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D&D 5E (OOC) Adventures in Middle Earth: Over the Edge of the Wild


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Ok, I think this is everything so far:

Poppy Meadows
Female Hobbit, Wanderer 3rd level (Hunter of Beasts)

STR: 10(+0), DEX: 17 (+3), CON: 12 (+1), INT: 11 (+0), WIS: 15 (+2), CHA: 10 (+0)

Armor Class: 15/17 Corslet of Mail/Shield

Weapons: Short Bow (7), Short sword (2)

Hit Points: 25
Hit Dice: 2d10

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Armour: Light armour, medium armour, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Saving Throws: Strength (+2), Constitution (+3)
Passive Perception 12
Skills: Animal Handling (lure of the road), Stealth (hobbit), Survival (wanderer/lure of the road), Perception (Wanderer), Nature (Wanderer), Traditions (Wanderer)

Wanderer Features
Shadow Weakness: Wandering Madness
Known Lands: TBD
Ways of the Wild: Advantage on all Wisdom (Survival) ability checks when tracking others through the wilderness
Background ‘Lure of the Road’

Fighting Style: Archery-You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons
Natural Watchfulness Whether travelling, exploring or even resting, you have learned to constantly pay attention to the sights and sounds of the world about you. When in the wilderness, your proficiency bonus for Perception is doubled, if you are proficient in Perception.
Rumour of the Earth When you stretch yourself upon the ground with your ear pressed against the turf you can decipher the sounds of the earth. You can hear it groan when the enemy treads upon it, or echo the distant gallop of horses, or sing in tune with the rushing of tumbling waters.

Between each long rest, you may make a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) ability check. On a success, the Loremaster must give you a useful piece of information about a quarry you are hunting or a place you are seeking. If you get 25 or higher as a result, the information gleaned may very well seem near-miraculous to others.

Hunter of Beasts: Tracker Beginning at 3rd level, double proficiency bonus when making Wisdom (Survival) ability tests to track a creature. Furthermore, you may substitute Survival for Investigation when making deductions based on tracks, spoors and other physical traces.

Distinctive Quality Energetic. Your enthusiasm for the road is infectious.
Specialty: Minstrelsy. You are skilled at entertaining your travelling companions. This also serves you well when you stop at an inn or tavern for an evening.
Hope: Absence makes the heart grow fonder; only by leaving the familiar can we better appreciate it.
Despair: My experiences against the Shadow may come back to haunt me – I don’t want to be home when that happens. It would put my kin in grave danger!

: Weather-lore
Backstory: "The legend of Bilbo's gold excited both curiousity and hope..." Poudly able to say she can trace her family line back to the famous Bullroarer on her mother's side, the Meadows of the Northfarthing lived in relative prosperity and comfort. When word of Mad Bilbo Baggins's remarkable disappearance and return with riches spread, Poppy, still several years away from her coming-of-age began pretending that the many walks into town or into the fields were grand adventures instead of the mundane affairs they were. Livestock or the local cat were fearsome beasts to be defeated and passers-by on roads were monsters to hide from. When she came of age, Poppy's "Tookishness" never completely faded and she found herself drawn to the road. So, at the risk of becoming known as an unnatural Hobbit, she picked up a walking stick, said farewell to her family and, with eager abandon, set out for her own adventure.

Hobbit Traits
Ability score Increase: Dex score is increased by 2
Size: Small
Speed: 25 feet
Age: 34
Resilient – You have advantage on saving throws against Corruption.
Hobbit Nimbleness – You can move through the space of any creature who is at least one size larger than yours.
Noble Pursuits – You have proficiency with short bows. You gain proficiency with one artisan’s tool of your choice (gardener's tools) You also gain proficiency with pipes.
Hobbit Elusiveness – You have proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Languages – You can speak, read, and write Westros (Common Tongue). Whatever native tongue the Hobbits once had is all but gone, save for a few unique words such as “mathom” – an object one has no immediate use for, but for whatever reason, is unwilling to throw away.
Family Ties: Harfoot, Wisdom score increases by 1 and gain Unobtrusive: You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.
Standard of Living: Prosperous
Equipment: A fur-lined travelling cloak, travelling gear for the current season, a bedroll, a backpack, comfortable boots, 5d6 silver pennies, a fine walking-stick, dwarf-made pots and pans.

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First Post
Looks good!

Only 2 notes: I think you should have 3d10 hitpoints, rather than 2d10.

Also, I think your shortsword will be at +5, rather than +2.

Feel free to post it to the Rogue's Gallery!

[MENTION=6859873]RyraK[/MENTION] if you get the same skill (survival) from wanderer and lure of the road you should be able to swap one of them for a different skill, is that right, [MENTION=6855133]ArtoriusaurusRex[/MENTION]?


First Post
Hey everyone.

On account of the hurricane (which I am in the direct path of), I need 2 or 3 more days before I can begin this game.

I'm sure you understand. Thanks guys!

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