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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin says, "If they're this far out, they might be Way-active; what do you think of the possibility of giving them a mental tap on the shoulder? I am unsure as to the wisdom of it."
Sheldon nearly chokes but manages to stifle the sound before he makes it.
That would be a terrible idea. Most people are much too superstitious. I can only think of bad outcomes for that.

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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit chuckles and says, "Let's not overthink it. We can just go say hello and explain that we found their camp while out hunting, which is the truth. I'll lead the way. If they don't want to talk, we'll leave. If they're hostile," he tests the edge of one axe with his thumb, "we know how to handle that too."

Bolo says, "In case they are superstitious we should let them meet Turtle and Myth last. At least they can keep each other company now."

Turtle senses that the humans are going to talk to more humans and shakes his head. He anticipates some boring conversation ahead. At least he has his buddy lynx to pass the time with.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 42: Meeting the Neighbors, Part 2

Sannit chuckles and says, "Let's not overthink it."
Moving over the incline to get a view, the party fans out in their typical defensive pattern. The encampment does not appear to be a mere hunting party but a small nomadic clan. At the moment the camp appears to be occupied by mostly women and children who do not notice their observers. An older male, however does. He imitates the cawing sound of a raven with amazing accuracy. This sound is repeated by another unseen voice within the camp and a second later at some distance to the west.

The elderly male being approaching Sannit, who is in the center. The elderly man is of the Rheini and looks rather vicious, but his mannerisms are not. He notices Turtle and Myth and nods slightly extending his left arm. As he does so, a strange looking bird of prey swoops down and lands on his shoulder.

Rheini Elder.jpg

State Intentions.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit has his axes sheathed and keeps his hands open to show no hostility. He smiles and says, "Greetings. We are the Seekers from Southroad Fair, a friendly community to those that would be our friends. We found your camp while out hunting and since we don't find many people out this far we decided to say hello. We are interested in trade of goods or information. What can you tell us of your tribe and things of interest nearby?"

Bolo will link up with Sheldon and Merin to discreetly sense the motive of the old man.

Turtle stays passive.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Both Merin and Tor have all their weapons sheathed; Tor has his shield slung over his back. Neither of them even spare a thought, much less a glance, toward their weapons. Both of them know that most Rheins follow a code of honor, even if they are of the unfriendly sort. It is better to talk first, than to move hastily toward a bad situation which could have been avoided entirely by someone with patience.

Merin declines the "link up," with a discreet head shake towards Bolo; it is not a disrespectful gesture, but rather, one of certainty. Merin knows that if the elder had wished to start a fight, he would not have approached so openly. If he had intended deception, he would not have shown his hand by summoning his own bonded creature to him.

As the Rheini Elder approaches, Tor says nothing; he simply nods at him, smiles, and makes a gesture with his hand that indicates calm water, an allusion to his inner feelings, and a common greeting among indigenous peoples.

Merin acts in a similar fashion; he stops, nods at the man, smiling, puts his hands together in front of him as if in prayer, and bows politely.

Myth senses that this situation is of two prides meeting; he has seen it before. The bigger cats do this often. Although it sometimes results in a feud about territory, more often than not, it is simply a meeting, a greeting, and a moving on. Myth is content to sit next to Merin and yawn.

Ah, memories.... :) [Click the link!]

Paints His Shirt Red (from the movie, Jeremiah Johnson, starring Robert Redford)

And also, I love the part where they (Jeremiah and Del Gue) meet the Flathead Scout:

"Scared of ya."

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Gamer Extraordinaire
As Sannit talks, Bolo reconsiders her attempt at Sense Motive, thinking Merin declined her for a good reason. Instead she changes tactics and targets Sannit, hoping to increase the effect of his persona for the tribals to take his greeting as truly friendly. She would be close behind him.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Beginnings of a Parley

"Greetings. We are the Seekers from Southroad Fair, a friendly community to those that would be our friends. We found your camp while out hunting and since we don't find many people out this far we decided to say hello. We are interested in trade of goods or information. What can you tell us of your tribe and things of interest nearby?"

The elderly man shows consideration on his face has Sannit gives his introduction. When Sannit has finished, he shakes his head.
"No Ansylin."

As Bolo starts to sense motive, the man looks at her, somewhat in surprise, and pulses his hands in an obvious gesture of passivity. As Bolo shifts her focus, the man looks over at Indigo and mimes a different gesture.
"Voce' fala a sua lingista nativa?"

Indigo shakes her head.

GM: At this time, a hunting party of young men returns to the camp. The man gestures and says a few words and the hunters walk into camp. Though language exchanges is not possible, the man is obviously as intelligent as the Seekers and manages with gestures to convey much information.

Seeing the spider carcasses hanging from one of the pack animals, he inquires about them, curious as to why we would keep them. Sheldon approaches and shows the man his lacquered greaves. At which point the man becomes truly intrigues and calls to of the young hunters to him. With permission of the Seekers who wear them, the hunters examine the lacquered armor items, talking among them self.

The party is not 100% certain but thinks that the Rheini are inquiring as to their manufacture, and the direction to Southroad Fair is given. The Rheini are very interested in the lacquered leather.

At this point the elder Rhein waves a welcoming gesture pointing to his own eyes and toward a particular tent. He also points at Turtle and Myth and gives gestures of welcome. He obviously understands they are both companions.

