Eyes of Nine
Everything's Fine
I'm 2 sessions into a|state, the only FitD game I've ever played. Session 1 we created characters. Session 2 we created our corner. This Monday (fingers crossed) we'll actually play the downtime-mission-downtime loop at least once.
After which I think I'll have a much better idea of whether I "like" this system or not. I will say a|state setting is very evocative - that has nothing really to do with the rules. It seems to have a lot of little subsystems and economies going on, which tbh is a bit overwhelming. But none of the other players have ever played a FitD game, and the RPG experience total overall across all players is pretty low. So as long as they have can lean into a) the weirdness of the setting and b) their characters schtick - they'll have fun I think
After which I think I'll have a much better idea of whether I "like" this system or not. I will say a|state setting is very evocative - that has nothing really to do with the rules. It seems to have a lot of little subsystems and economies going on, which tbh is a bit overwhelming. But none of the other players have ever played a FitD game, and the RPG experience total overall across all players is pretty low. So as long as they have can lean into a) the weirdness of the setting and b) their characters schtick - they'll have fun I think