Monster spawned by a typo


My first thought was a Cocodile - a chocolately swamp-dweller that tastes great in milk!
Then again, the Fire Wolf could be a fun replacement for the Dire Wolf occasionally.
Or perhaps you might luck out and encounter a Kind Flayer in that underdark cavern?

Russ Morrissey's least favorite monster, the Aco:):):):)ant, still crops up when he least expects it. :)

But my all time favorite is not a typo, per se, but the result of a story about burning the midnight oil at Paizo, leading to (I think) James Jacobs yelling through the bullpen: "All right! Which one of you jokers named this Cockatrice variant the Death Cock!?!?!"

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Staff member
My first thought was a Cocodile - a chocolately swamp-dweller that tastes great in milk!
Then again, the Fire Wolf could be a fun replacement for the Dire Wolf occasionally.
Or perhaps you might luck out and encounter a Kind Flayer in that underdark cavern?

Russ Morrissey's least favorite monster, the Aco:):):):)ant, still crops up when he least expects it. :)

But my all time favorite is not a typo, per se, but the result of a story about burning the midnight oil at Paizo, leading to (I think) James Jacobs yelling through the bullpen: "All right! Which one of you jokers named this Cockatrice variant the Death Cock!?!?!"

Upon reading your post, I immediately thought of the Dire Wilf. And the phallicgator.

Then the Crocodole- a reptile-shaped automaton full of diced fruit.

Your Kind Flayer also makes me thing about less dangerous or even beneficent variants. What about...Umber Hunks? Depth Knights? Polar Warms?

The Remorhazcheeburgers?

Elemental Lards?

Grick Astlety might be nice!

And who is responsible for the Temple of Emmentaler Evil?


Staff member
Dinosaurs, anyone?

Tyroneasaurus Rex



Staff member
Fez Spiders might be interesting. Do they hang out with Redcaps? Do they have little carts to ride in?

Pot Fiends might be the chillest infernal creatures EVER...though a tad annoying if they’re tapped out.

Moobats would be the eternal mystery of the air, capable of echolocation AND deep, loud bellows, producing ammonia and methane in copious amounts. The mystery? How they maneuver their horns around obstacles in the environment.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
the dreaded Covfefe. can cast confusion at will, but only as a reaction to being attacked.
When a Covfefe finds its way to an RPG message board and casts its confusion, the victims also gain the power to involuntarily summon Red Inks.

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