Radiance Monster Hunter (OCC Thread)

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First Post
First pass on concepts:

Okay, so this is a new system for me- I'm looking at 'concepts' for now. I'll hammer them into mechanics-shape once I have narrowed the field a little. I had a bunch of ideas from a first read of the sourcebook (Invoker of Solari- I mean Ra, Goliath valkyrie paladin, etc), but I've narrowed the first round to four. Here goes:

1. Lady Annabelle Barrington: kind of a soft spot for this- she is basically a conversion of an old Deadlands character. The only child of a gruff military officer, she was raised mostly in India, and learned many 'unladylike' skills out of boredom and necessity. Human Ranger (probably MC into Gunslinger, focused on rifles and long-range combat), Noble theme. She returned to England when her father retired and she married a minor noble- who was eaten by something terrible shortly thereafter. She dispatched the beast, and was contacted by the Order as part of their investigation- and she joined up very soon thereafter. Jane Austen meets GI Jane.

2. Lane: (No other name known) The daughter of a small time alchemist (And granddaughter of a legendary gypsy witch), Lane has always had prodigious, unusual talent. Human, specialist theme- a diviner and occult investigator. Would prefer to go Psion, and focus on ESP/senses (not Telepathy)- but if you want full niche protection for the psion/gunslinger pitch, she can work as a Shaman almost as well. Deliberately mysterious and a bit... off.

3. Quan: A former Triad enforcer in Londinium's Chinatown, he was hired by the Order during an investigation. Proved reliable, and was offered a permanent job. Half-orc, Monk, Martialist theme- melee bruiser and street agent. Might MC later into Shifter.

4. 'Hob' Henderson: (formerly 'Hobnail Henderson') once an urchin and petty criminal, product of the worst of Londinium's savage slums, he was hired as an errand-runner by a rather unconventional member of the Order- who proceeded to teach him a bit of culture. In time, he became a valued lackey- and when his mentor died mysteriously, he applied to join the Order himself to pay off those debts (and because the Underworld isn't such a good fit for him these days). Pygmy, Rogue, probably Dilettante. Mostly a streetwise/investigator type. If you have read Caleb Carr's The Alienist, this is Stevie Taggert, as a savage urban pygmy, painted over with a thin veneer of culture.

>So, let me know if any of these seem appropriate (or specifically NOT)- I'll do another pass once I've hammered these through to see if they work mechanically.


Here's my guy. He doesn't have a name yet, but here's his stats. Let me know if he's missing anything:

RACE: Atlan
CLASS/LEVEL: Psionic Gunslinger/2
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
SENSES: Normal
LANGUAGES: Common, Aquan. Sylvan
SPEED: 30ft
ATTACK: d20+ 2 (+3 with firearms)(+4 with Psionic attacks)
WEAPON: Army Revolver, Battle Suit Punch
DAMAGE: 2d8 +2 (+2 with firearms); 1d4+2 (2d4+2 if expending 1 ep).
ARMOR: Light Battle Armor; DR: 4 (5 against energy attacks)
STR 9 (-1), CON 11 (+0), DEX 15 (+2), INT 13 (+1), WIS 18 (+4), CHA 14 (+2)

PRIME ATTRIBUTE: Wisdom/Dexterity

SKILLS +4 Acrobatics (Dex), +1 Appraise (Int), +1 Arcane (Int), +1 Athletics (Str) (+4 when under water), +2 Bluff (Cha), +1 Craft (Int), +2 Diplomacy (Cha), +2 Disguise (Cha), +1 Dungeoneering (Int), +0 Endurance (Con), +4 Handle Animals (Wis), +6 Heal (Wis), +1 History (Int), +6 Insight (Wis), -1 Intimidate (Str), +1 Literacy (Int), +4 Mechanics (Dex), +2 Music (Cha), +3 Nature (Int), +2 Nobility (Cha), +6 Perception (Wis), +2 Pilot (Dex), +4 Religion (Wis), +2 Stealth (Dex), +2 Streetwise (Cha), +4 Survival (Wis), +4 Trick (Dex), +1 Warcraft (Int)
MULTICLASS OPTION: Elementalist, Psion, or Shifter
THEME: Commando

EQUIPMENT: Light Battle Suit, Army Revolver, Basic Pack, 3 extra Tiny batteries (for the Battle suit)
COIN: 182

Breathe Water: You can breathe in water as easily as in air for up to 4 hours + 1 hour per level per day. You can use the hours nonconsecutively.

Low-Light Vision: You see 2x as far as a human in moon- light, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination as well as underwater. You can distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

Speak With Aquatic Animals: You can ask basic questions and receive answers from aquatic animals such as dolphins, kraken, and sharks. The animals are not necessarily cooperative or knowledgeable. A friendly animal will perform a single small favor such as tug on a rope or scout a nearby grotto on a successful DC 15 Handle Animal check.

