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Recent content by Corey

  1. C

    Please suggest some D20 supplements for me

    Ahhh, dissent. Manuel, take this man out and shoot him, please..naw, just kidding. I’m always glad to stand up for my opinions. Nice to meet you, Nightfall. ;) The Worldbuilder’s Guidebook shines as a methodical process for world creation. It gives you a starting point and walks you through...
  2. C

    Would you Kill Eliminster for 1 million Gold?

    I'd do it for a bent copper and a little loincloth lint. :D Corey
  3. C

    Please suggest some D20 supplements for me

    Go to the SVGames site and download a copy of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons World Builder's Guidebook by Richard Baker. It is very useful for creating a world from scratch. Since it costs less than $5 it won't put a huge dent in your budget either. Here's the link...
  4. C

    Looking for D&D game near Leesburg, VA

    Our group in Springfield, VA is looking to add a player. About the campaign: The campaign setting is a fictionalized, fantasy Afghanistan after Alexander’s generals fought the Successor Wars, circa 323-281 BC. Characters are currently fifth level. You can read all about it at...
  5. C

    Good assassins?

    In my homebrew there is an order of assassins who serve good. They are based on Monica Bellucci's character in Brotherhood of the Wolf. She is a tarot-card reading prostitute and assassin working for the pope. In my campaign, the order is a PrC. Here some excerpts from the class description...
  6. C

    101 Ancient Cultures fit for a Campaign...

    60. Greek-Bactrian (Hellenism in Afghanistan) Kingdom -Bias on my part since my home-brew is based on it- 61. Pre-Islamic Arabia 62. pre-Christian Ireland 63. Gotta say it... Graham Hancock's vision of Atlantis, rubbish as far as history goes, but as RPG material it's priceless. See his book...
  7. C

    Aryana Online Interlude

    The final post Days pass as the work on Equlia’s home is completed. On your fourth day in town each of you receives a note delivered by a man dressed in the uniform of Phrada’s guards. Each note says essentially the same thing: “I have heard that your group rid the world of the slaver...
  8. C

    Aryana Online Interlude

    Ajax and Yasmeen The home where Yasmeen and Catika are residing is two stories of mudbrick surrounding a courtyard. After Ajax gives his name he is quickly admitted. Passing from the doorway into the courtyard, he is amazed by the number of cats wandering around. Several of them look him...
  9. C

    Aryana Online Interlude

    Cato goes calling The White Sanctum sits on a small hill just south of Phrada’s Great Market. While the work is less impressive than that of Jehna’s Sanctum, its white walls induce a pleasant sense of peace in Cato’s chest. Inside, he is greeted, offered water, and invited to pray until the...
  10. C

    Aryana Online Interlude

    Cyris gets help After asking around, Cyris reaches the conclusion that fit laborers are hard to come by in Phrada. The fields around the city, watered by an ingenious irrigation system fed from the gushing well that allows the settlement to exist, are being planted with barley and beans...
  11. C

    History Buffs: Time of Alexander

    I second the Grant book reccomendation, but it is mostly Greek and Roman stuff. Its listings are kinda light on information when it comes to other cultures, in my illiterate opinion. Samnell- I'm with you on the Greek-Bactrians. Bactria, renamed Bastiyaan, is the center of my home-brew.
  12. C

    History Buffs: Time of Alexander

    Ashoka ruled 268-233 BC. He killed something like 100 siblings for the throne. Later, horrified by the bloody conquest of Kalinga, he embraced Buddhism and become one of its greatest advocates. His great-grandfather Chandragupta Maurya founded the Mauryan Empire in 321BC. My quick reference...
  13. C

    Aryana Online Interlude

    Ajax goes shopping Emerging back into the daylight, Ajax decides the sun loves Phrada since it blesses the city with such abundant heat. Inquiries quickly lead to the filthy, almost collapsed hovel that is home to Ferishta Hazar, mother of Corum Hazar. The woman is obviously inebriated. She...
  14. C

    Aryana Online Interlude

    Cyris and Equila Following Ajax’s departure, Cyris abruptly calls out to the departing Pardu Afid. “My sister,” he says, “she served Naraka. I would like to ask you to let it be known that she is of ‘your house.’” The Afridi returns and places a hand on Cyris’s shoulder. “If tradition...
  15. C

    Aryana Online Interlude

    Approaching Phrada your group exchanges various bits of information you have acquired, mostly through Mehdi. The city is ruled by a Council of Tyrants. They are reputed to be just rulers. The merchant family of Tissaphrenes dominates much of the city’s trade. Eskander’s Legion, a mounted...