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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Upon further reflection, Merin decides to confide privately to Sannit, in a whispered tone, "Suppose for a moment that you were not connected to The Way, but Bolo was, how long, in terms of living together as a couple, do you think it would take you to realize that her talents with Way were more than just good instincts or luck? The reason I ask is that I am concerned about Giodavi. He has been married to Lyndha for YEARS, and he acted as if he knew nothing about her abilities. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but do you think it's possible that he's an imposter?"

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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit replies to Merin, "An imposter? That would be a tough trick to pull off. Perhaps Giodavi is used to avoiding conversations about Way. Maybe he is afraid of what Lyndha's abilities can do or that it will bring some trouble down on their heads. Either way, after we speak with Lyndha we can investigate what is happening in the town. I have some questions of my own that want answering."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 53: In Southroad Fair, Morning, Part 2

GM: I am still hoping that @Sylvar B. will respond, but I am going to move the story forward, bringing Saemund along of course.

Sheldon responds,
"An impostor!? Impossible. Lyndha would know immediately."

When everyone is ready, Indigo says,
"Since Bolo is letting Turtle stay, I am going to leave the pack animals untethered. I think they will we fine. Merin, you could leave Myth here as well. They animals should fare better all together."

The Seekers land plot is east of the road along the stream, on the outside of the corn grist mill. Though many tall trees still populate the town, all undergrowth has been cleared from the main area making travel easier in any direction. Making way to the road, traveling north, past the Boar's Head and some cabins, brings the Seekers to the Trade Store and residence of Giodavi and Lyndha. Next to the Trade Store to the north is the residence of Clavo, the Minister of Construction and head of the Carpenters Guild.

No other people have yet been seen about town. Lyndha is seating in a rocking chair on the front porch of her store sipping from a mug. She lift the the mug in a greeting gesture.

"I had know doubt that I would see you early this morning despite the fact that everyone else seems to still sleep. It has been an interesting few days. I have not much gear to trade with all the people in town, but do come on up and tell me of that Tree."
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Gamer Extraordinaire
After giving Lyndha a respectful greeting, Sannit looks about the empty town. "Are people normally this inactive? Something seems unusual about Southroad Fair."

Bolo says to Lyndha, "We saw some disturbing things at the tree, and the powers that the dark benders used against us were frightening. One of them seemed to drain the very life out of Sannit, and to Merin they seemed to take away who he was, replacing it with a hunger for flesh. We found a man inside the tree that had his mind destroyed by these witches. Do you know of any within the cities that practice these foul arts? Is this something we could encounter again?"


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 53: Speaking with Lyndha

"Are people normally this inactive? Something seems unusual about Southroad Fair."
Lyndha -
"Let us go around back of the shop. There are more places to sit."

She leads the way and continues speaking, addressing Sannit.
"You have been here enough times to note the difference or you would not have asked. The quietness, I am certain, is from everyone who has enjoyed too much Kif, sleeping in. Most of them should be fine. Maeli was here last evening. She warned me of the Kif, but I am from Asylim. I am already familiar with the spice. Maeli made a decoction to counter the effects which I gave to Giodavi last night. Others may need such as well.

I see by your expressions that you are unfamiliar. Kif is a spice made from the beans of a particular tree. It is very similar to cocoa and coffee, but less of a stimulant and more of a euphoric. Those particulars are outside my purview, so I cannot explain further. It is normally very expensive, and I have never heard of it in such large quantities. The Caravan gave away small quantities then sold much more. Quite a business tactic, though I do not approve. I have been told that its use can be habit forming

Bolo says to Lyndha,
Kwargrow said:
"We saw some disturbing things at the tree... Do you know of any within the cities that practice these foul arts? Is this something we could encounter again?"
"As to that," Lyndha begins.
"To my knowledge, Necromancy is forbidden in all civilized cultures and shunned by most indigenous peoples. I am Shimadow, as you can see, on my mother's side. Some clans have been known to delve into that, but they then become ostracized from the rest, earning the label of Cannibal or Headhunter.

Yes, it is likely something you will encounter again, as fools who crave power pursue it

As she finishes the last statement, the quiet is interrupted by a loud noise. Clavo, who resides in the adjacent plot to the north, has begun to chop wood. He seems to be doing so out of anger rather than necessity.

"Clavo would not touch Kif, either. I thought he might choke the life from the girl who offered it to him, but he did not. He seems to be effectively working off some of that anger."
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin hesitantly asks, "I have a rather personal question, if you don't mind. I am concerned for your safety; it has become clear, recently, that one of the guilds in Asylim is working to disband this community, or at least to weaken it enough to be able to take over its operation.