Extended Mindlink: This improves Mindlink to work for 4 hours + 1 hour per level.

Latent Ability: You unlock unconscious lore and now know 1 basic ability for which you qualify from the elementalist, psion or shifter class. (Sense Link:You establish a perceptual bond with a touched or mindlinked ally for 5 minutes. Each round, you see and hear through the ally’s eyes and ears as if you were in his place. You are defenseless while using this ability. Once the bond forms, it persists out to any distance. You can end the bond as a swift action and can only maintain 1 bond at a time. Costs 1 vitality. )


Firearms Focus: Apply a +1 bonus on attacks and +2 damage when using firearms.

Gunslinger Skills: Apply a +2 bonus on Acrobatics, Heal, Mechanics, Perception, and Trick checks.

Personal Firearms: You gain 150 gp worth of firearms and ammunition. Also, select 1 gun as a personal weapon. Anyone but you must pass a DC 20 Mechanics check to fire it. If you lose it, you can spend 1 hour to personalize another gun. You are limited to 1 personal weapon at a time.

Rapid Fire: You may make 2 attacks with the same firearm in rapid succession as a standard action. Alternatively, you can fire 2 Light firearms, 1 in each hand, as a standard action. You may direct attacks to the same foe or different foes. Apply a -2 penalty on both attack rolls.

Mindlink: You form a telepathic
bond for 5 minutes with a sentient ally
within 30 ft. Once formed, the bond works like
normal speech, both ways, and over any distance. You can have 1 bond at a time.

Mind ThrustM: One sentient foe within 30 ft suffers 1d6 psy- chic damage per 2 levels (max 5d6), or 1⁄2 damage if Will resists. Costs 1 vitality.

Psychic Training: Boost Bluff, Endurance, and Insight checks by +2. Also, apply a +2 bonus on Will to resist magic abilities.


Custom Battle Suit: You acquire a Light battle suit (page 178). It is perfectly custom-fitted to you and can be sold for parts for only 1,000 gp.

Electrotech: You study invisible mundane forces of nature (called immateria) such as electrics, kinetics, nucleonics, optics, and sonics. You can make checks using the Technics skill (page 177) and enjoy a +2 bonus on Mechanics and Technics checks.
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First Post
Personal Firearms: You gain 800 gp worth of firearms and ammunition. Also, select 1 gun as a personal weapon. Anyone but you must pass a DC 20 Mechanics check to fire it. If you lose it, you can spend 1 hour to personalize another gun. You are limited to 1 personal weapon at a time.

Note in the Houserules this was reduced to 150gp as the prices of firearms really dropped. Otherwise looks great...


First Post
First pass on concepts:

1. Lady Annabelle Barrington: Human Ranger (probably MC into Gunslinger, focused on rifles and long-range combat), Noble theme.

2. Lane: (No other name known) Would prefer to go Psion, and focus on ESP/senses (not Telepathy)- but if you want full niche protection for the psion/gunslinger pitch, she can work as a Shaman almost as well. Deliberately mysterious and a bit... off.

3. Quan: Half-orc, Monk, Martialist theme- melee bruiser and street agent.

4. 'Hob' Henderson: (formerly 'Hobnail Henderson') Pygmy, Rogue, probably Dilettante.

I like all these idea :) I would first say what interest you the most? I am not as concerned about 'niche-protection' as a GM but more its up to the players. Right now the group has a

Kobold (or Slith) Artificer Scientist
Warmech Mageblade Hunter
Dwarf Pathfinder Explorer
Atlan Psionic/Gunslinger Commando

So only Lane is a bit of a repeat, but depending on her "theme" and the abilities you take...

Now the group does not look to have a lot of 'Street-Smarts' criminal connected types so Hob might fill that roll. But also no real nobles either AND in the 1800's noble means something and can open a lot of doors closed to most commoners. So Lady Annabelle Barrington could be a real assets to the group in more then just combat.

Forged Fury

First Post
I'm pretty confident that I am going with Giuseppe the Kobold Artificer for my character.

It doesn't seem like we have much in the way of healing in the party. Not sure how much of a problem that is going to be.


First Post
Note I should add that regaining Vitality is a bit harder in Radiance... most of the 'Healing' stuff affects your Wounds. A Short Rest (renamed Nap pg.229) but it only takes 30-60 minutes. I am thinking I might allow you do to this more then once a day, but only after an encounter (i.e. you can't take two Short Rests, one right after another. But you could take a Short Rest after an encounter and then later in the Day you have another Encounter and could take a Short Rest after that). What counts as an Encounter will somewhat depend on the situation...

Forged Fury

First Post
By my reading, we would have to have someone with a basic ability that heals wounds in order for Giuseppe to brew a potion for healing. I may not be understanding the system fully, though. Yeah, the whole vitality = character capability = initial HP pool seems difficult, but I am looking forward to seeing how it plays.
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