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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign

Sylvar B.

Saemund gets a happy glint in his eye. He felt something wasn't right about the time Merin stated company was coming, but he couldn't have said why.....

He draws his axe and holds it in his left hand, he draws a throwing axe and holds it in his right. He tries to hide a slight smile, but it's obvious he enjoys the prospect of combat.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 43: Making Ready Just in Case

Merin says, "We've got company coming, and it will arrive soon."
Sheldon, who is constantly linked with Merin unless that link is deliberately dropped, knows the words before they are even finished. He and Indigo move to a left flanking position as Indigo readies her swords.

Tor draws sword and shield...

Merin tells Myth to hide...
GM: As to his instinct, the instant Merin tells Myth to hide, he scales one of the pines above where Merin crouches. He lies still in the canopy above.

[sblock=Stealth]Core + Motility + Confluence + Knowledge + Will +
Collegiate + Commercial + Aberrative + Obscurative + ...
Merin = 84 + 33 = 117[/sblock]
Sannit will take up a position with his spear...

Bolo takes up a position behind him with an arrow nocked but not drawn...

Turtle is next to her, still sniffing...
GM: Turtle does not recognize the particular scent, but he knows its generalization. Other people are approaching and they are not carrying any food.

Saemund...draws his axe and holds it in his left hand, draws a throwing axe and holds it in his right...
GM: Standing near Sannit, Saemund clenches the knuckled of his hands. It is good to be back with friends in whom trust can be placed to cover the flank, for head-on is where he wants to be.

Due to the proximity of the Seekers, everyone's range of detection is extended and danger is noted. Whoever is coming, they have malice on their minds.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 43: Incoming

Coming from a northerly directing in a coordinated V formation is a group of men, having dark charcoal coloration and black hair. The formation show either experience or training. Tor and Saemund are not used to seeing very many others nearing their height, but these men are.

The are dressed and armed rudimentarily, their bodies decorated with dyes and pastes and adorned with various talismans. This is definitely not a hunting party. It is a war party. The V fans slightly when Sannit and Saemund are spotted, the men increase pace. They make no vocal noises.

[sblock=Combat Sequence]NPC = 28 - 6 = 22
Sheldon = 67 - 3 = 64
Tor = 03 + 29 = 32
Merin = 69 + 0 = 69
Indigo = 26 + 1 = 27
Sannit = 36 + 18 = 54
Bolo = 27 - 3 = 24
Saemund = 08 - 5 = 3[/sblock]
The Evipau war party is closing at a trot. Each member is wielding a stone headed carving axe in each hand. These axes are suiting for throwing and close quarters combat. They appear to have noticed Tor and Sheldon off to the flanks, as well. Merin appears to have been overlooked. The Evipau at a distance of about 16 paces, appear to intent to each throw an axe.

Saemund reacts first. State your intention. Your nearest foe is 16 paces (~96').
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Sylvar B.

Saemund examines the formation and picks out the leader. He takes a step forward and points the large axe at him.


Saemund readies his throwing axe and picks out a marker that is 30 spans (5 paces) from his position, He will throw the axe in his hand after they cross that threshold. He'll use his large axe as a counter balance to give the throwing axe more force, using a spinning motion much the way an Olympian throws a discus.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin's plan is to paralyze one of them as he draws near, and if successful, he will order Myth to attack, concentrating on tearing out his throat.

Tor will get a running start, leaping into the air at the last moment, and shield-bashing his opponent from above. If his opponent is knocked prone, he will follow up with a stab to the gut. If his opponent is still standing, he will follow up with a sword slice to the head.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Saemund reacts

Saemund examines the formation and picks out the leader...
GM: The one right of center trotting directly for him might as well be the leader, Saemund thinks.

Saemund -
GM: The words don't quite reach their intended target before the visual causes a reaction. The man smiles, though it is much to far to see that, and neglects his original idea of launching his carving axe. He increases his speed to full run, charging straight for Saemund.

Not wanting to be undone, the one beside him, who is heading for Sannit, also neglects his throw to run full tilt. The other 8 do throw one of their axes, despite the great range.

Ranging Weapons
[sblock=NPCs Attack]on Bolo = 68 + 76 - 100(range) - 74(defend) = miss
on Turtle = 68 + 53 - 100(range) - 42(defend) = miss
on Indigo = 68 + 83 - 100 - 75 = miss
on Tor = 68 + 82 - 100 - 71 = miss
on Tor = 68 + 20 - 100 = wild throw
on Tor = 68 + 33 - 100 = wild throw
on Sheldon = 68 + 63 - 100 - 80 = miss[/sblock]
GM: All 8 attempts miss, 2 of which were wild throws. Each man retrieves another axe from its place on the back of his belt as they continue to run forward. In the time it took to release the axes, everyone but Sheldon and Merin and Myth reacted. The 2 in the lead are 12 paces away. All others are approximately 14 from their respective targets.

It is Bolo's action next, then Indigo, then Tor.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Bolo smiles slightly. "No spiders this time," she thinks to herself as she aims the tip of her arrow at the man charging Sannit and looses.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Bolo and Indigo React

Bolo smiles slightly. "No spiders this time," she thinks to herself as she aims the tip of her arrow at the man charging Sannit and looses.
[sblock=Bolo Attacks]97 + 74 - 100(range) - 50(defense) = 21 hit
Armor = 85 - 80 = 5 bare skin
Damage = 21% * 20 = 4
Body = 10 - 4 = 6 hurt[/sblock]
GM: Even at the distance, the arrow sticks into the lead man causing some damage, though the man does continue on, now deciding to throw his own axe as he continues.

Turtle waits, knowing the men are yet to far to engage. Indigo eases away from Sheldon some, just to give her some space in which to work. Having no option at distance, she waits for her opponent to reach her.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit thinks about the crossbow at his back, but decides not to reach for it. He will wait with his spear to knock any axes out of the air or use his superior reach to attack any foe that gets within range.

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