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D&D 5E The Light of Civilization - A 5e Renaissance Story [OOC]


>So, in the interest of trying to keep track of ideas so far, we seem to have:
1. Human (Courtier) Fighter- Battlemaster (duellist)
2. Human (?) Sorceror- Arcane origin
3. Human Cleric- Tempest
4. (?) Dwarf Barbarian- battlerager
5. (?) Kobold (halfling) Rogue (Spy/inquisitive ?)
6. Human Paladin- Vengeance

That does seem to be the composition so far: pretty varied it looks.

>Random question: so spellcasters need to be, essentially licensed, right? Who does this- is it the church, or the local government- or maybe a separate guild (The Guild of Arcane Knowledge, or Guild Arcane, maybe)? And who handles enforcement (again- the church or some other agency)

This is a good question. While I loooove the idea of a "Guild Arcane" and that will definitely be a thing, I do not think they would be the ones policing magic.
Nobody would trust the Mages to police the Mages, you know?

I would say The Church of The Maker is the most sensible choice: they're in every city so they can cross all City-State boundaries, meaning their records can travel freely. If you're a Spellcaster, you've got to bring yourself in front of the Church and get your papers. Naturally, Warlocks may have a bit of trouble with this.

For enforcement, that's basically anyone. The Church may have dedicated "Mage Hunters", but the local guards and authority of the City-States would also be vested in catching rogue spellcasters. A city guard would be well within their power to ask someone for their papers if they just saw a spell go off. There may even be some City-States with a group or two of "concerned citizens" who may not even care if the Mage in question is Sanctioned or not.

>I'm still debating, and my sudden schedule change has not left me much free time (which will even out once I'm done with orientation/training/etc.). I'm about split between basic ideas:

1. A serious scholar:
1a. A dwarf Cleric (knowledge), whose father had begun a study of the changes to magic since the event, and the long-term effects on the dwarves who used many runes and items, but few actual spells. Will probably MC to Wizard (Artificer), and maybe the Rune Magic prestige class.
1b. Half-elven cleric of the Maker (knowledge, or Arcana from SCAG), a librarian and researcher, she has been working on cataloging and indexing the many volumes of magical lore that the church possesses, and has begun to find unsettling information... Will probably MC to Lore Bard at some point- but maybe to Tome Warlock instead, depending on just what she finds out... (Maybe with someone like the Magdelena as a strong right arm?)

Both of these are great, and I love the second idea basically pairing up a Mage Hunter and a Magical Scholar, that's just good stuff.

2. A ranged combat specialist:
1. Wood elf Outlander rogue/ranger- archery;
2. Human Mercenary vet Rogue/Fighter- crossbow specialist, her company was disbanded and she has been doing free-lance work since. (might use the generic banneret/Purple Dragon Knight from SCAG, if so maybe also valor bard- she was an officer trainee...)

Shores up a party role and the idea of a Mercenari is right at home. The Wood Elf intrigues me as well: someone from outside the City-States?

3. Something different:
3a. Half-elven rogue/monk: formerly a reknowned dancer and court darling, disgraced after a scandal and working as a bodyguard and messenger.
3b. Human or Gnome Rogue, an investigator (or former investigator) for whichever agency polices spellcasters (Social/investigative skill set, and a crossbow)

Love both, really. Both feel very noir, and I kinda like that to show the shadows under the Illuminated Age going on.
"She walked into my studio as I was finishing up the touches on my latest piece, turning my da Vinci into a Botticelli with one brush stroke ..."
I dig this a lot.

Really, good stuff all around, I love every option and I know there's a lot of character in there. I can't really lean towards encouraging one option over the other.

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First Post
Annnnnd...I think Subtle Spell metamagic is virtually required at this point. Hee hee.

It might be interesting if my character hasn't got papers yet...though then again, we're level 3 so she's been casting spells for a little while now. That might not make sense...


First Post
Rough draft, but I'm fairly happy with it... Specifics of background (noble family and so on) pending. One question about Made of Magic. It says I get 2 sorcery points, which I assume means at level 1. It then says I get 2 sorcery points on any level I would normally get 1. Now, that generally means every level...EXCEPT at level 2 I normally get 2 sorcery points.

So does that mean I get 2 at level 1, 2 at level 2, and 2 at level 3? Or does the 'extra point per level' rule extend to level 2 even though I'm getting 2 at that level, not 1?

I'm assuming it does not, hence 6 points currently. If it does, I'd have 7.