Inside the camp, the Seekers are offered tea and many of the hunters and women attempt conversation. Several stare in open awe at the size of Tor and Seamund. The elder man gestures for Bolo to look inside the particular tent. Bolo, for her part, indicates to Sannit that she feels everything is okay and brings Indigo with her.

Inside the tent, there is a young man with the obvious puncture marks of a spider bite on his neck. The boy is feverish and pale.

State intentions.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit will talk with anyone that will listen, but he attempts to befriend the elder that he met first and the hunters. He will show his spaulders and his boots, making simple drawings to show size and type of the fearsome creatures that the skins came from to let them know the Seekers are true warriors. He will attempt to teach them some ansylin and learn their language as well.

Bolo will work with Indigo to help the boy using way when appropriate. She will take out her sample of venom she took from the green spiders and attempt with way to determine if it is the same poison.

Turtle makes no threatening gestures and does not attempt to enter the tent with Bolo but remains outside, dutiful and vigilant. He senses that there are still some things that might go wrong with this place.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin and Tor will continue communicating with gestures, generally trying to give the Rheins a sense of friendship and goodwill.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Making New Friends

Sannit will talk with anyone that will listen...
Ansylin, as it happens, is not so different from Rheini and the group shows great interest in engaging in conversation, though it is almost completely by gesture and demonstration. Everyone in the clan has some pieces of leather armor and various skins are currently being stretched and dried. The elder makes a point of introducing himself to Turtle and Myth, both of whom readily take to the man.
[sblock=Interpret](Mind + Knowledge + Wisdom + Exposure + Luck - 100) per word
Sheldon = 21 + 53 - 100 = -26: Sheldon learns 1 word for every 26 times he hears the same word.
Tor = 14 + 93 + 90 - 100 = 97: Tor learns 97 words
Merin = 17 + 98 - 100 = 15: Merin learns 15 words
Indigo = 21 + 90 + 95 - 100 = 106: Indigo learns 106 words
Sannit = 19 + 65 - 100 = -16: Sannit learns 1 word for every 16 times he hears the same word.
Bolo = 19 + 72 - 100 = -9: Bolo learns 1 word for every 9 times she hears the same word.
Saemund = 17 + 50 - 100 = Saemund learns 1 words for every 33 times he hears the same word.[/sblock]
Kwargrow said:
Bolo will work with Indigo...
[sblock=Analyze Toxin]Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Will + Wisdom
Collegiate + Aberrative / Academic + Divination...
Toxin = 140 + 61 = 201
Divine = 52 + 58 + 70 = 180 - 201 = -21
Time = 21 seconds[/sblock]
GM: The toxin from the green spiders is not the same as the one effecting the boy. While the green spider bite saps a victims ability to move. The boy seems to be in a weakened state of health.

Indigo leaves the tent, momentarily, and begins to inquire as to the color of the spider by picking up various objects and pointing to the spider carcasses on the pack animals. One of the hunters quickly understands and points to the flint on his arrow indicating that the spider was grey.

She returns to the tent and says to Bolo in a quiet manner,
"I confirmed our analysis. The boy has lost health. What we need is an herb of invigorate which I do not think any of us have. I do have some leaves of mending. We should use them even though they will not help, just for the look of it. We will have to do this on our own, but since the boy is yet an adolescent, I think we will be able."

Indigo makes a small show of collecting the herbs from the burro then adding them to some hot tea from the fire. As the boy is conscious but in a very weak state, she and Bolo are able to help him drink the concoction.
[sblock=Restore Health]Essence + Mind + Confluence + Knowledge + Will + Wisdom +
Collegiate + Aberrative / Academic + ...
Indigo = 49, Bolo = 54
Time = [1/(1 + 1 + 49 + 54)]9 days = 2.06 hours[/sblock]
Kwargrow said:
Turtle makes no threatening gestures and does not attempt to enter the tent with Bolo but remains outside, dutiful and vigilant. He senses that there are still some things that might go wrong with this place.
GM: Sensing that it would be impolite to depart too soon but also not wanting to overstay their welcome, it is decided to stay for the invite of an evening meal then depart. During the meal the elder and some of the clan prove to be great story tellers despite the language barrier. As the meal is underway, the previously injured boy emerges from the tent. His fever has broken, and he is hungry. The clan shows great gratitude and no suspicion. Bolo and Indigo are hailed as great healers.

For the show after the meal, a story is told like a short play one might observe with urban actors, but this one has more emotion, conveys information and is not silly. It is the story of this clan. A person completely obscured by a black bear hide, eases through the group touching various clansmen you immediately fall prone indicating death. The elder comes in wearing a cloak made of many golden-hued feathers, picks some coals from the fire and fling them about making the sparks dance. The Fire and the Darkness fight. The Fire drives the Darkness away but is injured in the process, leaving behind 3 golden feathers. The elder, as himself, returns to collect the feathers. As he gathers them in his hand, they ignite on fire. Like a clever magician, he moves his hands and body thus, and the 3 golden feathers return. He then presents one of the feathers to Bolo, though on close inspection, it is not one of the feathers that burned. This one seems to be more.

Bolo senses powerful way in the feather. This is from no mere bird and is not part of the show. Though only known from stories and legends, this is indeed a feather from a phoenix. As Bolo accepts the feather, it ignites in flame but is not consumed. The elder, by gesture, indicates that like the phoenix rising from its own ashes, the feather will regain its power in a day.

OOC: Bolo has truly received a phoenix feather and should record this on her character record.

Everyone receives 6 XP for the Rheini encounter.
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