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D&D 5E Exploring Eberron: Now Available!

Eberron creator Keith Baker’s Exploring Eberron, with new races, subclasses, monsters, and tons of setting information is now available in PDF format!

Eberron creator Keith Baker’s Exploring Eberron, with new races, subclasses, monsters, and tons of setting information is now available in PDF format!

Also, Keith will be on the Morrus’ Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk podcast in a couple of weeks with a great competition to give away three hardcovers! Be sure to brush up on your Eberron lore!


Discover Uncharted Depths

Join Eberron setting creator Keith Baker in this tour through the lands, oceans, and planes of Eberron. Exploring Eberron presents Keith's vision of Eberron like never before, with fresh lore and rich illustrations to bring the setting to life.

In this book, Keith takes players and Dungeon masters on a thrilling dive into Eberron and its thirteen planes. Encounter the monstrous folk of Droaam, the goblinoid Heirs of Dhakaan, the Mror dwarves and their Realm Below, and the sahuagin and merfolk dwelling beneath the waves. Embrace faiths of altruism, pragmatism, and darkness. Browse Dolurrh's Vault of Memories, seek the Amaranthine Cities of Irian and Mabar, meditate with the Gith monks of Kythri, and much more.

The adventure won't be easy! Mighty friends and foes await - from legendary archfey and proud sahuagin to nightmarish quori and alien daelkyr. Eberron is a world in need of heroes, but take heart: between these pages lie a host of player options for would-be heroes to enjoy. You'll discover new archetypes for the artificer, cleric, druid, monk, and bard. Play unique Eberron races and subraces including gnolls, Dhakaani goblinoids, aasimar of diverse faiths, and ruinbound dwarves. Uncover a wealth of magic items from around the world, bear symbionts that bond with your very flesh, wield dragonmark focus items - perhaps even manifest a Siberys dragonmark of immense power.

New FAQ by Keith on his blog

Q: What is Exploring Eberron?

A: Exploring Eberron (ExE) is a 248 page book written by Keith Baker stuffed with new lore, giving depth to topics such as the dwarves of the Mror Holds and the 13 planes.

Q: Where will ExE be sold? What formats? When will it be available?

A: ExE is available exclusively on the dmsguild in hardcover and pdf

Q: Will ExE be available on DnDBeyond?

A: Without the intervention of Wizards of the Coast, the dmsguild has the sole licensing rights to third party Eberron content. If you're upset about this, tweet at them

Q: Did I miss out on a kickstarter or something? Are there preorders?

A: The dmsguild does not allow kickstarted products nor does it have the infrastructure for preorders.

Q: Didn't I hear about this book months ago? What happened?

A: Uh, life happened. Exploring Eberron ran into a variety of production issues, as detailed here and here. A combination of personal issues in Keith's life, prioritizing more urgent projects like the Adventure Zone card game, and COVID have delayed the book significantly.

Q: What's in the book?

A: You can check out the table of contents, a scroll-through preview by Sly Flourish, and a variety of previews from the book's production. The first 200 pages are dedicated almost exclusively to new lore, then chapters 6, 7, and 8 provide new mechanical content for both players and DMs.

Q: There's mechanical content? Is it balanced?

A: The production team has had an extensive team of playtesters review the material on a variety of metrics, including balance.

If you want to know more about Eberron, please check out /r/Eberron, the discord, Keith's blog, and the Manifest Zone podcast. There's even a brand new episode dedicated to the book!


Sly Flourish
Todd Talks
Merric's Musings: Part 1
All Things Lich
Dungeon Mapster of None
The Mania
411 Mania
The Tome Show
Total Party Thrill

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The Xoriat section intro is pretty explicit in contrasting the plane with Lamannia. I think "In Your Eberron" it's totally valid to do different pairs, plus I don't think the pairs mean much, but if we're going on a textual "Keith's interpretation" kind of deal then it's Thelanis-DQ and Lamannia-Xoriat

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The Xoriat section intro is pretty explicit in contrasting the plane with Lamannia. I think "In Your Eberron" it's totally valid to do different pairs, plus I don't think the pairs mean much, but if we're going on a textual "Keith's interpretation" kind of deal then it's Thelanis-DQ and Lamannia-Xoriat

Oh, absolutely. I just like my juxtapositions because it draws a starker line between planes that often blend together thematically.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I'm most of the way through the book, and I've gotta say....this book is really, really good. It is absolutely dense with information, but all the information is constantly in service to one ideal: "How can you use this in your game?" Even the parts I wasn't that interested in before, like the sahaugin in the Thunder Sea, turned out to have some fascinating story hooks.


