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Recent content by Duke Arioch

  1. Duke Arioch

    Changeling egoist in e6

    first of all, thx for all the info Rumbletiger. I would give you XP, however, aparently, I "have to spread around more XP to others". last night I joined the said group as a spectator, because I am starting this sunday. Ihad a talk with DM beforehand, and he green lighted everything I presented...
  2. Duke Arioch

    Changeling egoist in e6

    Okay, so I took your advice about no multiclassing. This is what I've come up with. Syl, level 6 Changeling Egoist (racial subs at 1st and 5th, no 3rd) Ability scores (32 pt buy): 8, 10, 14, 17+1, 13, 14 (wis 13 for psionic meditation, come epic feats) PP/day: 49 Feats (in order of acquiring)...
  3. Duke Arioch

    Changeling egoist in e6

    I am not sure about lvl1 substitution, because the way I understood it is that character needs to be able to manifest and upon manifesting on self, character treats the manifester level as 1 higher for purpose of effects (duration, HD of a monster to turn into in case of Metamorphosis), but...
  4. Duke Arioch

    Changeling egoist in e6

    Hello everyone. Long time no see, and I apologize for that. My contract on cruiser ended 3 days ago, and I am home after 8 months (yeeey! for internet). On the topic, my friend is DMing an e6 game (party is just about to hit lvl2), and one of the players had to leave. My friend asked me to fill...
  5. Duke Arioch

    Divine Blooded Template

    What about a Saint template? And a divine rank of 0.
  6. Duke Arioch

    D&D 5E My next character.

    A couple of levels of binder (even 1 lvl dip) could grant you fun abilities. Naberius is very nice, and fits the flavor of your character.
  7. Duke Arioch

    Appz. Yo.

    Pfft... destroy her cortical node, and play D&D as it was meant to be played: table, dice, pen, paper and imagination.
  8. Duke Arioch

    D&D 5E My next character.

    Have you thought about Cabinet Trickster PrC (Races of Eberron)? Easy req (disguise 9, 1 so-so feat), and you loose 2 BAB over 5 lvls, get 6+int mod skill points, good ref and will, and as capstone, Minor Change shape becomes Change shape (small or medium humanoid).
  9. Duke Arioch

    Appz. Yo.

    I use sheets of my own design. I would XP you, but I can't yet .
  10. Duke Arioch

    Appz. Yo.

    I would never, ever change real table, real dice and real sheets (yes, even the smudged ones) for electronic media. It simply does not have the feel the real stuff does. Oh, I do use smart phones as easier access to info (as opposed to lugging 500lbs in books), but that is the only concession I...
  11. Duke Arioch

    Darkstalker VS Lifesense(s)

    I agree. I always houserule that mindblank and similar effects block mindsight. It is not RAW, but it seems to be common sense.
  12. Duke Arioch

    Darkstalker VS Lifesense(s)

    You say unfortunately, I say fortunately XD Guess we know who hides, and who seeks :p
  13. Duke Arioch

    Darkstalker VS Lifesense(s)

    I think Darkstalker beats Lifesense (Su), as it is only a special version of Blindsense which is specifically stated in Darkstalker text. However, the feat acts differently, and should beat darkstalker. Mindsight+telepathy is another way one can beat darkstalker.
  14. Duke Arioch

    Armor, Weapons, Gear - What level of detail?

    You are right. Bookkeeping nightmare. Although, I am still convinced that some sort of maintenance of gear should exist: I am having trouble with silk robes not being cut into ribbons after getting rent with sword/axe, while you are dragging your intestines behind you for receiving the same...
  15. Duke Arioch

    20 Questions about your Game

    Ability scores generation method? -Point buy or 4d6-worst roll How are death and dying handled? -PC: -Con score=death, 0=unconscious; NPC: 0=death What about raising the dead? -Try to avoid (timely rescue by a recurring uber NPC) but, if funds are available, resurrection is possible...