Recent content by curiosity

  1. C

    Sun God...with a twist. Ideas?

    Some great ideas here, thanks guys.
  2. C

    Sun God...with a twist. Ideas?

    In brief: I want my new campaign world to have a monotheistic religion, with the deity being a Sun God. This choice is made for a variety of reasons, mostly flavour - it'll be a hot, dry land, so a Sun God just fits. But, Sun Gods are a bit hackneyed (in D&D and in RL), so my question is...
  3. C

    To cast, you need Catalyst. Implementation?

    Yesss... maybe you need Catalyst to prepare spells, and also you can use it voluntarily during casting to get some metamagic effect(s)... Not bad, but can we do better? (nb: not really sure what 'better' would be here) I did think about Psions, but I Psionics just don't do it for me. But yes...
  4. C

    To cast, you need Catalyst. Implementation?

    In my brewing campaign world, arcane magic will be impossible without the assistance of a powdered metal, called Catalyst (imaginative, no? :p ). This substance will be mined in a specific area of the campaign world, and control over the the mining and distribution of Catalyst will be a hot...
  5. C

    So what's YOUR world's 'hook'?

    So I presume you're a starter for my new Dinosaur-riding Ninjas with Katanas campaign? NB: Gotta work katanas in there somewhere
  6. C

    So what's YOUR world's 'hook'?

    Oh dear. I'm afraid the majority of you have failed World Creation 101 - that makes me VERY ANGRY: :mad: Those of you who passed (you know who you are) get a smiley: :) So then is a distinct hook really that important? Or are most players happy with a fairly generic fantasy setting...
  7. C

    So what's YOUR world's 'hook'?

    Oh dear. Double post
  8. C

    So what's YOUR world's 'hook'?

    IIRC, 'Dungeoncraft' by Ray Winninger demands that every campaign setting have it's point (or points) of distinction, so that it has a hook that will draw the players into the setting. So, a good hook might be that dwarves have subjugated all other races and rule them with an oppressive...
  9. C

    Campaign fluff - plz read and comment!

    *sneaks in a bump when no-one is looking*
  10. C

    Campaign fluff - plz read and comment!

    Thanks everyone - some great food for thought. One extra detail: I was going to run a prelude first up, set 20 years before the campaign begins, where the players play some higher level guys who end up settling down in the starting town. So there would be some grizzled middle-aged adventurers...
  11. C

    Campaign fluff - plz read and comment!

    Ok, bare bones of my campaign world: * PCs live in a small village at the edge of a peaceful & prosperous land. * There has been no serious military threat to the nation for centuries. * Nation is reasonably magic-rich: e.g. mages have mastered art of constructing fixed portals through which...
  12. C

    my PC's are in a small city. now what....

    I don't know, but throw the PCs into something, make them react - don't just let them wander around at a loose end. Maybe they witness an argument in the street about the execution. Maybe it gets out of hand and turn into a fight. Maybe one of the participants goes postal and attacks the other...
  13. C

    Homebrew campaign map idea

    Cool Now I am convinced this is a good idea, and yes, it would be easier just to use an area unrotated, wouldn´t it. The only problem now is finding a good source of maps - preferably topographical and without much writing...
  14. C

    Homebrew campaign map idea

    It seems to me that an easy way to make a map for your homebrew campaign area would just be to get hold of a topographical map of an area of the real world. Then you couldn't help but have a realistic map, with rivers and mountain ranges where they should be, and the work of determining climate...
  15. C

    Where, oh where, to go for homebrew feedback?

    Ah, I see - thanks for the history Joshua, I've been away quite a while (and just changed username). Ok, I will post about my homebrew soon and see what happens.