First legal 3rd party AL material announced


For a moment you hoped to see no Classes,feats? I dont see anything like that being mentioned in the Baldman games post.

They just seem to be producing adventures here, not anything else.

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For a moment you hoped to see no Classes,feats? I dont see anything like that being mentioned in the Baldman games post.

They just seem to be producing adventures here, not anything else.
Yes, sadly only adventures, of which we already have plenty for my play frequency.

Reading the title of this thread I hoped for new (before autocorrect turned it into no) feats, classes, etc.

Sadly reading the linked statement told me otherwise.


I crit!
While Dark Sun is my fave setting, Ashes of Athas wasnt played locally (or was 4e really) so never go to play it.

There was a window of time were they were emailing them out to anybody who asked for them. I thought it was a limited window but I received a new one (new to me) long after I thought that window would have closed. They might still be able to send them.


oh... no wonder I was confused. You meant to say you wanted more feats and classes. You put the no in the wrong place!

Well Im extremely delighted. New Classes /Feats would of been something Robert and co would of had to deal with... New Scenarios help everyone!


First Post
Considering how disastrously BMG handled GenCon last year...I will be super careful to research anything with their name on it before I buy it.

As bad as it was at Gencon, Winter Fantasy was completely opposite.

I was wondering will there be any season 4 material run at Origins?


This got flagged up as a spam post, [MENTION=70203]skerritthegreen[/MENTION] (a post containing just a link). I saved it manually because I happened to see it just in time, but best not post posts which are just a URL. The software can't distinguish between that and a post linking to a viagra site. :)
So, basically, what you need to do is add in a paragraph extolling the virtues of Viagra, and your links won't be flagged as spam?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
So, basically, what you need to do is add in a paragraph extolling the virtues of Viagra, and your links won't be flagged as spam?

Well, it might get past the automated spam defences (which block thousands of attempts every day), but it'll get reported quick enough.

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