Neutral Human Sorceror 3

Str 8
Dex 16
Con 13
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 16

HP 17
AC 13
Prof Bonus +2
Init +3

Variant Human
+1 Dex, +1 Cha
Size: Medium
Bonus Feat
Bonus skill prof

Font of Magic
- Sorcery Points: 6
- Twin Spell
- Subtle Spell
Sorcerous Origin: Arcane
- Made of Magic (ignore costless material components, gain 2 sorc pts at 1st level, gain 2 sorc pts when normally gain 1)
- - Use Sorc pts to cast spells not known from sorc list; as buying slot but still spending slot.

Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, Darts, Slings, Staves, Light Crossbows
Tools: NOne
Saves: Con, Cha, Dex

- Skills: History, Persuasion (already had)
- Tool Prof: Gaming set
- Languages: Any one
- Position of Privilege
Personality Trait:

Ideal: Noble Obligation; It is my duty to protect and care for those beneath me.

Bond: I must restore my family to its former glory.

Flaw: The strange power I have been afflicted with may be the key to saving my family...or it may destroy it forever.

Deception +5
History +2
Insight +3
Persuasion +5
Stealth +5

Common, Elvish, Halfling

Resilient: Dexterity

Spellcasting (Save DC 13)
Slots 1 - 4, 2 - 2
- Fire Bolt
- Shocking Grasp
- Light
- Mage Hand

Known (4)
1 - Magic Missile, Shield, Thunderwave
2 - Misty Step

Cash: 25

Light Crossbow, +5, 1d8+3
- 20 bolts
Dagger (x2), +5 atk, 1d4+3 piercing


Explorer pack
Fine Clothes
Signet Ring
Scroll of pedigree



The Magdalena


Do clerics need to be registered or only arcane caster?

All Spellcasters would need to be Sanctioned. Yours might want to keep it on the low that their powers come from a deity other than The Maker and Her Exemplars.

One question about Made of Magic. It says I get 2 sorcery points, which I assume means at level 1. It then says I get 2 sorcery points on any level I would normally get 1. Now, that generally means every level...EXCEPT at level 2 I normally get 2 sorcery points.

So does that mean I get 2 at level 1, 2 at level 2, and 2 at level 3? Or does the 'extra point per level' rule extend to level 2 even though I'm getting 2 at that level, not 1?

I'm assuming it does not, hence 6 points currently. If it does, I'd have 7.

You had the right of it: the idea was that at 2nd Level, you gain 2 Sorcery Points for the Font of Magic Class Feature, but you normally only gain 1 per level after that. This makes it where you are gaining 2 Sorcery Points every level, starting at Level 1.


Which Exemplar would be the patron of the sea?

I have not named the Exemplars yet, but there would be 1 for Each Domain (some overlapping, I think). If you want to have it where your Tempest Domain comes from The Church, that's cool. Would need a bit more work to figure out how you're a Pirate, though, and being granted these blessings, you know?

Here is a quick draft of my character. Working on the background.


Name: Lucien Sharp the Stormborn
Race: Human
Class: Tempest Cleric 3
Diety: Nodens (Old God)
Background: Pirate
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Experience: 900

Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 9 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 10 (0)

AC: 17 (Chain Shirt w/ Shield)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft
HP: 24
Hit Dice: 3 d8+2
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Attack Range To Hit Damage Special
Warhammer Melee +3 1d8+1 Versatile (1d10)
Club Melee +3 1d4+1 Light
Sacred Flame 60 ft - 1d8 Dex save, no bonus from cover, succes – no
damage; 1 creature (PHB 272)
Light Crossbow 80/320ft +4 1d8+2 Ammunition, loading, two-handed

Wisdom, Charisma


Acrobatics: +2
Animal Handling: +0
Arcana: -1
*Athletics: +3
*Deception: +2
History: -1
Insight: +3
Intimidation: +0
Investigation: -1
*Medicine: +5
Nature: -1
*Perception: +5
Performance: +0
Persuasion: +0
*Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +2
Stealth: +2
Survival: +3

Passive Perception: 15

Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Draconic, Maritime Pidgin
Armor: All Armor
Weapons: Simple and Martial Weapons
Tools: Navigator’s Tools, Vehicles (water)



Human (+1 to two different ability scores of my choice)
I gain proficiency in one skill of my choice.

I gain one feat of my choice.

Feature: Bad Reputation
No matter where I go, people are afraid of me due to my reputation. When I am in a civilized settlement, I can get away with minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to pay for food at a tavern or breaking down doors at a local shop, since most people will not report my activity to the authorities.

