. Venn hasn't spoken since the encounter, but he follows Morgan willingly. Outwardly a shell, he seems to just do as she commands as a remnant of his past with the company. Yet inside, his mind ticks away as he contemplates what secrets those dragons may know...
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I'm not sure how the campaign starts, but the city can be adjusted as needed.
The campaign starts exactly as described in the first post. :) The party is on the road to Greenest. As far as I can tell, the module is vague as to the direction they are coming from. Northeast and Scornubel work as well as any for an origin point.
Also also, we start at level 3. :)
You do start at level 3. The adventure is supposed to start you at level 1, but that really limits options for the opening set piece. So I'd rather a bunch of heroes roll into town and immediately make a big difference. So you get a big boost, but that will slow things down a little as the module gives XP sufficient to hit level 2.
It depends on how XP is handled. I've found that most PbPs do milestone leveling (sometimes even real life milestones).
I'm actually going to do XP, partially because you're already two levels up, as noted above, and partially because it allows me to introduce a mechanic that I use for my tabletop games. I'll just keep track of it all in the first post of the RG thread once we get to that point.

From time to time I'll be assigning 'homework' - little world building exercises that will net you bonus XP. These are entirely optional, and will never become a game breaking amount of XP, but they might get you that next level one or two encounters earlier. Level up before the big boss instead of after, for example.

Forged Fury

First Post
^Cool Stuff

ETA: I like Venn, cool character. You might need to double check your Wisdom-based skills (specifically Medicine, Insight, and Perception), some of them look like they are +1 too high. Oh, also, I referred to the mercenary band as the Company after I identified it at the top. It was called the Black Tide. The band typically wore black armor and cloaks, so it looked like a black tide when they charged across the field of battle.
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First Post
^Cool Stuff

ETA: I like Venn, cool character. You might need to double check your Wisdom-based skills (specifically Medicine, Insight, and Perception), some of them look like they are +1 too high. Oh, also, I referred to the mercenary band as the Company after I identified it at the top. It was called the Black Tide. The band typically wore black armor and cloaks, so it looked like a black tide when they charged across the field of battle.

Thanks! I just finished editing some of those minor things. I had a hard time remembering which ability was tied to which skill. And I really like the idea of the Black Tide company. I have always loved those stories (including the black company) and the idea of this sort of mad "wizard" in their mix was interesting. Magic on the battlefield is always an interesting angle.


First Post
Carad'anoron Isilme - Eladrin Arcane Trickster

Posting my Arcane Trickster character. @Forged Fury, your idea for the mercenary band pulling us together is great. I've incorporated it into my character's background.

Carad (small 2).jpg
Character Sheet
[edit: Oops, forgot he needs a component pouch to cast spells. Reverting back to Leather Armor to pay for it.]
Name:       Carad’anoron "Carad" Isilme 
Class:      Rogue (Arcane Trickster) 3
Race:       Elf (Eladrin)
Background: Sage
Size:       Medium (5'8", 120 lbs)
Gender:     Male
Age:        104
Alignment:  Neutral Good

STR:  8 (-1)             HP: 24 (3d8+6)
DEX: 16 (+3) Save: +5    AC: 14 (Leather)
CON: 14 (+2) 
INT: 16 (+3) Save: +5    Speed:   30
WIS: 12 (+1)             Init:    +3
CHA:  8 (-1)             Passive Perception: 15

Skills:                  Abilities:
*Acrobatics        +5    Darkvision
Animal Handling    +1    Keen Senses
*Arcana            +5    Fey Ancestry
Athletics          -1    Trance
Deception          -1    Elf Weapon Training
*History           +5    Fey Step
Insight            +1    
Intimidation       -1    Researcher
*Investigation     +5    
Medicine           +1    Expertise (Stealth, Perception)
Nature             +3    Sneak Attack (2D6)
**Perception       +5    Bonus Language (replace Thieves’ Cant)
Performance        -1    Cunning Action
Persuasion         -1    Spellcasting
Religion           +3    Mage Hand Legermain
*Sleight of Hand   +5
**Stealth          +7
Survival           +1

Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords, Longbows
Tools: Thieves’ Tools
Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Sylvan, Draconic

Spell Attack Modifier: +5
Spell Save DC: 13
Cantrips Known: Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation
Spells Known: Find Familiar, Sleep, Silent Image
Spell Slots: 2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-


Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type  Range
Rapier                 +5     1d8+3        P
Dagger                 +5     1d4+3        P   (20/60)
Shortbow               +5     1d6+3        P   (80/320)

Familiar: Scree (owl)