Giodavi has said that he knows who these enemies are. And he also said that they knew who he was, and who we were as well. They have already gone so far as to kill Tor's parents. And if they have ANY idea that you have the abilities that you do, I fear for your safety as well.

What concerns me, is that I mentioned this to Giodavi, and he feigned ignorance. His reasons for doing so are beyond me, nevertheless, this is something you need to consider. If I were you, I'd hire a bodyguard, or at the very least, work to bolster the town's militia. What are your thoughts on this matter?"
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor points out, "This Kif might be a seriously debilitating substance. Prolonged use might be dangerous. Perhaps it is as Merin says, an attempt by the guild in Asylim to weaken our community by turning our inhabitants into addicts. We should warn people about its use."
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit strokes his beard, deep in thought. "If the spice takes that much of you, why would anyone take it? It seems an even better time to speak to the caravan." After exchanging looks with his mate, Sannit leaves to visit the caravan with anyone else that wants to go, but Bolo stays to speak with Lyndha more.

Bolo asks Lyndha, "How were you able to detect us from so far away? Is there something you can use to enhance your range?"
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 53: Speaking with Lyndha, Part 2

Sannit strokes his beard...
"If the spice takes that much of you, why would anyone take it? It seems an even better time to speak to the caravan."
Lyndha, speaking emphatically,
"Sannit! Wait a minute. Ah, the vigor of youth. You have great charisma, which you can well utilize, but you seem to harbor an anger that can be used against you.

I will address all questions, but first, I can tell by your manner of speaking you are unfamiliar with various spices. Before you confront an offense that might not exist, I will tell you what I know. I am currently drinking coffee. I bought the spice and lots of it from the caravan. I also bought cocoa. Unlike salt which is a necessity, spices are used for pleasure, whether to make food taste better or make life seem better.

I know little of Hermetics, but I know that coffee, cocoa, and kif are all stimulants. I have used kif before. I know drink a decoction of coffee every morning. Cocoa has some euphoric quality as well as stimulation. I only use it if I am feeling less than I should. Kif has too much of a euphoria for my liking.

The problem is not in using a stimulant. It is that when it wears off, weak minded individuals become unable to cope with their own normal state. I happen to know that in his youth, Clavo lost an older brother due to an abuse of kif, but that is not my story to tell.

The Rheini, in particular, know of some other substances that can stimulate the mind instead of the body enhancing visions and dreams. Before Giodavi and I developed this outpost, I drank a decoction made from a cactus that grows in the mountains. To get to the point, the vision I saw was 20 years ago, and we are still building on it
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 53: Speaking with Lyndha, Part 3

Merin hesitantly asks,
"I have a rather personal question, if you don't mind. I am concerned for your safety...
Lyndha scoffs, showing more expressionism than she ever has before.
"There is an advantage to be had here with the majority of the folk sleeping. We can have an honest conversation. Let me show you all something."

Lyndha gets off the stump where she was seated and gathers some small sticks and twigs, placing them on a well-used fire spot in the center of the seating stumps. She turns her back to the direction of Clavo chopping wood and the sticks ignite.
"That is simple. I am certain you all can do that, as I am truly a Diviner and that is about the extent of my skill in that area. The question is really not how, but did you feel me do it. I know that you did not. Had you not seen the sticks spontaneously combust with your own eyes, you would not know I could do that.

I can hide my own skill as well as I can sense others

Tellerian Hawke said:
"Giodavi has said that he knows who these enemies are. And he also said that they knew who he was, and who we were as well. They have already gone so far as to kill Tor's parents...
"Giodavi is quite the speaker, despite having been a soldier. He will use the term 'know' when he really means 'suspect' to seem more confident. He suspects it is one of two Magisters, but at this point, we can not narrow it down to one. The Magistry knows that we have hired a fighting unit to help us. You being that unit, but there is no way for them to know you specifically by name nor especially face. I lament the loss of you parents, Tor, but while it may be related to the current situation, it is not related to you directly as an individual."

Tellerain Hawke said:
"What concerns me, is that I mentioned this to Giodavi, and he feigned ignorance... If I were you, I'd hire a bodyguard, or at the very least, work to bolster the town's militia...
"Giodavi's ignorance is not feigned. He has no understanding of the concept or use of Way Lines. He considers my skill to be a blessing from some supernatural power he does not know an cannot name. Despite our closeness for all these years, it is best on his mind to leave him that explanation.

Thanks to you folks directing a remnant Rheini clan here, we have not only bolstered our militia, we have increased our workforce in general
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