Cleric (Tempest Domain), level 3:
- Spellcasting (Cleric 1, PHB 58) [3 cantrips known]
I can cast prepared cleric cantrips/spells, using Wisdom as my spellcasting ability
I can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus
I can cast my prepared cleric spells as rituals if they have the ritual tag
- Bonus Proficiency (Tempest Domain 1, PHB 62)
I gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor
- Wrath of the Storm (Tempest Domain 1, PHB 62) [Wisdom modifier per long rest]
When a creature within 5 ft attacks me and I can see it, I can thunderously rebuke
As a reaction, it takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage that a Dex save can halve
- Channel Divinity (Cleric 2, PHB 58) [1× per short rest]
I can channel divine energy to cause an effect; the save for this is my cleric spell DC
- Channel Divinity: Turn Undead (Cleric 2, PHB 59)
As an action, all undead within 30 ft that can see/hear me must make a Wisdom save
If an undead fails this save, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage
Turned: move away, never within 30 ft of me, no reactions or actions other than Dash
Turned: may Dodge instead of Dash when nowhere to move and unable to escape bonds
- Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath (Tempest Domain 2, PHB 62)
Instead of rolling, I can do maximum damage when I do lightning or thunder damage [/sblock]

I can ably create written ciphers that others can't decipher unless I teach them, they succeed on an Intelligence check DC 11 (Intelligence score + proficiency bonus), or they use magic to decipher it. I learn three languages of my choice. [+1 Intelligence] [/sblock]

Backpack, with:
- Winter blanket
- Herbalism kit
- Bedroll
- Mess kit
- Tinderbox
- Torches x 10
- Rations, 10 days
- Waterskin
- Silk rope, 50 feet
Common clothes
Belaying pin (club)
Lucky Charm
Amulet Holy Symbol (Exemplar)
Pouch w/ 10 gp
Chain Shirt

Age: 25
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: Blue Grey
Skin: Tanned
Hair: Auburn

Cantrips: (Save DC: 14)
Sacred Flame

Spells Prepared: (Save DC: 14)
Slots: 1st: 4, 2nd: 2

1st Level:
Fog Cloud
Healing Word
Shield of Faith

2nd Level:
Gust of Wind
Hold Person
Prayer of Healing
Spiritual Weapon

Personality Traits: My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what.
I never pass up a friendly wager.

Ideals: Freedom: The sea is freedom― the freedom to go anywhere and do anything. (Chaotic)

Bonds: I'll always remember my first ship.

Flaws: My pride will probably lead to my destruction.

Lucien grew up in a small fishing village on the cost of Britannia. His father captained a small fishing boat and Lucien practically grew up on the seas. His father taught him to sail and to follow the old gods. Especially Nodens the god of the sea who was their patron. As time went on Lucien knew he was not cutout to be a fisherman. He signed on as a deckhand of a trading ship and left home.

Though not the most devout of men he kept his traditions. Giving an offering to Nodens before leaving shore or when the winds died. On his father’s ship this was expected. When it was found out that he followed Nodens on his new ship he was whipped. The small offering he had been making burnt and thrown overboard along with his symbol of faith. The Captain was a devout follower of the Maker and would have no pagans on his ship. Lucien was told he would be left at the next port. The ship never made land fall. That night a squall blew. As the storm raged Lucien swore he saw Nodens avatar in the waves. The storm raged for days No ship could survive such fury. One dawn the storm just vanished the ship was gone and Lucien was the only living person among the wreckage. Lucien has never said how long he was floating on the makeshift raft he lashed together from the wreckage, nor how he survived for so long on the open seas. He was pulled from the seas by a pirate ship ‘The Leviathans Wake’, the crew of the vessel named him Stormborn for they had seen the storm rage and where amazed that he would appear from the center of such a monster. It was a fitting moniker as he was now blessed by Nodens and granted domain over the storm and the seas.

The captain gave him the option to sign on with the crew or be dropped at the first port they entered. Lucien decided to stay on instead of risk another captain like the last. He took to the life of the pirate instantly. Most of the crew where not devout men with any faith so Lucien’s new found religion was not a problem. He was a skilled sailor and eventually rose through the ranks to become sail master and first-mate. The captain planned to pass the ship to Lucien when next they made port but the Quartermaster had different plans. The man, Giacomo Esposito, promised the crew riches in exchange for backing him in a mutiny. The crew took the ship and killed the captain. Fearing the wrath of Nodens they decided to leave Lucien on a deserted island instead of killing him out right. That was a mistake, he got off the island and found his way to Fossice the closest port. He would find Esposito and get back his ship.[/sblock]
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I have not named the Exemplars yet, but there would be 1 for Each Domain (some overlapping, I think). If you want to have it where your Tempest Domain comes from The Church, that's cool. Would need a bit more work to figure out how you're a Pirate, though, and being granted these blessings, you know?

No his powers come from Neptune. I was planning to have him say they came from the Maker when in port. To make it more convincing he was going to carry a holy symbol of the Exemplar of the Tempest Domain. His shield will be his true holy symbol and have the symbol of Neptune on the front. Just working out my backstory and want to get some of the details down.

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