Dagger x 2
Quiver of Arrows (20)
Component Pouch
Thieves’ Tools
Common Clothes
- Bedroll
- Mess Kit
- Tinder Box
- Torch (10)
- Rations (10)
- Waterskin
- 50' Hemp Rope
- Healer's kit (10)
- Caltrops
- Ball Bearings
- Steel Mirror
- Bottle of Black Ink
- Quill
- Parchment (10)
- Small Knife
- Parchment from dead mentor with drawings of raging bonfires, pillars of lightning, noxious-looking gas clouds, icy storms and waves of acid surrounding 10 evil-looking eyes, and the words "i' mori alu" (the dark waters) 

Money: 12 GP

Personality Trait: There's nothing I like more than a good mystery, and nothing excites me more than solving it.
Ideal: Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself.
Bond: I seek to uncover magical lore, especially in relation to the Weave.
Flaw: I am easily distracted by the promise of information.

A red sky at night, a sailors' delight.
A red sky at morning, a sailor's warning.

Carad'anoron Isilme (Carad for short) was borned on isle of Evermeet on the very moment of the Spellplague, which was triggered by the assassination of the goddess Mystra and the subsequent convulsion of the Weave. The arcane forces ripped the island into the Feywild, amongst other chaos that resulted throughout the realms. His birth was thus seen as a ill omen, leading to his naming - "Red Dawn", to ward against the ill fortune of his untimely birth and also to foreshadow the future chaos the Spellplague would bring.

As a result, as Carad was growing up, those who knew him inevitably kept him at a arms' length, consciously or unconsciously associating him with the disaster wrought by the Spellplague. The one exception was Kuune'ithil, the High Priestess of Mystra who took him under her wing, not just to comfort him, but also because she noted that Carad was strongly fey-touched, likely a result of his birth occurring just when the land was transported to the Feywild. Under her tutelage, Carad grew to appreciate the teachings of the church and grew an interest in magical lore. In time, he also honed his fey-gifted abilities to serve the church as a scout, seeking to learn of the effects caused by the Spellplague to the Toril lands which Evermeet left behind.

The Spellplague ended with the event known as Mystra's Return. Her rebirth and the consequent tremor throughout the Weave triggered a vision in Kuune'ithil. The vision was so overwhelming that the shock claimed her life, but not before she recorded what she saw on a parchment and passed it to Carad.

Carad thus struck forth into the lands of Toril, seeking to uncover the mystery of his mentor's vision. His travels led him eventually to the Black Tide mercenary company on the Sword Coast. Suspecting some connection with the cryptic words "i' mori alu" left by Kuune'ithil on the parchment, Carad joined the band as a scout and harrier, whilst surreptitiously investigating any possible links with the drawings left by his mentor, spending many nights listening to the half-crazed ramblings of Venn for possible clues.

The investigations turned up nothing for months and Carad was on the verge of leaving, until the fateful bandit job. He survived the dragon attack primarily because he was at the fringe of the group, and slipped through the bandit counter-attack via a timely brief escape into the fey. He eventually managed to link back up with the Morgan, his field officer, Venn and Hunter, making use of illusions to mask their escape to Scornubel. Finally, the connection with Kuune'ithil's visions seem to be falling into place, and Carad debated whether it was time to share this piece of mystery with his surviving companions.


@hafrogman, I hope it is ok that I replaced his Thieves' Cant with a bonus language (sylvan for speaking with fey creatures) as it didn't really fit his background. Also, I "sold" off the leather armor from the starting equipment for half its price (i.e. 5 gp). Let me know if that's fine, too. I've also spent 10 gp to purchase the components to cast Find Familiar.
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@hafrogman, I hope it is ok that I replaced his Thieves' Cant with a bonus language (sylvan for speaking with fey creatures) as it didn't really fit his background. Also, I "sold" off the leather armor from the starting equipment for half its price (i.e. 5 gp). Let me know if that's fine, too. I've also spent 10 gp to purchase the components to cast Find Familiar.
I'm alright with these changes.

So yes, anyone who wants to trade out starting equipment, you can use half value.

Once we have everyone's final versions, I'll go through the mechanics.


Agowawere tsyffonji was a scout for the black tide on the fateful day the dragons attacked and fled to with the others. Originally from the steaming jungles of chult he was exiled after an unsuccessful bid for the chieftainhood.

The dark skinned warriors fled north and found employment with the black tide. With him he took the secrets of hi tribes wolf spirit to aid him.

He is dour and weighed down by the bitter disappointments of his life.