What do you all think of the living weapon monk in the book, not only is it pretty flavorful, but it does alot of damage and makes skirmishing even easier than it was before.


What do you all think of the living weapon monk in the book, not only is it pretty flavorful, but it does alot of damage and makes skirmishing even easier than it was before.
It pretty much makes using anything BUT your fists pointless since all of its abilities/boosted Martial Arts Die strictly key off of Unarmed attacks. Which is pretty much how I always wanted to play the Monk as the Kung-Fu master. So the Crusher Feat would work with it for sure. and if you change to the appropriate damage type, Piercer and Slasher Feats as well. It also auto-upgrades ya to a D6 at Level 3 for your Martial Arts Die while letting you "break" the D10 limit and lets you go to a D12 three levels right before Level 20.

Unless I'm wrong, this Monk Subclass seems like it can HIT like a Fighter and still be tanky if you go for Forgeheart as your second upgrade once you hit Level 17 AND you have your DEX and WIS high enough to boost your AC.


It pretty much makes using anything BUT your fists pointless since all of its abilities/boosted Martial Arts Die strictly key off of Unarmed attacks. Which is pretty much how I always wanted to play the Monk as the Kung-Fu master. So the Crusher Feat would work with it for sure. and if you change to the appropriate damage type, Piercer and Slasher Feats as well. It also auto-upgrades ya to a D6 at Level 3 for your Martial Arts Die while letting you "break" the D10 limit and lets you go to a D12 three levels right before Level 20.

Unless I'm wrong, this Monk Subclass seems like it can HIT like a Fighter and still be tanky if you go for Forgeheart as your second upgrade once you hit Level 17 AND you have your DEX and WIS high enough to boost your AC.

Exactly, or you could go for the more skirmisher type, and take the traveler's blade at level 3 to permanently extend your reach by 5ft, which fixes the opportunity attack problem, and in case your opponents are larger or have more reach, you can spend ki to extend your reach even more, by up to 25 ft, that's huge. And its for the full turn too.

Then at level 17, if you take the Weretouched feature, to give yourself 3 additional attacks instead of two whenever you use flurry of blows. You can essentially do 5 attacks with reach, while using your powerful mobility to avoid counterattack. It's great.

You sacrifice a little bit of potential damage boosts, but you still get the die type increase, and manifest blow upgrades, so you are still doing more damage than other subclasses.


One of the big issues with monk subclasses is trying to decide between keeping to the power level of other subs, and making the monk equal in power to other classes.


Power levels aside, I really appreciate how Living Weapon Monk lets you play out a lot of martial artist fantasies the Monk hasn't supported until now. You can declare you're doing piercing damage with your unarmed attacks because you've focused blade energy around your two outstretched fingers. You can roll a human with the Forged Heart Discipline who was raised in Adar and learned the fighting style of the Adamantine Fist. You can roll a kalashtar with the Traveler's Blade Discipline and flavor the extended reach as focusing your psionic potential into distant telekinetic punches instead of telepathic strikes.

It just has so many cool options, it's hard to imagine playing any other Monk subclass now.


Power levels aside, I really appreciate how Living Weapon Monk lets you play out a lot of martial artist fantasies the Monk hasn't supported until now. You can declare you're doing piercing damage with your unarmed attacks because you've focused blade energy around your two outstretched fingers. You can roll a human with the Forged Heart Discipline who was raised in Adar and learned the fighting style of the Adamantine Fist. You can roll a kalashtar with the Traveler's Blade Discipline and flavor the extended reach as focusing your psionic potential into distant telekinetic punches instead of telepathic strikes.

It just has so many cool options, it's hard to imagine playing any other Monk subclass now.
You can also "flavor" the Psychic damage, in the Nightmare Shroud style, that you do as Dream damage as well.

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