Background: outlander
Feat: observant

Due to his almost unpronouncable first name he was referred to as hunter. He is most comfortable roving ahead to protect his new tribe.
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First Post
The campaign starts exactly as described in the first post. :) The party is on the road to Greenest. As far as I can tell, the module is vague as to the direction they are coming from. Northeast and Scornubel work as well as any for an origin point.

Here's an idea for how we got from Scornubel to Greenest. Carad would have set Scree (his familiar owl) to monitor the dragons (from a safe distance) while the party fled. Although most of the dragons dispersed, one particular one seemed to head in the direction where Greenest lay. After the party had rested sufficiently, they decided to head in that direction to uncover the mystery of the dragon attack.


Steve Gorak

Hey guys,

Here's my character. The backstory is short and sweet, but I think it does it's job. I'm open to modifications to make the PC introductions' more seamless. FYI, I tried to make an "elf" sounding name. I hope I didn't go overboard ;-)

Name:       Jenivestia "Jeni" Elananthael
Class:      Moon druid
Race:       Wood elf
Background: Outlander
Size:       Medium (5'6", 125 lbs)
Gender:     Female
Alignment:  Neutral Good

STR:  8 (-1)             HP: 21 (3d8+3)
DEX: 16 (+3)             AC: 17 (2 studded leather + 2 Shield + 3 dex)
CON: 13 (+1) 
INT: 12 (+1) Save:+3     Speed:   35
WIS: 16 (+3) Save:+5     Init:    +3
CHA: 10 (+0)             Passive Perception: 15

Skills:                  Abilities:
Acrobatics         +3    Darkvision
Animal Handling    +3    Fey Ancestry: Adv vs Charm, immune to magic sleep
Arcana             +1    Trance (4h rest)
*Athletics         +1    Fleet of Foot: base speed 35'
Deception          +0    Mask of the Wild: Can hide with only light obscurement in natural environment
History            +1       (lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, etc)
*Insight           +5    Wildshape (CR 1, no fly), 2x any rest
Intimidation       +0    
Investigation      +1    Background feature: Wanderer
Medicine           +3      Excellent memory for maps and geography, can find food and water for group of 5
Nature             +1
*Perception        +5 
Performance        +0    
Persuasion         +0
Religion           +1
Sleight of Hand    +3
*Stealth           +5
*Survival          +5

Armor: Light, Medium, shields (only nonmetal armor)
Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, jevelins, maces, staves, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
Skills: Insignt, survival
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Saves: Intelligence and Wisdom
Skills from outlander background: Athletics, stealth (replaces survival), musical instrument (lute) 

Spell Attack Modifier: +5
Spell Save DC: 13
Cantrips Known: Druidcraft, mold earth
Spells Known (6):
Level 1: goodberry, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Healing Word
Level 2: Moonbeam, barkskin
Spell Slots: 4/2/-/-/-/-/-/-


Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type  Range
longbow               +5      1d8+3      P     150/600  
scimitar	      +5      1d6+3      S
Dagger                +5      1d4+3      P     20/60

•  a wooden shield 
•  dagger
•  Scimitar
•  Leather armor
•  Staff (druidic focus)
•  explorer’s pack
   - backpack, 
   - bedroll, 
   - a mess kit, 
   - a tinderbox, 
   - 10 torches, 
   - 10 days of rations 
   - a waterskin. 
   - 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it.

A staff, a hunting trap,  a trophy from an 
animal you killed, a set o f traveler’s clothes,  and a belt 
pouch containing Money

2 quivers of arrows

Money: 6 GP

Additional gear purchased
50gp longbow
2gp 2 quivers
2gp dagger

Personality Trait: I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk.  Money and manners won’t save you from a hungry olbear.

Ideal: Greater Good,   It is each person’s responsibility to make the most happiness for the whole tribe.
Bond: The dragons destroyed everything you hold dear. They killed your family and destroyed your home. Now, with nothing but what you carry on your back and a horrid scar of the near fatal wounds you sustained in the attack, you seek revenge.
Also, the people of Greenest took you in. Anyone who threatens Greenest is your sworn enemy.
Flaw: I  remember every insult I’ve received and nurse a silent resentment toward anyone who’s ever wronged me

[sblock=Background]Jenivestia Elananthael, known as Jeni in Greenest, grew up with her clan of woodelves about 1 day's walk from the town. Six years ago, her village was destroyed by dragons, and her family was killed. She was quite young, knowing only the basics of druidism. The survivors headed to Grenest, and the villagers welcomed and nurtured them. She has been grateful ever since, and has been living in the woods around the village while coming to the village ever so often to see friends and her elf-kin.
She was on her way to town when she met a friendly group of travellers also heading her way. As they walked closer, they could see black smoke, moreso than one would normally expect....


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